《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Make the Pain Go Away



~Chapter Twenty-Five~


I woke up in my cage, my body unable to move. It hurt so much... I glanced at my bruised shoulders, teeth marks decorated me.

As if I wasn't hurt enough...

I tried looking at the rest of myself by moving my head. My hips were black and blue, and some clips from fingernails were embedded in me. My bottom hurt so much... I couldn't move. Every slight shift of my body caused me pain. I couldn't really remember what happened, besides the fact that Cayden took my innocence... And I was tainted. Jake would never want me now...

I stayed curled up, my body starting to shake. Jake... Tears began falling as my mind replayed memories of Jake.. I wanted him to come save me...

I flinched in fright when I heard the door leading down to me open. I heard laughter and thudding footsteps as people made their way down. I couldn't move my head to see who it was. It smelled of cigarettes...

"Is that him?" A male voice I didn't know said.

"Yeah." I knew that was Cayden's voice.

"He's just lying there. Is he dead?" Another, different male voice.

"No, just resting."

"Can we just wake him up? I'm so horny." The first voice spoke.

"Hey, pay up first," Cayden growled. I heard the sliding of paper money and rustling. I flinched when Cayden undid the lock on the cage. He was holding a cigarette in his mouth. "Morning, love. I have new customers." He smiled at me and opened the cage. "Get out." I started to panic.

"N-No!! I-I'm not y-your slave!" I tried making my voice strong. It all backfired. Cayden grabbed my hair and forced me out.


"I said, GET OUT!" He threw me to the ground. Everything hurt so much... My head hit the cement floor, along with the rest of my limp body.

"Oh." One guy with black hair said. "He's adorable."

"Cuter than my girlfriend." The other, with blonde hair, laughed. Cayden looked at them and nodded.

"You guys get an hour." He took the cigarette from his mouth and blew out the smoke. "If you need more time, it'll cost you more." He knelt down beside me and smirked. "Be good, won't you?" When I didn't answer, he pressed the lit end of his cigarette to my skin. It burned like hell. I screamed, pulling away and looking at my arm. A sizzling black circle was embedded in my skin. "Next time," he started, tossing the cigarette into a bucket of water. "Answer me." He nodded at the guys and walked up the stairs.

"What first?" The blonde boy asked. The black haired boy pulled out a vial and a syringe. "What's that?"

"Alprostadil," the black haired boy muttered. "Get him restrained." He gestured over to me. The blonde boy came over and grabbed my wrists. I was too weak to do anything... He forced me to lie on my back while he held my arms above my head. I didn't know what was happening.. The black haired boy got close, kneeling down and getting in between my legs.

"Hush," he whispered to me. "It'll be painful."

**To see the rest, go to my book called "Specialty Parts" for the naughty bits! YOU MUST BE FOLLOWING ME TO VIEW THE RATED-R SCENES**



I drove to my house, tears streaming down my cheeks. I could barely see.



Please, oh god... Please be okay...

My insides felt like they were being torn up. The bond between us was weakening... He could be dying... Every part of me was telling me to go after him and save him...

But I would get slaughtered before I even got to him. Eleven wolves against one..? Those odds don't look well. I parked like a maniac and ran inside.

"DAD!!!!!" I screamed, running in. My mom looked up at me in fright.

"Jake? What's the matter?" She closed the book she was reading and grabbed my shoulders. "Jake!"

"DESMOND HAS NATHAN!!!!!!" I yelled, still looking for my dad. My mom's eyes widened.

"LUCIAN!" She cried, looking around. My dad came in, oil covering his hands from working on his car.

"Dear lord, what's all the yelling about?" He yelled over us, wiping his hands on a dirty towel.

"Desmond has Nathan," my mom said breathlessly. It was as if time stood still. My dad quickly ran to the phone and called someone.

"Get everyone here NOW." He said and gently placed the phone back on the charger. He stood silent for a few moments. "Jake.." He looked back at me from behind his shoulder. "No matter how much it hurts... You can't go out there alone.." I looked down. It was already hurting so bad... I could feel our connection stretching. My wolf within whined for me to do something to stop the pain.

I ran to my room and locked the door. I paced, my chest tightening. I didn't realize until I glanced into my mirror that I was crying.


Nathan laid against me as we watched the twinkling stars above.

"Why do you cut, Natey..?" I asked, looking over at him. I could feel his body stiffening at the question.

"It's..." He started, "It's almost easier to answer why I don't..." He said back, not looking at me. I reached over and took his hand, lacing our fingers together. My thumb rubbed the back of his hand. Lying on the roof of his home at night was almost unreal... Just us...

"It's okay," I whispered. "Just... Talk." Nathan nodded a bit and paused to get his thoughts together.

"I guess... It's half because I think I deserve it for being the way I am..." He said softly. "No one else made me this way..." My heart ached.

"You don't deserve that.." I whispered to him. He shrugged again.

"And the other half.... Because it takes away my pain, even if it's for a few seconds..." I paused and looked at him. "I know that seems weird," he smiled sadly. "But it does. I get... Numb, and I forget everything for those few seconds..."

*End of Flashback*

The pain... Goes away..?

I shakily rummaged through my bathroom drawers and found my extra blades for my razor. My trembling fingers held one as I went back to my bed.

I pulled up my sleeve and watched my wrist. Make it stop... I have to feel what he felt... Tears splattered on my wrist as I drug the blade against my skin. It became just a scratch...

It wasn't enough...

I yelled in agony as I dug the blade in further, blood dripping down my hand. For that moment, everything got silent.

No movement, no feeling- nothing.

I'm sorry, Natey... I'll come save you... And I'll never let you go...



Sorry guys for the long wait! The electricity in my house is going all crazy and now we don't have wifi or a computer!


Now, it's all fixed!



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