《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Procrastination and School


~Chapter One~


You know what really sucks about high school? The goddamn society. I've managed to keep my sexuality on the "down low". Although, being gay, there are some hints that no one can stop.

I'm gay... No one knows EXACTLY besides my best friend Addison, my mom and my sister, Kellyn. My dad wouldn't know because he hasn't seen me for fifteen years after leaving my mother.

So, if you're wondering, I haven't had a boyfriend yet. Yes. Shun me, I haven't. Not that any of the other gays aren't cute, I'm just too shy to even start a conversation. Call me cliche, but I feel more comfortable around girls. Addison Quinn, my best friend since diaper days, accepts me as one of the Vagina Clan. Not that I don't appreciate that, but she can be oblivious to things, even herself.

Today was another Friday.... Test Day. Addison had been blowing up my phone the night before with all the homework she procrastinated on. I love her, but I don't think she'll get to college by herself.

"Nathan!!! I need your help again!" Addison screamed as she ran down the hallway, slamming into me. "Algebra's too hard!!" I stumbled back a bit, the breath being knocked out of me. Addison's thin, but with a butt and boobs like hers she'd crush anyone if she wanted to.

"A-Adi... Jeez, I thought we figured this out last night!" I took her shoulders and pulled back a bit to see her face. She smiled innocently. And guiltily.

"Sorry~! That was the assignment from Wednesday! I need help on YESTERDAY'S." I sighed heavily.

"You're hopeless." I smiled a bit at her. "I'll help you after school, alright? It's only one and we can finish all your homework then..." Addison looked like she was going to burst with happiness.


"You mean it?!"

"Why else would I suggest it?" Addison squealed and jumped onto me, squeezing the living soul from my body. I gasped for air, slamming against the lockers. Mr. Timmins, our Vice Principle who was only five feet tall, glared at us. He cleared his throat.

"Ms. Quinn? Do you think that's appropriate high school behavior?" Addison let go of me and looked down at him.


"Then should you be doing it?" He raised a brow. Addison just sat there.

"Yup." Mr. Timmins sighed softly.

"Ms. Quinn. I'm afraid your answer is incorrect. You should NOT be doing it." Addison rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, shoo Mr. Smurf. Don't you have any other kids you love to pick on?" Mr. Timmins looked offended.

"Ms. Quinn!!!" I started to panic and grabbed Adi's arm.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Timmins! I promise I'll keep an eye on her! It won't happen again!" I smiled nervously. Many teens turned to watch. Addison muttered something vulgar under her breath. I managed to pull Adi away and close to our first class.

"What the hell was that, Adi?!" She shrugged, obviously not fazed by it.

"I hate him."

"That doesn't give you the right to call him a Smurf!" She played with a keychain on her backpack. I sighed softly. "Adi, please, we only have one year and a half left in high school. Don't make yourself insufferable now." Adi looked up at me with her sparkling eyes.

"I~~~~~ don't know what that means." She smiled sheepishly. "Come on, Nathan, get that pole outta your butt and relax!" I glared at her.

"Your gay jokes keep getting worse and worse." She smirked and walked into the class. She sat in the back, as always, pushing a girl out of the seat next to her for me. I sighed and slowly sat down. "Adi, people are gonna hate you."


"Girls do hate me." She started doodling in her notebook that was ONLY full of doodles, though it said notes on the front. "It's not my fault I was blessed with this body and personality." I rolled my eyes and opened my notebook up, that was filled with my neat handwriting.

I swear, she's gonna be arrested soon. I told myself, glancing up at her. She was really pretty and was a guy magnet nonetheless, but she wasn't shy or self-conscious. I hate her for that. I'm not obese or even remotely over weight, I'm just.... A bit chubby. And I hate it. I looked out the window, gazing at the sun that tried to peek out from behind the clouds.

My sister on the other hand, she's unreal. Perfect blonde hair and bright, icy blue eyes. She's super fit and is literally what you see in Victoria's Secret.

(Okay. Pause. I don't go into Victoria's Secret for fun. I wanna make that perfectly clear. Addison always drags me around the mall with her and she's always in there getting my opinions on panty types and bra colors.)

Alright, back to my insecurities. I hate my body. Yup. Also, I get teased a lot for it. And teased, is an understatement. I guess you could say I went through a TERRIBLE depression between seventh grade, and it's still going on. Only Addison knows what I've done to myself.

I remember it clearly. I still remember it every time I see the jagged and unclean scars all over my stomach and my thighs. Some have been added over a few weeks, but none as bad as when I was literally surrounded by people who judged me. I guess you could say that's another reason why I don't try to find a guy to date. I'm not... Perfect.

I broke out of my little daze when Addison shoved me a bit. "Nathan!" She hissed. I looked up at Mrs. Pane. She had one hand on her bony and old hip, and the other holding the big ass text book we have to use during English. She didn't look happy.

"Mr. Greene? What is so important out there that you are not paying attention?" I swallowed hard.

"N-nothing, Mrs. Pane.. I-I was just blanking out for a moment.." She kept her mean glare on me.

"Pay attention." I nodded and looked down at my book. Addison was still drawing, hiding a headphone behind her hair. For being pretty oblivious, she was amazing at hiding and taking things and no one would notice. I'm not too sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing.

My phone in my pocket vibrated quietly. I slid it on my book to read the message. 'Wanna ditch this hellhole and go to some place fun?' I glanced at Addison who was smirking. Of course, the person who needs the most help, skips.

'I dunno... What if we get caught?'

'Then we get caught. It's not that bad.' I rolled my eyes.

'Where to?'

'I hear Jake Atkinson and his best friend are throwing a big party. There's music, lights, food, and a whole lotta boys.' I blushed a bit and tried to hide it.

'You're so articulate.'

'I don't know what that means either. So, you in?' I glanced around. It couldn't hurt, could it? I've never been to an actual party...

'Let's go, bitch.'



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