《COZplay》Part 6
Marinette: i was crushing on his cousin for a long time
Marinette: and then he came to leave in Paris and i
Felix was nervously clenching his phone waiting for her next message.
Marinette: i don't know
Marinette: we were arguing a lot
Marinette: and i felt
Marinette: alive?
Marinette: i guess
Marinette: 'cause u see they look alike
Marinette: so he is damn good looking just like his cousin is
Marinette: but evil
Marinette: like an evil twin
Marinette: there is something so hot in this evil part though
Marinette: i mean
Marinette: i think i get turned on when i argue with him
Marinette: in a sexual sense
Marinette: usually woman wants her man to be gentle with her
Marinette: u know
Marinette: but sometimes she just wants to be fucked hard
Marinette: not that i knew on practice, but as i feel it probably is
Marinette: have you ever heard about hate-sex?
Marinette: i think he could do the fuck-hard-part really good
Felix's hand trembled and he dropped his phone on the desk, still in shock from what she had just written.
He glanced around to see if the bang of the phone hadn't caught the attention of his classmates, but when he turned back, he met Marinette's gaze.
She turned around to him and looked at him in surprise, as if she hadn't just written about his potential sexual talents...
Felix put on a bored expression on his face and Marinette turned away without looking at his phone.
He breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the phone again.
Marinette: yes, definitely
Marinette: he would be good in bed
Coz: do u often think about which of ur classmates would be good in bed?
Marinette: first of all, i don't think about all my classmates in bed, but only about one of them
Marinette: and secondly
Marinette: it's not my fault he turns me on like this
Marinette: the more i get mad at him, the more i want him
Marinette: it's probably not appropriate for a virgin
Marinette: but hey
Marinette: not that i'm planning on staying in this condition forever
Felix swallowed nervously.
Coz: how did we go from feeling someone's eyes on u to u planning to lose your virginity?
Marinette: not someone's eyes on me
Marinette: HIS eyes on me
Marinette: no one else makes me so angry or turns me on so much
Marinette: and about losing my virginity, u gave me an idea
Coz: i'm not sure i want to ask which one
Marinette: u kind off just did
Marinette: but i would tell u anyway
Marinette: he could be a good choice
Felix felt his hand tremble again and put his phone on the desk not to drop it once more.
Coz: who?
Marinette: i told u
Marinette: the guy that sits behind me in class
Coz: what would he be a good choice for?
Felix wasn't an idiot and knew the answer to his question, but his brain refused to accept what was happening.
Marinette: do i have to spell it for u?
Marinette: i think that Felix Graham de Vanily would be a good choice to lose my virginity with
Felix was sitting in shock looking at the screen of his phone.
But hadn't she just told Adrien that she was practically in love with him, the other him she'd never met?
How can she write those things to him then?!
Maybe she wants to make him jealous? She doesn't know he is the same person!
Yes, she probably writes all this only to arouse his jealousy.
Marinette: in fact
Marinette: now i have to think how to seduce him
Felix blinked.
She really was gonna try to seduce him?
No, she just wrote it to Coz to tease him.
Do girls do that? They probably do. It's not that he would be able to know about it If he wasn't the same persone.
Coz: good luck with that
Marinette: oh, i don't need any luck with that
Marinette: when i have other weapons
Felix narrowed his eyes.
'Just teasing' – he reminded himself.
Nothing is going to actually happen.
Marinette got up and walked over to his desk as soon as the bell rang, so Felix was still seated.
She leaned over and put her elbows on his desk, bent down lower and put a notebook in front of him.
Felix didn't see which one though, because his attention was riveted on her blouse, the buttons of which were open in much greater numbers than usual. And this fact, combined with her slope, gave him a very picturesque view of the upper roundness of her breasts, beautifully framed by her lacy bra.
"Could you explain this exercise to me?" Marinette asked, thankfully not noticing where his eyes fell.
"W-what?" Felix asked, shaking his head.
"Up here, macho!" She called, biting the pencil that she was holding. "So... uhh... I don't understand how it works here, and Adrien told me once that you're good at... ummm... studies."
While saying this Marinette was looking at him as if slowly taking his clothes off with her eyes and Felix got goosebumps down his spine and was slightly feverish.
He didn't expect her to actually try... to seduce him?
He loosened the tie around his neck a little so he could breathe easier and tried to focus on the notebook that Marinette had placed in front of him.
Usually, of course, he would immediately send her off, if only in order to mask his changed attitude towards her and not give out that he had been texting with her for hours for almost a week now and talking to her on the phone until they both fell asleep every night.
But Felix was so dumbfounded and taken aback by her behavior, that the only thing he could think about at that moment was how to make sure that Marinette wouldn't notice that he didn't even need to be seduced. Because everything was prepared in his pants from her last messages and completely ready with Marinette showing off her breasts...
So Felix had to make her leave as soon as possible without noticing his erection...
"Can I explain this to you another time?" He asked, focusing with difficulty on the exercise in her book.
"Sure!" Marinette answered readily and straightened up, taking the notebook.
Well, that was easy!
"So do you prefer to come to my place after school or should I come to yours?" She asked enthusiastically. "Does 7 sounds good to you?"
Felix's eyes widened a little in horror before he could prevent his reaction. Thankfully Marinette seemed not to notice his shock.
"I... uh... tonight?" He clarified.
"Of course tonight!" The girl exclaimed. "We have a test in two days, so I need to learn it as soon as possible!"
'Say you're busy', 'Say you're busy!' His inner voice begged.
"7 is good." Felix said instead. "Here is my address." He added, writing it down.
He tore out a sheet of paper and gave it to her.
Marinette seemed very pleased.
"I'm looking forward to our meeting tonight." She said.
And only now Felix realized that this must have been her plan from the very beginning to... seduce him and lose her virginity... with him?
Just to use him?..
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