《Little Rebel》Chapter 3


As soon as I got back to my room, I pulled out my phone and called Perrie, not even thinking of what time it was.

"What?" Her hushed voice said as soon as she answered the phone.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Because you called me during math, stupid. I had to ask to go to the bathroom." She explained.

"Oh, oops. But Pez, they're really doing it. They're sending me to Kian's next week." I said, almost crying.

She gasped. "Why?"

"I don't know. My dad said so I can 'have a brotherly influence in my life', but we all know that's a bunch of BS and they're just trying to get rid of me. Especially the she-devil." I said, bitterly.

"Oh, Jord. I'm so sorry." She said, sadly.

"Whatever, can you come over after school? I'll sneak you in through the window." I asked her.

"Yeah, listen, I got to go before Mr. Plum Plum thinks I have explosive diarreah or something. I'll see you later." With that, she hung up on me laughing my head off.

I shook my head as I plugged my phone into my speakers, turning on Work by Iggy Azalea. Since I have ADHD, I am definitely not the type of person who can just sit in their room for hours, doing nothing but listen to music. I have to be doing something.

I knew after our fight, my mom would ignore me for a while, so I took advantage of this and pulled out my skateboard and started working on my tricks Because she'll be busy ignoring me, she won't tell me to stop.

I practiced on my board until there was a knock on my window, scaring me so bad, I fell to the ground with a thud, my board shooting across the room.


I heard laughing, and looked over at the window to see Perrie there, laughing her head off. I rolled my eyes and stood up, opening the window for her.

She climbed through. "Sup bi-atch."

"Hey whore." I said to her, putting my skateboard away.

"So they're really sending you away?" She asked.

"Yeah," I sighed.

We both laid on my bed, not saying anything. Although it was lot easier for Perrie to do that than it was for me.

Before we had been laying there for five minutes, I had already started getting antsy.

My leg was going about a mile a minute and I was humming How You Remind Me by Nickelback.

"I've got to go home before my mom gets worried." Perrie said.

I kinda feel bad though, because I just think she was getting annoyed at me.

"Oh, ok. Well text me." I said as she headed to my window.

"Def, I'll talk to you later." She then left and I closed the window behind her.

I sighed and grabbed the sharpie I always have handy. Since I had already doodled on my left arm, I started working on my right. Drawing tattoos I wanted in the future.

My favorite one was the heart made out of the treble and bass clefs. I'm thinking of getting it when I'm old enough. Maybe I can get away with getting it when I go to Kian's! Well that's an idea.

"Jordyn," My dad knocked on my door.

"Yeah?" I said, opening it for him.

"It's time for dinner, can you please come downstairs."

"Yeah, one second."

He nodded and walked away. I capped my sharpie and put it back on my desk, grabbing my phone, I followed my dad downstairs.


I sat down at the table across from my mom and next to my dad.

I served myself the pasta that was sitting in the middle of the table. My dad tried to make dinner a less awkward experience, asking my mom about work and me about Perrie and stuff, but nothing could help.

My mom was either glaring at me, or totally ignoring everyone and everything around her.

"I'm full," I said, after I had enough of her glaring. I pushed my plate away from me and stood up. "I'll be in the backyard."

Before my mom or dad could protest, I went out the back door to our back yard. I went up on our trampoline and started jumping, doing flips every once in a while.

My mom had gotten the trampoline for me when I was diognosed with ADHD, hoping that it would help me get some of my energy out. It usually doesn't, but when I have negative energy and just need to get some anger out, it helps then.

I just stayed outside on the trampoline until it started getting dark.

"Jord, come on inside and get ready for bed!" my dad called from the backdoor.

"Kay!" I yelled back.

I did one last back flip, then got off the trampoline, going inside. I grabbed some pajamas for tonight, and went to my bathroom to take a shower.

I turned on some music and took my makeup off and my contacts out, then got in the shower. I washed my face, hair and scrubbed all the sharpie off my arms and got out.

I got dressed in some black tank top with my black and yellow batman pajama shorts with my bunny slippers . I threw my hair up in a messy bun and left the bathroom, hanging up my wet towel.

I went back to my room, put my glasses on and grabbed my laptop, I watched some Youtube videos before that got boring, which was only after like three videos. So I went on Netflix and turned on American Horror Story. But me being me, can't just watch a tv show like a normal human being, I was also on my phone the entire time, switching from twitter to instagram to facebook to playing games. I was all over the place.

My dad came into my room to say goodnight after a while. "I won't see you in the morning because you aren't going to school, but I'll leave a note for you in the kitchen reminding you to take your meds in case you forget. Which you will."

We both laughed. "Thanks so much, dad." I said sarcastically.

"Anytime hon." He kissed my head and left to go to his room.

I turned off my laptop and put it back on my desk. I put my glasses on my nightstand and got under the covers. Grabbing my headphones, I put them over my head and turned on my music. I'm weird, I can't fall asleep without music playing. I don't know why, I just can't.

I pressed shuffle, and Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo came on. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep quickly.


Ok, Habits (Stay High) is like my new favorite song. If you haven't heard it, go listen to it.

I hope you liked this chapter, and if you did, vote and comment.

Go follow me on twitter @CartahftCaniff

Bye whores and whorettes. Stay coudy :)

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