《One of the guys》Truth Or Dare?


Connor helped Cindy up from the floor, and helped clean her off. "Oh hey Cindy!" Connor realized "Hey" Cindy replied "I didnt see you and I tought you werent coming" Connor said "I would never do that" Cindy stated.

"Come on, I have to show you 5 other cool people" Connor said, Cindy squealed a little bit.

When they approached the boys, Cindy almost cried, the rest of the boys she had been dying to meet where at her fingertips. "Hey guys, this is Cindy, Cindy this is... well you already know" Connor said sarcastically. Cindy eyes started to water, 6 very cute guys that she adored and fangirled about every day for 1 in a half years. Cindy covered her face with her hands, trying to make them not notice "Oh is she crying?" JC Asked She leaned over to Connor to put her head on his shoulder "Guess she is" Connor replied. She picked her head up and wiped away her tears, "Sorry im just really excited to meet you guys" Cindy said. "So what do you guys say for a game of Football?" Kian said. They all agreed and started to play. Trevor won mostly all but Cindy was winning almost all too. When the game finished, they all sat down and played truth or dare "Sam you go first" Ricky said "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" Sam replied "Who is the most prettiest fan you have met?" Ricky asked "Well they are all pretty, buy id have to say Cindy..." Sam answered. Cindy felt awkward and blushed but she just went along with it. It was then Cindy's turn "Truth or dare?" JC said "Dare" Cindy sid hesitintly "I dare you to step inside a tow-truck while its at the light, and try to get out" "Umm okay" Cindy said. They walked to the light and waited for a tow-truck. They finally saw one, Cindy waited for it to stop and hopped in it, when it started to move Cindy got stuck and the car took her, they all started to laugh but ran after it. When it stopped at the next light, they pulled the tread that was holding Cindy up and helped her out "Well that was an adventure" Cindy said Sarcastically they walked back to the place they were, and Continued to play. It was then Kian's turn, "Truth or Dare?" Connor said


"Dare" Kian replied "I dare you to prank someone like at a super market or someplace like that "How about Walmart?" They all agreed and they got in Kian's car to drive there. When they arrived, they parked and went inside. JC pulled out the video

camera and started recording. Kian went up to the phone that the workers use to get the shoppers attention, and yelled "HEY SHOPPERS, LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL THIS CHRISTMAS? WELL GO TO TARGET CAUSE WE DONT HAVE SHIT" He quickle put it down and ran back to were we were. He then went in Aisle 3 and started pushing down the items off the shelf, then he went to Aisle 5 and started to scream. When we left, the security came up to us "We recieved some complains that you were disturbing the store" They said "We werent disturbing it we were having fun" Kian said sarcastically "You're trying to act slick, arent you?"

"Nope im just being me" Kian said

"Kian stop" Cindy demanded

"No cause we were not disturbing the store" Kian replied

"And hes just a security guard, what harm can he do?" Kian said

"You're right, im just a security guard, I dont have no control over you" The security said he then pulled out his walkey talkey and called for the police, they were screwed. When the police arrived, Cindy's heart dropped, today might be the day We might go to jail.

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