《Silence ✔️》• Twenty-Seven
Anyone who was attending prom at Hyrule High had chosen this very day to ask out their dates. Joy was abundant in the school's building. Almost every single student was wearing a smile on their face, or asking their date to prom.
However, Zelda was one of few that felt too nervous to ask someone out to prom. She had originally planned on asking Link, but goddesses, she was far too cowardly to do such a simple thing. Waiting was her only resort, and if nobody asked her to the dance, she would just go with Midna and their newfound friend, Mipha.
It had been awhile since the two girls encountered Mipha in the mall, where the red Zora girl helped them find the perfect prom dresses, even one for herself. And ever since that day, the three girls had been hanging out. Mipha felt included and appreciated for once in her life, and she would never take this for granted.
While Zelda was pondering over how today would play out during French class, as per usual, Mipha was taking a restroom break. She had gotten permission from her biology teacher to use the restroom, but in actuality this was just an escape from class for a few minutes.
During her time socializing with Zelda and Midna, Mipha had discovered a couple of things about her two new friends. She did consider them friends, despite how many times she lead herself to believe they thought differently. She was happy and that was all that mattered.
Back to what she was originally thinking, she recalled some things Midna had mentioned to her. Midna told Mipha one day that Zelda had fallen head over heels for Link, somebody even a social outcast like Mipha knew. He was well known in the school, only for his looks, though—nothing else. Just from observing Link from afar, she had developed a tiny crush on him. She hated herself for it, but it just happened.
Mipha had talked to him about three times during her time here, and each and every time he was so genuine and nice. They really only discussed their interests those times, their only common one being writing. Mipha told Link of her works and everything she had written, while he did the same thing.
It was nice to know that there were still humane people out there; people like Zelda, Midna, and Link.
Taking the fact that Zelda loved Link into consideration was difficult for Mipha, for she liked him as well, as aforementioned. A sigh escaped her lips as she stared directly towards her reflection in the mirror, just observing, but discreetly trying to spot out any of her flaws.
Going to prom with her crush would be a dream, but Mipha knew that Zelda would have a better chance of getting that opportunity. Besides, she didn't have the courage to ask him, and Zelda probably didn't either.
Mipha cared for herself, but she always found herself caring more about her friend's wellbeing than her own. She decided that it would make her happy if Zelda got to attend prom with the person she loved.
Midna would surely tag along with her, anyway, since the orange haired girl didn't have an interest in anyone at this school.
The red Zora girl smiled to herself, hearing somebody else enter the ladies restroom. With an embarrassed blush on her cheeks, she pretended like she was just leaving the restroom. Slipping by the girl who entered, she began to pace back to her classroom before Miss Urbosa became furious. It was very easy for anyone, even the kindest of souls, to anger such a woman.
Mipha didn't want to take any chances.
Class was interesting for Link. He happened to be in the same class as Mipha, who sat beside a male, red Zora who bore a resemblance to her—Link remembered that his name was Sidon. It was nothing between Mipha and Link, it was their teacher.
"Today, Mrs. Fi will be helping me teach the class," Ghirahim announced proudly, patting the blue haired woman beside him atop her fluffy head.
Fi smiled at the slightest. "Indeed."
"Wait! Who's she? Why is she helping teach the class?" a Rito girl named Medli asked frantically.
Ghirahim rolled his eyes. "I just said—her name is Mrs. Fi, but just call her Fi if you want."
"Is she your friend or something?" Riju questioned.
"No. She is my wife."
The entire class gasped, everyone was wearing shocked expressions of some kind.
"Mr. Ghirahim? Married?!" a blonde haired girl named Ilia exclaimed. She began to laugh afterwards. "That's unimaginable!"
"It's true!" Ghirahim yelled, presenting his hand to the entire classroom and pointing at the very obvious ring on his promise finger. "I am married!"
"That's just stupid," Riju muttered, an amused expression playing on her face.
"Mrs. Fi! Why did you marry someone like Mr. Ghirahim?" Ilia asked urgently.
Fi blinked, giving her a look like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Because I fell in love with him."
"He's a weirdo."
"He yells a lot."
"I thought he was gay?"
"I am!" Ghirahim interrupted the random student.
"But—But Fi's—"
"My foolish husband swings both ways," Mrs. Fi concluded, silencing that argument.
A few whispers were heard amongst the students, before someone said:
"I'd say he's more in love with himself than with you, probably."
"Class! Shut up!" Ghirahim exclaimed, his angry expression somehow becoming even more menacing. Despite how quickly he slammed his fists down on his desk, his white hair managed to keep its place so perfectly, with only one strand disconnecting from the rest.
Fi sighed. "This was a bad idea, I told you."
"Yes, but—how was I supposed to know?" Ghirahim questioned, sitting down at his desk and covering his face with both hands. "This job is going to be the end of my sanity."
"When were you ever sane?" Sidon retorted with such a suave look on his face. Most of the females in the class swooned at him just speaking, while Mr. Ghirahim gave Sidon the scariest look anyone had ever seen on the man's face.
"You shall get so much homework tonight as punishment!" Ghirhaim suddenly yelled. "Do all of chapter twenty-eight, all of it!"
A collective group of sighs rung throughout the classroom, the sounds of students pulling out their algebra II books commencing soon after.
Link wished his classmates could just shut their mouths most of the time - it wasn't a hard task, and whenever they were all quiet, nothing bad happened. How was it that hard to learn such a simple rule? Don't talk. It's not that complicated.
"That was exciting," Mipha muttered under her breath, causing Link to glance her way and chuckle a bit.
Mipha just blushed—Link had noticed her for the fourth time, if she could remember correctly. It wasn't something to be truly proud of, but it was something.
She smiled through her homework, despite how much she wished her life could end right now. So much work and so little patience is what she had.
School had just ended, and this was a time for even more students to ask out their dates to prom. Everywhere she looked, Zelda could only see girls swooning over their dates or hugging them after being accepted.
She rolled her eyes a bit, not even thinking twice that she could possibly be in that situation as well.
As she made her way out of school, she spotted Mipha leaning against one of the walls. A smile graced her face as she approached her friend.
Zelda waved a bit at Mipha, causing the Zora to wave back and smile a bit.
The two girls decided to go outside and chat, instead of having to witness sappy couples in the hallways. They retreated outside of the school, both sitting on a random and empty bench near the baseball field.
"Are you asking anyone to prom?" Zelda signed to Mipha, and the girl in questioning had already feared someone would eventually ask her this question.
"Nope," Mipha replied simply, brushing off any sense of hurt she felt.
Zelda nodded. "I want to ask someone, but I'm too nervous to."
I already know who, Mipha almost signed aloud to her friend, but she contained her words.
Just as she thought this, Link had exited the school and aimlessly made his way over to the baseball field. He sat down on one of the benches near the grates, pulling out some paper and a textbook, plus a pencil. While he was doing his work, not very productively, he watched the baseball team practice for their big game at the end of the school year.
Zelda bit her lip when she saw him, one half of her heart urging herself to stand up and go ask Link to prom, while the other half of her heart begged her to just stay where she was. One half was free and the other part was asleep, to put it in a metaphorical way.
Mipha noticed the look in Zelda's eyes. Instead of feeing any sort of negativity towards such a kind friend, Mipha smiled and patted Zelda's shoulder.
"You should go ask him," Mipha signed once she caught Zelda's attention.
Zelda's eyes widened in fear. "Oh, no no no. I can't do that!"
Something made Mipha want to vent to Zelda about this love problem of hers—to tell her friend about how she liked Link as well, and desperately wished she had enough courage to ask him to prom. Or to even just chat with him in general. But, she knew that telling her about her crush on Link would only make Zelda feel guilty of her actions. Mipha didn't want her friend to feel that way just because of her. So, she kept her mouth shut. Encouraging her silently would be the best route to take, she thought.
"At least go and talk to him," Mipha suggested, playfully rolling her eyes. "You can do that, right?"
The brunette exhaled. "I don't know."
"You don't have to ask him right now," the red Zora said, "but you should go and hang out with him."
Zelda chuckled. "I'd rather hang out with you, Mipha."
Suddenly, Mipha stood up abruptly from her seat, standing in front of Zelda. "Both of us know that's a lie," she signed with a sly look. "Go and talk to him."
With mock annoyance, Zelda stood up and began to walk in the direction of where Link was seated. From behind, Mipha just watched her friend with happiness in her heart. There was sorrow in there as well, but she felt more happiness towards her friend's wellbeing.
Her honey colored eyes watched Zelda until she sat down beside Link, and then Mipha began to walk away. Coincidentally, she met up with Midna just as she was leaving the scene. Excitedly, the red Zora girl began to inform Midna of what she had convinced Zelda to do, and what may follow because of it.
Meanwhile, Zelda was just staring at her feet while Link finished writing a paper for his literature class. Once he finished that, he began to put all his academical supplies away.
Then, he faced Zelda.
A wave of courage seemed to have washed over his mind, because he felt even more confident than ever now. He wanted to ask Zelda if she would like to attend prom with him. Link knew good and well that he wouldn't even go otherwise, because, what was the purpose if he would be alone?
Catching her attention, he collected all the courage he had in his body in this very moment, lifting his hands up to sign the important question.
"Zelda," he started simply, and Zelda just gave him an even more expecting look.
Goddesses, don't do that, he wanted to say.
"Will you go to prom with me?" he signed the question. Link noticed that he found it easier to ask such questions in sign language. Since he didn't have to verbally speak, not a shred of nervousness could clog up his throat and prevent him from speaking. It was only his will that could hold him back, and he had quite a lot right now.
Without even thinking about it, Zelda immediately nodded in response. One of the happiest smiles he had ever seen on her face stuck there, and she resisted the ever so strong urge to kiss him.
She really wanted to, even after all this time. But, this moment felt like it would be the wrong moment to do such a thing.
Instead, she just admired the cute little grin that formed on his lips, and then she hugged him.
Zelda was feeling one of those feelings whenever you see something so ridiculously adorable that you just have to hug it, or just squeeze it out of love.
Link just internally laughed a little bit at her actions, wrapping his own arms around her and holding her as tight as she was holding him.
This is so, so perfect, Zelda kept thinking, over and over.
Link arrived home about an hour after what occurred on the school grounds, near the baseball field. As he entered his home, he kicked off his tennis shoes and threw his puffy winter coat on one of the hangers. It was only March, but the bitter weather never seemed to cease. He loved the cold, so it was partially in his favor.
Entering the kitchen, he was greeted with Aryll accidentally pouring milk all over the counter. Link's eyes widened at the sudden mishap, as he raced over to his little sister and snatched the milk carton from her hands.
Looking at the messy counter, he saw that there was a bowl of Fruit Loops sitting there. Poor Aryll's aim with the milk was way off, and she ended up dumping the entire thing on the counter.
With fear, Link watched a drop of milk smack the floors, and Aryll felt like she was going to cry.
"I'm sorry!" she wailed. "I just stood up—like, really fast, y'know?—and my head started feeling dizzy, and stupid me decided to still pour the milk into the bowl. I'm sorry!"
Link sighed, sitting the carton of milk on a different counter and finding its green lid, screwing it back on there.
"It's not a big deal," he said calmly. "We can clean this up. Where are mom and dad?"
Aryll sniffed. "Upstairs. I asked if I could make my own dinner for once, and they were kinda skeptical on the idea of that, but they let me do it anyway. I want to be able to do something by myself, but apparently I can't!"
"Have they even eaten dinner?" Link asked.
"Oh, no," she replied. "They said they'd be back down shortly to prepare dinner for you and themselves. They said if I failed I could still eat dinner, of course."
"Well, if they're coming back down in a second, shouldn't we clean this all up?" Link suggested, wearing an overly-happy grin on his face.
As he was grabbing handfuls of paper towels, Aryll squinted her eyes at her older brother.
"You seem happy," she commented, watching as he approached the mess with the towels. "What's gotten into you?"
Smacking down the paper towels on the counter, the stupid grin wouldn't leave his face. "Nothing," he replied in that annoying tone—well, a tone Aryll could not stand.
"Tell me what happened!" she exclaimed, then grabbing the tips of his Hylian ears and barely pulling them. Link winced in pain and smacked her hand away.
"Your ears are red! You're lying, you piece of trash!" Aryll yelled, grabbing her own paper towels and contributing to the mess she created.
"You're the piece of trash, if anything," Link retorted with a confident grin, and Aryll resisted the urge to attack her brother.
"Why is it so hard to tell me what's making you act like this?" Aryll questioned him. "I'm not gonna tell anyone else. Can't your little sister be a little curious?"
"When have I ever asked you stuff like this?" Link inquired his younger sister.
"Lots of times!"
"Name one."
"How am I supposed to remember things that happened years ago?!"
"Then you have no proof."
"Just tell me!" Aryll screamed in her loudest voice, startling Link a bit that he even jumped.
"Okay, whatever," he breathed out. "Once I tell you, hopefully you understand the reason why I didn't want to tell you at first—I asked Zelda to prom—"
Aryll squealed, scrunching some of the paper towels up when she grabbed them. Walking towards the trash can, she pointed at it.
"Look, it's you," she sneered, confident with her comeback to their small argument.
"I thought we were done fighting," Link commented.
"Oh, we are, I was just reminding you of what you truly are," Aryll chided. "Anyways, I'm actually really happy for you, Link! I know about your anxiety and stuff, so good job doing this."
A bashful look was strewn across Link's face after receiving that compliment, of some kind, from his beloved little sister.
Just as Link was about to thank Aryll, both of their parents had walked downstairs and gasped at the puddle of milk on the counter.
"It was Aryll, I swear!" Link exclaimed, that being the first words he had to say.
"Aryll, just let us make you dinner," Father said tiredly, slowly walking up to the counter and laying his eyes on the dry bowl of cereal. "Besides, you can't have cereal for dinner."
"I could," Aryll commented under her breath, rolling her eyes.
Link just sighed, throwing away the paper towels he had brought out to help her.
Then, he smiled randomly—he thought of Zelda again.
This was something that confused his parents, but also brought joy to their hearts.
Link felt like he was finally getting better.
He knew that would eventually change, though.
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