《Love & Football》Chapter 15


:: Emma's POV ::

As I stood in the mirror of our hotel room suite fastening my diamond earrings I couldn't help but to smile. JJ and I had a great day together Christmas shopping for Noah. It was something I had grown so accustomed to doing on my own over the years but having the company of the man I love definitely changed the whole experience for me. We actually had fun battling crowds and standing in ridiculous lines just to make sure Noah had the toys of the year. I was probably always over the top when it came to providing Noah with a Christmas but the way I felt was that he would only have so many "magical Christmases" left. Pretty soon he would discover the truth of Santa and Rudolph and the North Pole, I wanted him to cherish the memories I created for him as a boy for the rest of his life and carry on those traditions with his own family one day.

But JJ. He was stealing my heart more and more, as if there was even more left to be stolen. He was just born to be a father and while he may not be Noah's biological father, he's the closest thing Noah has ever had. That meant the world to me. The two of them share a bond I can't even begin to explain and he seemed to know exactly what Noah wanted without hesitation. Part of it had to do with him being a big kid at heart but the majority of it had to do with the fact that he just knows Noah. I love that he knows him so well, that he cared to know him so well. He's incredible and I don't know what we ever did without him in our lives, the idea has practically become inconceivable.

We had made it back to our hotel room around five thirty and were in a race to get ready for our dinner reservations at six thirty. JJ had gotten ready rather quickly and excused himself from the suite's bedroom to sit on the couch. I figured he was entertaining himself by either watching Sports Center or messing around on his phone, perhaps even both. He was definitely the best boyfriend when it came to being patient and allowing me to get ready in peace without the constant reminders of how much time I had remaining. I had managed to freshen up my large loose curls with my curling iron and reapplied my makeup in record timing; I knew he would be impressed with my speed because I was.

"J, can you zip me?" I called out to him as I slipped into my form fitted red mini dress hugging it against my body as he walked into the room.

He looked so handsome and I loved that I was getting spoiled by seeing him looking so dapper the last few days. He was donning his navy blue, red and white gingham checked dress shirt tucked into his gray dress pants and accessorized with his black leather belt and black leather dress shoes. Certainly very easy on the eyes but the best part may have been his hat free head and his messy blond spiked hair. No hat meant a better view of his eyes and easier access to his lips, there is no arguing with that, that's for sure.


"You look beautiful." His voice was low and the goose bumps on my skin created a domino effect as his lips created a path from the back of my neck across my right shoulder before meeting my lips.

"Thank you." A smile spread across my lips as he planted another kiss on my forehead. He always managed to make me feel like I was on top of the world with him.

JJ retreated from the room leaving me to finish getting ready once again. I looked myself over in mirror satisfied with the way the dress hugged my curves and the way the sweetheart neckline accentuated my bust line. It was safe to say my assets, both front and back, stole the show and I was okay with that. It kept things classy all while allowing for the perfect amount of sexiness. The dress wasn't overly formal which I really liked, it made it so versatile. I grabbed my black heels out of my bag and slipped them on my feet before grabbing my fitted black leather jacket off the bed and heading out to the living room area of the suite.

"You ready?" JJ spoke to me from his place on the couch as I entered the room, his eyes focused on his phone.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I responded as he pulled himself up of the couch and slid his phone into the pocket of his dress pants making his way towards me.

"Wow..." His eyes wandered my body and I felt the heat spreading across my cheeks, "You look incredible."

"Thanks babe." I smiled at him before accepting the kiss he planted on my lips, "You look handsome yourself."

"You good with walking?" He reached for his coat off the back of the chair, "It's only about two blocks down the street."

"That's fine." I nodded.

I walked out of our hotel room, JJ following behind me. I was hoping that my feet would tough it out in these heels for the walk to and from the restaurant. I love my heels as much as the next girl and JJ appreciates me in heels as much as the next guy but, guys didn't always understand how impractical heels were in certain situations. Such as now. I wanted to tough it out and walk only because the whole process of getting our car out of valet just to go a couple blocks to eat wasn't worth the hassle, I didn't want to put JJ through all of that just for my choice in footwear.

After a short elevator ride we were walking out the front doors of The Ritz. The cool Dallas air welcomed us and JJ's right hand found my left, our fingers lacing together as we began our walk down the busy Dallas streets. I was beginning to love the idea of walking to Truluck's more and more; it was actually rather peaceful and intimate. I just loved being on JJ's arm regardless of where we were going or what we were doing, I was proud to call him mine for limitless reasons and I was beyond honored that he called me his. Selfishly I was kind of looking forward to the end of football for the season, I wanted more of him. I had been so spoiled the last two days being able to fall asleep and wake up with him without any rush of running out the door to practice or work; however knowing JJ there is no such thing as an off season. We had never really talked about what the off season would bring; it hadn't really come up quite yet. At least not the intimate details.


"It's Watt!"JJ and I looked to see a few bystanders that had noticed him on our way into Truluck's. He gave them a smile and a wave before we disappeared into the restaurant.

"JJ Watt." The hostess standing behind the podium stared at him in awe, "D-do you have reservations?"

"Yeah. Six thirty." He responded, a polite smile on his face.

"How many?" She asked seeming a little flustered but not hesitating to rudely look me over.

"Just the two of us." JJ squeezed my hand sensing the obvious tension the hostess had created.

"It's going to be about five more minutes while they prepare your table." She wrote on her chart before looking back up at us.

JJ gave her a nod as we waited off to the side. I was beginning to realize why he liked to hide under a baseball cap half of the time. He was easily identified when he wasn't. I mean, it was hard to go unnoticed at six foot five and he's a sweet guy, he does his best to be cordial with every fan he encounters. It was sweet, but I knew at times it frustrated him even though he never let it show.

"Can I get a picture?" Once again the hostess popped up behind us.

"Sure." He forced a smile and the girl abruptly forced her phone into my hands.

I was doing my best not to get annoyed, to share the same patience that JJ had but it was hard. At least in this particular moment. This girl obviously had an issue with me and it was making her hard to tolerate. I watched as she pawed all over JJ and him allowing it. She giggled and flirted with him as she felt his muscles. I snapped the picture as quickly as I could and handed the phone back to her, JJ quickly breaking apart from the artificial blonde's grasp.

:: JJ's POV ::

I could sense Emma's discomfort with the current situation. The girl had been rather touchy feely, and it's not something I'm comfortable with myself. Although after dealing with past situations I find it easier to try to ignore the attempts rather than to draw attention to it; and that's what I did in this scenario as well. Emma was definitely a trooper when it came to dealing with my fans, she had more patience than I could have ever asked for and that was important to me.

The hostess was making her way towards us again and I was dreading the encounter until I realized she was only informing us our table was now ready. Emma followed the hostess and I followed behind Emma, I was looking forward to enjoying a quiet dinner with my girlfriend and prayed there'd be no more interruptions. We took our seats at a quiet table in the back by the windows, I was thankful for the location and the great view.

"Baby..." I looked over at Emma, her face buried in her menu. I knew something was bothering her, she was easy to read; to me anyway.

"What?" She looked up from her menu, her green eyes sparkling under the soft lighting.

"What's wrong?" Part of me really already knew why she was upset but I wanted to be sure.

"The hostess might have something to do with it." Her voice held a sarcastic tone as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't let it bother you." I wanted to reassure her, she really didn't have anything to worry about.

"It was so rude and disrespectful towards me, how can I not be bothered JJ? She was all over you..." Emma put her wine glass up to her cherry red lips.


"And you were loving it." She placed her glass back on the table and I had to laugh, she was cute when she was upset. Or should I say, jealous.

"You're my girl and I am so crazy in love with you that I don't think I could function without you." I put my finger under her chin, lifting her face enough so that I was able to softly kiss her pouty lips, "The only woman I notice is you."

Emma grabbed a small fistful of my shirt in her hand, not letting me wander too far away from her lips. She greedily kissed me again before pulling back and looking into my eyes. The corners of my mouth pulled up into a smile, she was driving me crazy and she didn't even know it. I only hoped she truly believed what I was telling her, I meant it with every fiber of my being. She needed to know that.

"I love you." Her voice was so certain of the words she was saying, it sent a chill through my body.

Not that I didn't know she loved me, I did; but in that moment those words came out more like a fact than a statement or a response. There was no way I could doubt her. She made me feel like I was on top of the world; like I could conquer anything and I loved that about her. At the end of the day, she really is my biggest fan and my biggest supporter and I never wanted her to doubt what she means to me. I'm blown away every time I look at her. Not just because she's insanely beautiful, but because I never knew that it was possible to have everything I've ever wanted sitting right in front of me. Every day that goes by, I love her more than I did the day before. I just hoped she knew that. I never want her to question my love for her, and if she does; that's my fault, but I'm going to make sure that never happens.

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