《Super Smash Bros Brawl University》Chapter Fifteen: A Memorable Phone Call


Malon stared at her phone. What should she do? Link would know. Quickly she dialed his number. She held her breath as the phone rang. Voicemail. Dangit. "Link it's Malon. I need to tell you something really important. Please call me back. It's about DL and Zelda." She said quickly into the receiver before hanging up.

She began to pace around the room. Why did Midna hang up so fast? Did something happen to her? If she was okay, wouldn't she have called back by now?

Her phone began to ring. "Hello." She answered frantically. "Malon? What's going on with DL and Zelda?" Link's urgent tone replied. She was a little disappointed. She thought it was Midna. "Okay, so Midna called me and told me that DL came to her asking to use her army to attack Hyrule! She told me this and then she had to go really fast and she hasn't called me back since. I think DL did something to her because she refused him and he's still going to attack Hyrule!!!" She exclaimed in one breath inhaling deeply at the end.

"WHAT?!" He shouted. "It's true!" She said.

"What is she saying?" A voice that sounded like Ike's said in the background. Link was explaining everything to them. Malon waited patiently for Link to go back to talking to her. "Malon?" He said questionably. "I'm still here." She said. "Alright. Here's the plan. We're going to call everyone else. All of us are going to meet at the University and then we'll head to Hyrule. Hopefully we can get there before DL and whatever army he has." Link said in a very serious and commanding tone. "Alright, but how are we going to be able to fend for ourselves against a whole army?" She asked worriedly. "We'll get backup there." He said.


"Alright. See you soon." She said. "Wait." He said. "Yeah?" She asked. "You call Peach and tell her to tell Roy. Also try to get a hold of Midna. We'll call Pit and Zelda." He said. "Sounds like a plan. Bye." "Bye." He replied then he hung up.

First she called Peach. "Hello?" Peach answered. "Hi. This is Malon. Before you ask how I got your number or what not I have some very important news. If you're with Roy, put it on speaker." Malon said very quickly. The line stayed silent. "Okay so I recieved a call from Midna that DL came to her asking to use her army to attack Hyrule. She hung up very briefly and never called back which leads me to believe that even though she refused he's taking it by force. I have already notified Link, Ike, Samus, and Marth. They're telling Pit and Zelda. We're all going to meet at the University, gather as many people as we can, then head to Hyrule and hopefully beat the army there. Do you understand?" She asked. "OH. MY. GOD. We're leaving asap!!" Peach exclaimed. "Thank you. Bye." Malon said. "Bye." Peach said and she hung up.

Next she called Midna. Straight to voicemail. She left a message. "Midna, please just call me or text me. I need to know you're okay. Thanks bye." Before she hung up she thought of something. What if DL had her phone? Maybe he'd hurt her if he knew that Midna had told Malon. She quickly pressed three to record a new message. "Hey Midna. I was wondering if you could give me that recipe for those things you were telling me about. I want to try them for Thanks Giving. PLEASE. Call me back. Thanks. Bye." She said and hung up. That didn't sound suspicious, yet Midna would call back if she was okay.


****IN ALTEA****

Ike was on the phone with Pit explaining everything. Meanwhile, Link was trying to call Zelda. It went to voicemail. Shit. He left a quick, but urgent message. "Hey Zel. You probably didn't answer because you think I'm calling to discuss the breakup, but this isn't about that. I have something very urgent to tell you. This is a life or death situation. PLEASE call me back as soon as you get this!" Then the beep rang indicating he was out of time. He hung up the phone and looked nervously at his friends.

"We should go back and pack up so we can head out." Marth said wisely. The others nodded. Ike was still on the phone with Pit, but he followed them to the car. They drove back to Marth's castle. Everyone went their separate ways to their rooms where they began to pack.

Thirty minutes later they were briskly walking to Marth's weapon room. "I've arranged to bring a hundred or so soldiers along with us." Marth stated as they entered the large room. There were tables, boxes, shelves, full of weapons. Many hung on the walls too. Samus went over to where there was a bunch of guns. She put on a vest that had pockets for bullets and holsters for multiple guns. She selected a few and put them in the holsters. She filled the pockets with the proper bullets. She picked two daggers to stash in her boots. Everyone had changed into more war appropriate outfits.

Link found a sword he liked. He swung the sheath over his shoulder so the sword hung at his back. He also found a nice shield. Ike and Marth also found swords and shields for themselves.

They headed out with military jeeps driving in front and behind them. "Oh, by the way guys, Pit said he's going to bring his girlfriend, and some of Lady Palutena's forces." Ike informed them. "That's good." Samus said. "You okay?" Ike asked Link who was just staring out the window. "I don't know." He murmured. "We're going to get there in time. Don't worry." Marth reassured.


"Oh my god!" Peach yelled as she ran and hugged Samus. "This is terrible!" "I know." Samus agreed. Roy headed over to where Link, Marth, and Ike were gathered. Marth's soldiers were in lines waiting for orders. Soon a fairly loud flapping noise could be heard. Everyone looked to the sky. There was a whole fleet of Centurions flying towards the University. Soon they had all landed. Pit walked up to his friends with a pretty girl at his side. "Guys. This is my girlfriend Nyssa." Pit introduced. Everyone shook her hand and got aquainted.

Lastly Malon arrived. "I never got ahold of Midna." She told them once she was in hearing distance. Samus shook her head sadly. "So. Let's try to find others to help." Ike said and began to head inside. Everyone except the soldiers followed.

(A/N) How'd you guys like it? Please vote, comment, and follow me! Thanks for reading!!


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