《Super Smash Bros Brawl University》Chapter Twelve: Altea


(A/N) I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Thanks for reading. :)

"Wow." Link muttered as he entered the large castle. Samus looked around wide eyed as well. Ike on the other hand acted as if it was no big deal.

"Alright, I'll show you guys to your rooms so you guys can get settled, and then we can meet up later." Marth said. Everyone nodded in agreement. They were led up the stairs to the third level.

"Okay, Link you are room 319, Samus room 320, and Ike room 321. If you need anything there is a land line in each of your rooms. Just press 0 and it'll call room service. You can also order food from the same number. If you need to reach me, you guys all have my number, so feel free to text or call me." Marth explained.

Everyone just simply nodded in confirmation before heading into their rooms, towing their suitcases with them.

Each room was rather large, complete with king sized bed, dresser, desk, TV, attatched bathroom, and walk in closet. Plus plenty of extra space, and a huge window that over looked the lovely gardens.

Link looked around for a moment before pulling his rolling suitcase into the closet and began to unpack. He hung up most of his stuff, but folded a few things and placed them on the shelves in the closet. He also put away his toiletries in there proper places in the bathroom. Since he would only be staying a few days, he didn't have that much stuff.

He walked back into the room and plopped down on the bed. The TV remote was waiting on the desk. He got back up to retrieve it and plopped back down on the bed. He turned it on and found a good channel to watch.

The long trip was tiring, and he found himself dozing off. Then his phone started to ring. "Hello." He answered sleepily. "Are you done unpacking?" Ike asked. "Yeah. You?" He asked in return. "Yeah. I think we should go do something fun. Maybe go to the arcade or something." Ike replied. "Yeah that does sound fun. I'll meet you in the hall in five minutes." Link agreed. "Alright, bye." He said. "Bye." Link said before hanging up.

Link put his shoes back on and fixed his messy hair before stepping out the door. Ike was already in the hall talking to Samus. "Yeah, that sounds fun." She agreed. "Alright. Let me just call Marth." Ike said pulling his phone out of his pocket. Speed dial two.


By the sounds of it, Marth had agreed. They met him by the front. "Let's go." Marth said with a smile. They got into a limo and drove to an arcade. Once they arrived, they headed inside to the front desk. People began to bow all around. Marth even got them a discount. "Perks of being a prince." He said with a wink.

Instead of tokens, the arcade place used a credit card thing. You could put points on there and just swipe them on the games to play. They were also good for go karting, laser tag, and bowling. They had bought the full package.

"Where to first?" Ike asked glancing around the large building. "I guess a few games first?" Samus questioned. Everyone agreed. They headed over to the game area. They headed over to a four player game.

"I call Blue gun!" Ike yelled running over to the blue one. "Hey." Marth said teasingly. "Green!" Link shouted next going to the green one. "Well, I guess I'll have the red." Samus said calmly walking to the red one. "Wait! That leaves me with purple!" Marth whined. Everyone laughed. "Suck it up buttercup!" Ike said teasingly. Marth gave him a playful glare. They all swiped their cards in the slot under the gun they chose.

The game began. "Die zombies, die!" Ike shouted at the screen shooting like a wild man. Samus on the other hand was strategetically shooting. She was actually in the lead. Marth and Link were doing pretty well. The game ended. "What?! I got beat by a girl!" Ike exclaimed staring at the screen. "Don't be so surprised." Samus smirked.

"Go karts next?" Link asked. "Sure." Marth agreed. Ike and Samus nodded in agreement. They headed outside to the go kart tracks. "Which one?" Samus asked looking between the three different tracks. "The hardest one." Ike said walking over to the farthest one. Samus looked at Marth and Link. "Sounds good." Link said following Ike. Marth just shrugged and began to follow the other two boys, Samus by his side.

They waited for a few minutes in line until they finally got to the front. The man swiped their cards and then let them into the kart area. Everyone found a kart. Soon it was starting and they were racing down the track.

Ike was in the lead with Samus in a close second. "I won't let you win this time!" Ike yelled over the loud engines of the karts. "Don't get your hopes up." Samus yelled back. She managed to zoom ahead. Link and Marth were just having fun, but to Ike and Samus, it was a hard core competition. In the end, Marth won some how. They parked back in the kart area and exited talking about the race.


"I don't understand how you managed to win at the last second, Marth." Ike said confused. Marth just shrugged with a smile. "Let's do laser tag next." Marth suggested. They headed back inside and over to the laser tag line. Once they were in they decided to pick teams. They asked the guy if they could just play with the four of them. Once again, Marth being the prince of Altea had it's perks.

"Me and Link against you two!" Ike quickly called. "We dibs blue!" Marth said quickly running over to the rack with blue vests. "Finnneeee!" Ike whined walking over to the red one. They suited up. One of the employees went over the rules before they were released into the room for playing. It was dimly lit, with fake boulder type things that were glow in the dark. One side of the room had red boulder things, the other had blue. There was also an upstairs level with stairs on each side so each team could access it.

Marth and Samus quickly darted to the other side of the room where the blue side was. They had thirty seconds before the game would start. "Plan. Just shoot when you see them and don't get shot. When the time starts I'm going to run upstairs and try to shoot them over the railing. Stay down here." Ike said quickly. Link just nodded. He found a good boulder to hide behind. Meanwhile, Ike crept up the stairs as quietly as he could.

A voice over the intercom began to count down from ten seconds. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, start!" The voice was then replaced with music. The game would only last three minutes. Link peeked around his boulder searching for any signs of blue vests. He heard guns being fired. Looks like Ike found them, or they found him.

Then something caught his eye. Samus. He crept to another boulder to get a better shot. Perfect. He fired. Her vest beeped signaling that she'd been hit. Her gun wouldn't work for five seconds. She whirled around. Link was to busy running to feel the vibrating of his phone ringing in his pocket.

The game continued. They were all having a blast. Link didn't know that once he checked his phone, the fun would be over.

Once the game ended, the music stopped and a voice returned over the intercom. "The game is now over. Please find the exit. Thank you for coming."

They left through the exit and back into the room with the racks of vests. They began to take them off. Ike looked at the screen on the wall. "A draw! You have to be kidding. We totally beat you guys." He complained. "You're so competitive Ike." Marth said teasingly shaking his head. They continued to playfully argue. Link pulled out his phone to check the time. "Four missed calls from Zelda." He muttered aloud. Everyone had heard him.

"You probably should call her back." Samus said. Link nodded. They headed out of the gear room and into the main arcade area. Link walked outside and called Zelda. It rang three times before she answered.

"Link." She answered. Her voice was shaky.

"Zelda? What's wrong?" He asked. His voice laced with concern.

"It's my father." She replied.

"What do you mean?" He asked. He heard her let out a sob.

"I told him about us...and he..." She paused to sob again. "He wants us to...break...up."

"What?!" Link exclaimed thoroughly confused. Zelda began to sob harshly on the other end. "Zelda..." He whispered.

"I better go." She replied with a sniffle.

"Does this mean...we're over?" He asked slowly not believeing what he was hearing. "I don't know Link. You know that's not what I want...but...my father." She replied.

"But Zel..." He tried again. "Look Link. This is really hard for me, but I don't know if I can disobey my father..." She said sadly.

"No. Zelda I'm not giving up on us." He said sternly.

"Goodbye Link..." She said sadly.

"We aren't over." He said before she hung up. "We can't be..." He muttered to himself putting his phone in his pocket.

He walked back inside. His friends were laughing about something, but immediately stopped when they saw Link's face. "What's wrong?" Ike asked walking up to him. "I think Zelda just broke up with me..." Link said quietly. Samus gasped slightly, Marth's eyes widened, and Ike's mouth dropped.

(A/N) How was that for a chapter? Please vote, comment, and follow me! Thanks for reading!


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