

I was livid that my father made me go on a mission so close to the holidays. I could feel the rage within me stir around like a damn whirlpool. It's been three days and I already missed the hell out of my mate. Yes, I fucking know. I will admit it. I was a love sick, Vamp. I felt lost without him but I knew I had to finish this job tonight and get back to him.

Images of Seth invade my mind while tracking this stinking ass Lycan. I swear my mate was a walking sex stick that I simply couldn't get enough of. Have you not seen my mate? I mean seriously if you were me you would be just as obsessed as I am. I heard a cough from a distance. My head snapped around.

"Hey sis, you think you could cool it down with those thoughts of your mate. You're going to make me gag. I know you miss him cause I miss my beautiful Flora. So let's concentrate on the task at hand shall we?"

I couldn't argue with him. He knew exactly what I was feeling. His bond with his mate was just as strong as mine and Seth's. "I am sorry brother but I can't help it. Trying to keep my mind off that fucking rancid smell of that Lycan. He knows damn well we can smell him a mile away. Fuck did he even believe in taking a damn shower?"

He chuckled, "well let's put a bullet in his head and call it a day, shall we. I am rather blood thirsty and I need to feed soon."

"You and me both brother. My fangs ach to bite into my bear's flesh."

He shook his head and started up the mountain. The Lycan's scent swirled around, almost teasing us in his direction. I made sure my kimbers were tightly secured on my thighs. Guns were my favorite weapons of choice and the Kimber alone was a powerful choice of weaponry. I made sure I had enough silver bullets to take out a small army. I mean you can never be too prepared.


We tracked up the mountain about 2 miles. The snow didn't seem like it would ever stop. It was extremely heavy and hid our footsteps well. We came to the opening of a cave and we could smell the scent of fresh blood making our fangs click into place. Both our eyes swirled red. Cullum and I both haven't fed in three damn days and now the smell of blood taunts us.

My brother yelled out in my head, "Fuck! This isn't going to go well. I hate the taste of Lycan's blood but I am so damn thirsty I guess it will have to do. Be careful going into the cave. We have no idea how many we are going up against."

"I am not going in alone, you will have my back. Let's go kick some Lycan ass and get home to our mates."

I walked slowly into the cave and I could hear screams echoing off the walls. I knew what we were getting ready to see wasn't going to be pretty. The sound of bone snapping made my stomach growl. I was starving for blood. Cullum and I walked into the clearing of the cave and we both shook our heads at the sight before us.

Two humans were in the grip of the Lycan. Blood was everywhere. The humans were barely alive and there was no hope of survival. I pulled my Kimber out it's upholstered and click back the trigger.

"Hey asshole, would you hurry up and end their lives already. Stop making them suffer you pathetic piece of shit."

The Lycan roared out a growl and threw the humans against the walls so hard that their bones splintered from their flesh. He turned to his left and another Lycan rushes in snarling in my brother's face.


Cullum stepped closer to the Lycan, "do you ever brush your fucking teeth? I mean dental hygiene is a must these days fucker."

I was caught off guard when the black Lycan grabbed me by my throat slamming me against the wall. My brother hissed out* "get your fucking hands off of her."

"I got this brother. Now fucking shred the white Lycan apart."

My brother pulled his Katana blade from his back. It was not just an ordinary blade. It was made out of silver. He rammed into the throat of the Lycan. His blood sprayed out of him like a damn water hose drenching his face. My brother grabbed the Lycan's throat ripping it out. He let out a battle cry and cupped his flowing blood with his mouth. Drinking him dry.

The white Lycan howled out as his mate hit the ground. I didn't hesitate. I let out a round of silver bullets into the Lycan's flesh making him stumble backwards. I aimed another round into his skull. His body collapsed to the ground. I lit a match and set the bodies on fire.

"Let's go home brother."

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