

I ran down stairs to meet with one of my good friends that is an interior designer. Seth's birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something special for him. He was away on a camping trip with his friends. I knew this would be a perfect opportunity to redesign the bar. Make it a little more feng shui.

Yes, I was that girl that liked the energy to flow freely within a space. Negative vibes needed to be relinquished. I want nothing but positive energy in his bar. I walked toward the bar and Helena gave me a wide grin, shaking her head.

"Bri, Bri. Do you realize what you have asked me? Do you know how much magic this will take."

"Come on Helena. If anyone can do this it is you. Plus you can put your signature stamp on it. You're one of my dearest friends and I am calling in this little favor that you owe me, especially with me putting up with that male of yours."

She giggles and flutters her long lashes "Darling, Damian is a gentle Kitten and you know he is."

"A gentle kitten, my ass! He is a brute."

She rolls her eyes at me, "Let's get down to business shall we. What exactly are you looking to do with this place."

"I want it to be manly with some few feminine touches. Soft lighting and flower vases."

She gave me a wink, and chanted and she flicked her arms in the air. Things started to fly around the room. Walls begin to separate making it more of an open space. Leather barstools appeared out of thin air. She twirled around and began to sing a little tune. She was in her element and the room came back together in 30 minutes time. It looked amazing. She tucked her hands into her pocket and skipped towards me.


"Bri, Bri thank you for showing me a little piece of your mind. This is exactly what you showed me. I hope you love it."

I threw my arms around her, "it is absolutely perfect and it smells so good. I love the touch of lavender scent floating in the air."

She squeezed me tightly, "Bri, Bri it is my pleasure doll. Now don't be a stranger and make sure you visit more often. Being your bear so he can meet my mate."

"You got it! We will visit soon."She took a step back and spoke a word and vanished. I did a little happy dance and pulled out my phone and texted my bear.

Text: Hey snuggle, bear. I hope you are having a great time with the fellas. I have a surprise for you when you get back. I love you.

I pushed send and took a seat at the bar admiring the view.

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