《Bloodthirsty》Another one bites the dust!


I was finally feeling like myself again. It has been a rough couple of weeks but I am glad that whatever that was I am over it, now. Time for me to jump back in the saddle again and kick some serious ass. This time I was on the hunt for another roque vampire. Iit was a female that was causing a fuss in New Orleans. I really didn't understand why she had to be so theatrical with her killings.

I saw her file and she would find these poor human men, drain their banking accounts completely dry and slaughter her fiancé on their wedding day. First she would feed on them draining them of all their blood. Then she would saw up their bodies and send them to their parents. She was fucking sadistic. I was going to make her death slow and painful.

I flash to the streets of New Orleans and already I could smell the stench in the air of the feeding frenzy that had been going on here. This place was a playground for Vampires. They loved the fact their victims would be full of alcohol when they decided to attack them and feast on their blood. Two highs at once. Like I said, there are always theatrics here. It was fucking sickening and down right pathetic.

I walked into the bar and took a seat. The beautiful blonde waitress approached me with her bosom on full display. I guess this was one way to bring in the customers. I noticed the puncture wounds to her neck and I knew she was someone little fuck toy. She let out a soft giggle, telling me that she could get lost in my beautiful eyes for days. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close.

"Little one, don't play with me. I am not in the best of moods. I am here for information and a stiff drink. Plus the only way I swing is on my bear's cock. So run along and get me two glasses of whiskey before I show you what it really likes to be feasted on."


Her eyes went wide and she stumbled backwards* She whimpered, "I will be right back with your drinks."

I watched her almost run back to the bar. I rolled my eyes and scanned the room. I knew two male vampires were there and their red glow always gave them away. Like seriously do you even try to act normal, nope! It's more like, look at me. I am a Vampire. Hear me roar! Like shut the fuck up already.

The waitress was back in no time and set my drinks down, "Here you go beautiful, if you need anything else. Let me know."

"Actually I want to know if you have seen her around here." I slid her a picture of Helena and she didn't hesitate to answer back.

"Yes, I saw her in here a couple of times. Always draped on the arm of a new man. She really did like to go through men like candy. Is that all you need for me? I need to get back to work."

"Yes, thank you for the information, little one. I have something I need to take care of myself."

I took the glass of whiskey and slung it back. I did love the burn as it went down my throat. I picked up the second glass and did the same. I left the waitress twenty dollars and stood up and turned around. Before I could make another step, one of the males flashed before me.

"Well, well look who we have here Brianna Tempest the famous Assassin that so graciously visited our territory," he chuckled.

"Get the fuck out my way, Lucian. I am here on business and I don't have time for your shit."

He got close to my face, you do your business and leave. "I don't need you to take out my new Vampires that I sired. One goes missing and you will answer to me."


My hand reached out and smack the shit out of him. He hit the wall so hard that I roared out in laughter, "Do you know who the fuck I am? Lucian you are sired by my father you piece of shit. I don't play nice so you better stay the fuck out my way. If you ever threaten me again. I will gut you like a pig and feast on your entrails."

I didn't even wait for him to get his bearings together before I flashed out of the bar. I didn't have time for his nonsense. I needed to find Helena and fast. I didn't want her to take another innocent life. I tracked her scent and it seemed to lead me to a jewelry shop. The moment the door opened, I could hear a woman talking. She was carrying on about needing to purchase a wedding ring. A handsome gentleman stood by her side and I knew it was Helen.

I took my time to browse the inventory and a gentleman asked me if I needed help with something. I softly whispered to him as I crawled into his mind,

"Leave and don't come back until tomorrow. You will not remember this moment. Now leave."

I walked over to the next counter circling Helena like a prey that I would soon pounce on. She was so wrapped up in herself she didn't even pay attention to the employees suddenly leaving the shop. I moved in closer and locked eyes with her man. I whispered for him to leave us.

He let go of Helena's hand and told her he needed to excuse himself for a minute and take an important business call. He walked out the shop. I walked behind the counter. Helena's head snapped up watching me. An evil glint in her eye.

"So Helena darling, how have you been? Still feasting on the soul of innocent men."

Her eyes glowed crimson red, she hissed out, "who the hell are you."

"Helena, I am your worst nightmare that has come true."

She took a step back and I knew she would try to run. I was much older than her and faster. Her being fairly new made her more powerful than me.

She growled out, "come any closer to me and I will rip your head off with my bare hands."

My eyes begin to glow red as hers. I couldn't help laughing. :You better run because I will show you no mercy. You death will be a slow torture."

"Well let's see what you got. You don't fucking scare me. I have killed so many and you are going be next."

We both flashed and our bodies collided like a freight train. Helena stabbed my shoulder with her dagger but it didn't faze me. She double over trying hard to keep her intestines inside her gaping wound. My dagger sliced her stomach wide open. I didn't waste any time. I swung my body around with my daggers in my hands slicing all the way through her neck, her neck snapped and her head fell to the floor.

I stood there coated in her stench as her body fell to the floor. I reached into my pocket, pulling out a pack of matches. I lit one and threw it on her body and watched it burn, turning into ash. I straighten up my leather jacket and headed out the door laughing at myself as the pun left my lips.

"Another one bites the dust."

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