《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》13. The Special Team
Nari looked horrified and Soha... well, she was blushing at how hot the two new members of the special team were. They both smiled at them and Soha smiled back. She was the only one who did. Her and the other team members. Because who hadn't heard about these two?
Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin.
They graduated at the top of their class at the police academy, they caught some of the most famous criminals, and they were hot. Like really hot. Most female police officers had a crush on one of them at some point.
Even Nari. And it didn't end well. At all.
"Nari, is this how you greet us after two years?"
Damn it, Min Yoongi! Is this a punishment or something?
"Detective Oh, detective Kim. It's nice to see you-"
"Detective Oh? Why so formal?"
"I mean, I get that you're not particularly happy to see Sehun, but why me?"
She blushed, then blinked a few times before answering "I don't know what you're talking about, Jongin."
"Really?" Jongin said with a smirk, but she ignored him.
"Anyway, you guys are here for work, so let's just work."
"You don't even want to catch up? Come on, Nari." Sehun interrupted.
She rolled her eyes at him and turned back to the rest of the team. They were looking at the two newcomers dreamily. Even Kyungsoo? She couldn't believe it! He was usually so focused!
"Guys, let's go!" She exclaimed before they all came to their senses. Jongin had a small laugh and Sehun just kept staring at her.
It felt so strange seeing them again after 2 years. Especially Sehun. And in such circumstances at that. Well, it was bound to happen since they worked at the headquarters.
Still, she really wasn't expecting this. After the way things had ended between Sehun and her, she had tried to avoid him as much as possible. She didn't want to deal with the guilt and his accusing eyes.
But seeing that he was teasing her today, he must have gotten over it by now. Or did he?
She still didn't feel comfortable around him and she tried to ignore that feeling as much as she could, even during the meeting. And it was going well so far.
"So what's his body count?" Jongin asked at some point when Kyungsoo started the profile of the killer.
"We're not sure. We haven't even found his first victim yet." Kyungsoo responded after exchanging a look with Nari.
He still wasn't sure how much information they were supposed to share with the headquarters just yet.
"But how many do you know of?"
"A total of 15, still counting. And it includes other countries." Nari said as she felt Kyungsoo hesitating again.
"Really? How are you sure it's him?"
"It's the same MO. No trace, clean body dressed in brand new and expensive lingerie and clothes." Nari answered again.
"And no blood. In both the body and at the dumping site. He kills them somewhere and drops the bodies somewhere else." JiHye explained.
It was the first time she was speaking since the beginning of the meeting and when Jongin and Sehun looked her way, she blushed before looking down at her notes.
There was a short silence while the two new members were reading through the files again. Sehun frowned at some point and looked up to ask his question.
"You did a psychological profile of the killer?"
He was looking at Yoongi this time.
"Yeah, and it was rather helpful." Yoongi drawled.
Sehun and Jongin exchanged a look, then Jongin smiled.
"Let's bring them in."
"What?" Soha and Nari said at the same time.
"Yeah, let's use them as much as we can. They'll be officially part of the team. What do you think, chief Min?"
"I'm no longer chief-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know but you'll always be our chief Min."
"What do you say, chief?"
Yoongi took a moment to think about it, then sighed before finally saying "Detective Cha, call them in."
"Yes, sir." She answered before getting up and leaving the room quickly.
Nari then gave a questioning look to Yoongi and he was looking at her too, with raised eyebrows. She frowned, then looked away. Were they fighting? They were acting weird all of a sudden.
Usually, when Soha called him sir, he protested. But today... Was it because of Jongin and Sehun? Probably. But they knew each other and Yoongi wasn't the type to act prime and proper to impress other people. Also, Soha had been acting colder than usual towards him. Strange.
Soha came back at that moment and reported that the profilers would not be able to make it to the station until later that afternoon because they were teaching.
"Thank you, detective Cha." Yoongi said quietly, his eyes glued to her.
She bowed and went back to her seat, still avoiding his gaze. Nari was now intrigued. What the heck was going on? She was going to ask Soha about it, but Yoongi ordered Kyungsoo to continue his presentation.
Later that afternoon, Jimin and Taehyung joined them and with the new information gathered, they made a new analysis of the killer. It was almost the same as what they did before. Except for one or two things.
"He is getting bolder. First the message next to the body, then a message to your phone and to your boyfriend's phone. He is too confident, he must have some kind of insurance."
Nari was going to correct Jimin about the whole boyfriend thing, then she met Sehun's gaze and decided against it. Maybe it would be best if he believed she was dating Namjoon. She was tired of fighting over the same things. Not that he still had the right to ask her questions about any guy at the moment, but still...
"Insurance?" Jongin asked, very interested.
"He knows that he won't get caught that easily."
"Also..." Tae started, then looked back at the board.
They had made some sort of diagram of what they knew so far about the killer. There were pictures, messages, the victims' names and where they were found, and every detail about the bodies.
But for some reason, Taehyung was fixated on the messages sent to both her and Namjoon.
"Something is off. He is too close. He even has access to your house, noona." Then he pointed at the picture the killer sent to Namjoon. "This picture was taken by someone inside the house, not through a window. He was probably standing a few feet away from you and he didn't seem in a hurry. He took his time with the frame and angle."
"How can you tell from just a picture?" Sehun asked.
"I practice photography as a hobby," Tae answered with a small smile.
"He was this close and she didn't notice? Is he some kind of ghost?"
Tae turned to Yoongi and shook his head at him.
"More like he installed cameras in the house. And it's some high-tech stuff too, seeing the quality of the picture."
"Seriously?!" Nari almost screamed in shock.
"How did we not think of that!" Soha exclaimed as she hit her forehead with her palm.
"You've got to be kidding me. You're a f***ing police officer, Nari. How do you not check your house for listening devices or cameras when you get home? Especially when a psycho killer has been after you?"
"I-I didn't think about that."
There was a short silence and Nari couldn't help but blush. She was embarrassed. They must all be thinking that she was stupid.
Yoongi was right, she was a police officer, so it should be a given that she would be extra careful at a time like this. To think she got mad at everyone for worrying about her.
Damn it.
As soon as Nari parked her Jeep in front of her house, she saw Jungkook's car park right behind hers. She raised her eyebrows at the car and gave him a smile when she got out of her vehicle. He locked his car and turned to her.
"Hey noona, how was the day?"
"You won't believe who mister my boss assigned to the special team!"
"Special team?" He said as he walked up to her.
"You heard me, we have a special team. But first things first, what's with the Mercedes today?"
He smirked and slid his hands into his pockets.
"I needed to impress someone."
She had a laugh and took another look at the dark green vehicle. She really couldn't understand people's fascination with luxury cars. It was too complicated for her. As long as a car took her from point A to point B, she was fine with it. Namjoon and Jungkook however... They could change cars at least three times a year!
"Did it work?" She asked as she walked towards the house.
"We'll find that out soon. So what's with the special team?"
She opened the door and walked in, followed by Jungkook. She took off her jacket and went straight to the kitchen to get something to drink. She made a mental note to check the whole house for microphones and cameras. She hadn't stopped thinking about what was said at the meeting earlier and she'd be damned if she made the same mistake again.
"Mister Min Yoongi assigned a special team for the case because it's becoming too dangerous. And guess who else is in that team? Oh Sehun."
"The Oh Sehun?!?!?"
"The one! It was so strange seeing him again after everything that happened-"
She trailed off when she noticed a glass full of a dark liquid sitting on a piece of paper. She frowned and took a closer look. No matter how messy she was, she always did the dishes before leaving the house in the morning, so how come this glass was there? Did Namjoon come by? He would've told her, though. Plus, he was busy with the drama he was shooting right now.
She took the glass and smelled its content. The sweet, metallic scent took her by surprise and she put the glass down immediately. What the heck??
"Don't move!" She snapped as she took out her gun.
She went around the house, pointing it in every corner, but it was empty. She then came back to the kitchen and found Jungkook holding the piece of paper that was under the glass of blood. She had almost forgotten about it.
When he heard her, he looked up and he was very pale. He was holding his phone in his other hand and he was trembling.
"Kookie, what is it?"
"Y-you need to see this. I've already called Soha noona."
Nari took the piece of paper and read:
An apple a day keeps you away from the doctor, but a glass of blood a day? Guess what it does. I thought I'd share my favorite drink with you, detective Park. Enjoy.
She was disgusted and angry at the same time. Who the f** did he think he was coming into her house as he pleased? And did he drink the blood he took from the victims? Holy shit!
Fifteen minutes later, Soha was at her house with Sehun, Jongin, and Yoongi. A few minutes later, the forensics arrived. They confirmed that it was blood and they took it to the lab for further analysis.
After the forensics left, the others checked the whole house for any suspicious electronic devices and what they found sent chills down her spine.
In her living room, her kitchen, her bedroom, her bathroom... Even in the wardrobe! There were cameras everywhere! How in the world didn't she think of that earlier?
They took it all down and Jongin and Sehun agreed to bring it to the lab on their way home for further analysis. It was also decided that Nari would change all the locks in her house the day after.
They somehow found themselves back into Nari's kitchen, trying to figure out how to deal with the situation.
"I think you should go live somewhere else," Yoongi suggested.
"Yes, go back home, noona. Let your father protect you-"
"Stop with your nonsense, Kookie. He'd find me wherever I go."
"But at least you wouldn't be alone? I don't think changing the locks would be enough either."
"I'm not alone! You sleep here every night and there are patrol cars outside 24/7"
"And yet they didn't notice anything! This isn't safe, Nari. You need to move."
She gave Sehun a look before answering "It wouldn't change anything!"
"Admit it, you want to stay here because you think you can catch him."
"Sehun, please. I'm not in your mood."
"Damn it, Nari we're worried about your safety!"
"No one asked you to worry about me, thank you very much!"
"Okay, okay, enough with the lover's quarrel." Jongin Intervened.
"Lover's what now?" Yoongi asked, eyebrows raised.
"We're not lovers!" Nari Protested.
At the same time, there was a noise of keys turning in the lock of the front door. Everyone held their breaths in case it would be that psycho. He had to have a copy of her keys to be able to come and go as he pleased.
The door opened and there were footsteps, then Namjoon appeared at the kitchen entrance. He seemed surprised to see so many people sitting on the tools, around the big table. Then when he saw Sehun, his expression became cold.
"Oh, it's the best friend." Sehun scoffed.
"Oh, it's the annoying ex-boyfriend" Namjoon retorted in the same tone.
"Who are you calling annoying? You are the annoying one-"
"Oh, stop it! This is not the time for your stupid fights!"
Everyone went silent for a moment, and Nari started breathing really loud and fast. She was losing it. She couldn't believe what was happening right now. This psychopath had been in her house, HE HAD BEEN IN HER DAMN HOUSE!! He had put cameras everywhere! He must have seen her naked a billion times as well? Did he record it all? What was he going to do with the recordings? What a pervert!
The more she thought about it, the more anxious she was feeling. She feeling nauseous as well.
She felt violated. A stranger had been watching her in her own house. She was getting scared again and she didn't want to feel that way. Ever.
And these two idiots were fighting! Didn't they understand what was going on?
Well, to be fair, Namjoon didn't know.
"What is everyone doing here anyway?" He asked as he walked up to her with a frown. "Why are you so pale? Did something happen?"
"Aww he knows her so well. You guys are so cute together, honestly."
Sehun and Yoongi gave Soha a look, but she ignored them and kept watching Namjoon and Nari's interaction dreamily.
"We found blood in the kitchen when noona and I came in and there was a message too."
"That damn psycho!" Namjoon said as he hugged Nari.
"We also found cameras. He was spying on me!" Nari said her voice trembling slightly.
Namjoon swore, then let her go and looked her in the eyes. He was stroking her arms slowly as he murmured "It's okay, Nari. It's okay to be scared. And don't worry, you'll get him. But first, we need to keep you safe, yes?"
Then he smiled at her.
She blushed lightly and smiled back at him. Then he hugged her again. Everyone in the room was looking at them with different expressions. Soha looked like she was watching the best romantic movie of all time, Yoongi looked somehow sad, Jongin looked surprised and Sehun looked bothered.
Jungkook was enjoying every second of this cute exchange as much as Soha, even though he had witnessed it over a million times already.
"I can't believe it still works on you, noona." He said with a wide grin.
"Shut up, Kookie."
Namjoon laughed. And the sound appeased her. She couldn't believe she was feeling calmer already. That was the Joonie effect.
"What do you mean?" Soha asked.
"He always does this every time she is upset. Ever since we were kids, he was the only person to calm her down this easily."
"Oh... It's really cute. You guys should date already–"
Jongin covered her mouth with his hand while Sehun was giving her dark looks. But Jongin was receiving some dark looks as well. From a certain Min Yoongi.
"Thank you, sweety."
"Anytime, my expensive girl."
"Ah, stop it!"
He laughed again and let her go. She then turned to the rest of the group.
"Are you guys sticking around? I'll order something if you like?"
"Why not-"
"No, we're leaving. Sehun, we have work to do, remember?"
Sehun rolled his eyes and followed his colleague and friend after they bid their goodbyes to the others. But no one missed the look he exchanged with Namjoon. These boys!
Then it was Yoongi's turn to say goodbye.
"Please Park, be careful and call me if anything happens."
"She'll be fine, I'm here," Soha said a bit harshly.
He gave her a strange look but didn't respond.
Hum, what's going on between these two?
"Okay, then see you tomorrow."
"Ok, sir!"
He smiled, then left.
Now it was only Jungkook, Soha, Namjoon, and her.
"Do you guys want to order something? I'm feeling like chicken and beer."
"I'm down!"
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
"So you guys got into a fight?" Nari asked as she was devouring her chicken.
"Who?" Soha asked, playing innocent.
"You and your loving boss..."
"Don't start, Nari."
Nari and Jungkook laughed.
"Is there something going on between you and Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked.
Soha blushed and looked down at the chicken thigh she was holding.
"There is nothing going on."
"And whose fault is that?" Jungkook said, rolling his eyes at her.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that things are not always what they seem. Sometimes, you have to really pay attention."
Soha kept silent this time. Nari watched as she put back her chicken on her plate and pushed it away. All of a sudden, her mood changed. And when she looked up, there were tears in her eyes. She was obviously making an effort not to let them fall. Nari hugged her while Namjoon was scolding Jungkook.
Jungkook apologized to her and tried to lighten up the mood after that. But it wasn't really working and Soha left around 9:30 pm.
When she left, Jungkook went to his room, leaving Namjoon and Nari alone. They cleaned the kitchen and went to the living room.
"What do you want to watch?" Namjoon asked as he turned on the TV.
"I don't know, I just want to forget about everything..."
He turned to her and they exchanged a look. He smiled and took her hand in his, then he turned back to the TV. He changed the channel a few times, then settled for a variety show. They watched in silence for a few minutes, then he squeezed her hand. She hadn't even noticed that he was still holding it. She turned to him and gave him a questioning look.
"Can I ask you something?" He said without looking at her.
"Don't be mad."
"If it's something that'll make me mad, then don't ask."
He turned towards her this time. His brown eyes were full of worry, but they were still so beautiful.
"Don't be like that, Nari."
She rested her head on his shoulder before replying "just ask, Joonie."
"Move in with me."
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