《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》11. Safety First
"You're getting off this case, detective Park. You're now a victim."
"What the hell, sir!"
"Don't swear at me, it won't change anything."
"That's so unfair! We're making progress! We will be able to catch him soon." Soha Intervened.
"You know what? You're getting off the case, too."
"WHAT?!?!" She exclaimed in indignation.
"You heard me."
"You have no right, Min Yoongi!"
"Would you look at that. You finally stopped calling me sir?"
"That's because I think you're losing it!"
"I don't care what you think, this is no longer your case. Hand over all the evidence to team 2. Actually no, let's hand it over to another precinct altogether."
If looks could kill, Yoongi would be dead and buried by now. He looked over at the two young women and smiled.
"You can go now."
"I'm sorry, but we can't accept this."
He sighed and sat back down behind his desk. After hearing about the messages Nari had received from that psycho, he almost lost his mind. He had really thought that she could still work on the case while being monitored, but now... He wasn't so sure. He too worried about her and with this new turn of events, he was very troubled.
He had told everyone in the precinct to keep quiet about it for now, at least until he could figure out what to do. And this was what he decided. Get these two off this case immediately. The killer leaving a message for one of his detectives near a body was one thing, but him contacting her directly and going to her house was something else. He wasn't going to sit and watch.
Hell, no!
"It's a direct order, what can you do?"
"I'd turn in my gun and my badge if I have to, but I won't rest until I catch him myself."
"Me too," Soha added.
"I'd put you two in prison if that's the only way to keep you safe."
They didn't seem phased by that, at all.
"I mean, why us? The other officers' lives are as precious as ours, so why us?"
"Well, they didn't receive threats directly from the killer."
"I didn't receive any threat, though," Soha interjected.
Nari gave her a look.
"Sorry pal, but it's true."
"I thought we were in this together?"
"Of course, we are. I'm just trying to make a point, okay? He has no reason to take this case from me-"
"Yes he does, he likes you. A lot. It's only normal that he worries about you."
"What? That's BS!"
"Oh, please. It's so obvious!"
"You mean like it's obvious that both the prosecutor and the idol are head over heels for you?"
"Now that's BS."
"It's true and everyone knows it."
"You little-"
"You can continue bickering outside my office, thanks" Yoongi interrupted.
"We're not done!" They exclaimed at the same time.
They exchanged a look, then Nari fired "you're doing this because you like her, admit it."
"My feelings have nothing to do with this!" He exclaimed as he stood up again.
They both looked at him with shocked expressions on their faces. But they weren't feeling the same kind of shock. Nari was surprised to hear him yell. He never yelled. And Soha... well, she was shocked because he didn't deny that he liked her. Was Nari right? No, no, no. Of course not. He couldn't see her like that. Impossible.
"Did you just yell at me?"
"Please leave."
"Not until you admit your feelings for Soha."
"What the f***, Nari?!"
"My feelings for her are none of your f*** business, detective Park. Now leave."
He watched them, waiting for them to obey. But he didn't miss the blush on Soha's face. He suppressed a smile. Damn, she was cute. And he'd do anything to protect her. Anything. And he suddenly had an idea. Why didn't he think of this earlier? He took his phone out and sat back down, ignoring the other two completely.
He typed the text quickly and he got a reply in seconds. He then put his phone down and got back to work.
"I'm really not leaving it alone. I'll keep investigating, with or without your support."
"What she said!" Soha added again as they left his office.
They closed the door with a loud "BANG" and he swore at them. They really didn't respect him at all, in this agency. Was it because of his age? First these two, then others teasing him every chance they got. Add to that Hoseok petting him every time he had the chance as well.
Maybe he should transfer to another precinct, he thought as a small smile crept on his lips without him realizing.
"Hyung, I'm not sure about this." Jungkook said with a frown.
"Why not? You didn't seem to have any problem doing it with Nari."
"Well, she is my noona and I have access to her house and everything in there. I even share her bed with her, sometimes. But Soha noona..."
"Don't even think about sharing any bed with her, you little shit."
Jungkook rolled his eyes. What was with all these hyungs loving the noonas from a distance? Did they not know what confessing meant? Honestly! Grown men acting like preschool kids!
"She's not my type," he finally replied.
"Then you have no taste-"
"ANYWAY, for this to work, I need access to her phone, computer, jewelry, anything. I need access to things that she uses on a daily basis."
Yoongi thought about it for a moment. How were they going to do that without her being suspicious? They could go visit her together? But then she was really mad at him right now. There was no way she was going to let him in her house. He didn't want Jungkook alone with her either.
"We could sneak in?"
"She'll kill us if she finds out."
"Well, I took the risk with noona. You love her and you're not willing to take risks for her? Wow hyung what kind of man are you? I guess there is a reason why you're single."
"Okay, fine! Meet me at her house today at 7."
Jungkook smirked at that. This would be interesting.
"Sure," he said before taking out his phone to make the call.
After a few rings, he picked up, panting.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Running. What's up?"
"Can you stay with noona tonight? Something came up."
"Seriously, Kook? She doesn't want to be anywhere near me right now."
Jungkook facepalmed. These hyungs, really.
"I'm helping my other hyung, so please? Plus, I know you miss her. You guys haven't talked in two days."
There was a short silence at the other end of the line. He could hear him breathe really loudly. Then there were some beep noises and footsteps.
"Fine. I'll see you later."
"Sweet, thanks hyung."
He hung up and smiled at superintendent hyung.
"Was it that idol?"
"His name is Namjoon and you guys have more in common than you think."
"What do you mean?"
"He too loves a noona very much and doesn't have the guts to confess."
"Your noona?"
"But it's different... You guys are childhood friends. I have known Soha for only a year or so."
"And that's too long."
"But I didn't like her at first..."
Yoongi trailed off as he realized something. The idol and Jin hyung liked the same girl?!?!
Oh crap!
Should he tell him? But was it important? Wait, is that what Soha meant this morning when she said...? Oh God! It was true! What was he supposed to do? Even if he told Jin hyung, what would it change? The guy couldn't even admit his feelings! Talking about he likes her as a friend, yeah right.
Friend my ass!
"But now you do and you better act on it. Imagine if she gets a boyfriend?"
Yoongi frowned as he focused back on their conversation.
"I plan on confessing. I'm just waiting for the right time, alright?"
"Riiiight. I have to go, now. I'm needed at the company. See you at 7?"
"See you at 7."
When Namjoon entered her living room, she threw daggers at him through her stare and ignored his greeting. He sighed and went to sit near her on the couch.
"Okay, I won't mention the bodyguard thing anymore. Promise."
She kept ignoring him and kept her eyes on the TV screen.
"I just want you to be safe, Nari!"
"I can take care of myself," she snapped.
But she still wasn't looking at him.
"Fine, I get it. Can you quit being mad now?"
"Come on, my expensive girl. Don't be like that."
She blushed and gave him another dark look. He chuckled and took her hand.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Let go!"
"Come on, look at me?"
"No! Let me go!"
She kept trying to free herself from his hold but somehow ended up in his arms. Their faces were so close now that if any of them moved, their lips would touch. Nari's heart was now beating very fast. She was sure he could feel it because they were that close. She felt her nipples hardening as well and her face turned to a deeper shade of red.
Why wasn't he pushing her away? Why was he looking at her like that? Why in the world did his eyes darken? Holy crap! She was in trouble, wasn't she? Because the look this boy was giving her wasn't that of a best friend or a brother. And her current thoughts weren't those of a best friend either. She couldn't help but stare at his lips. His lips so full, so tempting. Then she felt his thumb caressing her wrist very slowly. Was he aware of what he did to her? Was he doing it on purpose? Was it possible that he wanted her as much as she wanted him right now?
She wanted to kiss him and see what he'd do. The hell with it, she was going to take the risk. After all these years of fighting against her feelings for him, she had the opportunity to confirm them. Maybe after kissing him, she would realize that her feelings for him weren't romantic?
Who was she kidding? She had been fantasizing about him since her teenage years! She swallowed and made her decision.
Go for it, Nari!
It was at that moment that a cellphone rang. They didn't react at first, then Namjoon blinked and suddenly let go of her arms. He stood up and walked out of the room very hastily. Too hastily.
Nari stayed frozen for a full minute while reality hit her. What the f*** was she about to do?!?! Kiss Kim Namjoon?!?! Her childhood friend?!?! Was she nuts??!!
I must have lost my mind.
She left her seat and ran to the kitchen to get some water. Yes, her thirsty ass needed water because she had to be thirsty to think about doing something this stupid. Another image crossed her mind and she ran her fingers through her hair while letting out a string of swearing words.
What were the odds? Being almost kissed by two men in three days! She took another sip of water and closed her eyes.
Breathe, Nari. It's nothing to be worried about. These things happen.
With Namjoon, it was just an accident. And Jin, he was just teasing her. Of course, he was.
She turned around and there he was. Looking like a snack, a full meal, and a dessert.
Nari, stop it!
"You okay?"
I hope he can't see me blush.
"Yeah... um, I- I'm okay."
What the hell, Nari! Why would you stutter?
He took off his yellow hat and ran his hands through his curly hair before putting it back on.
"I'm sorry, and I was serious earlier. I won't bring up the bodyguard thing ever again. There are other ways we can keep you safe, right?"
Then he smiled, making her want to poke his dimples. But she couldn't touch him right now! She hadn't recovered from their little encounter just yet.
"Sure, I forgive you."
"Thank you. So what do you want to do?"
Damn it, Nari! You need to calm the f*** down!
Since he decided to act as if nothing happened, she decided to follow his lead.
"Shall we have dinner? There are leftovers in the fridge, I'll warm them up."
"Sure, I'll help you."
This was going to be a really awkward dinner. She couldn't wait for Jungkook to come back.
Soha opened the door and gasped as her eyes landed on the two men standing in front of her. They were smiling cutely at her and she gave them a suspicious look.
"What are you two doing here?" She asked them with a frown.
"Making sure you're not doing anything dangerous and stupid."
"And you needed Jungkook for that?" She said, rolling her eyes at them.
"Hey, noona! How are you doing?"
She raised her shoulders and turned around to go back inside. They followed her while exchanging knowing looks.
Yoongi closed the door behind them and went into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and got them some drinks. This was his second time coming to her house, but he felt so comfortable there. He could get used to this.
He handed one of the cans of juice to Jungkook and they sat on the sofa, on each side of her.
"Are you really watching me?"
"Don't you have anything better to do?"
"Like what?"
"Like dating or something?"
"Isn't that what he's doing right n-"
"I could ask you the same thing, Soha." Yoongi interrupted while giving Jungkook a warning look.
The younger man had a silent laugh, then took a sip at his juice.
"I don't date," Soha responded in a definite tone.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to."
"Have you even ever dated before?" Jungkook asked.
She blushed and laughed uncomfortably.
"Why would you even ask that." She mumbled.
"Another thing you have in common with superintendent hyung, huh." Jungkook teased, wiggling his eyebrows at Yoongi.
"What makes you think that I've never dated?"
"Have you?" Soha asked.
"No way, hyung! You look like a virgin."
"That's because I am." Yoongi retorted matter-of-factly.
Jungkook spat his drink and burst out laughing. Soha was looking at him as if he had grown a second head.
"I want to hear the story behind this," Jungkook said after he had calmed down.
Soha was still recovering from the shock.
"Another time, kid. Can we change the channel? I hate variety shows."
He turned to Soha, but she was still looking at him her mouth wide open. He snapped his fingers in front of her face, and she blinked. She seemed to be back in the real world now.
"Change the channel, detective Cha." He ordered to trigger her, but she didn't react the way he was expecting.
"Yes sir," she said before changing the channel.
He frowned and was about to say something when Jungkook suddenly stood up.
"I need to use the bathroom, noona."
"The only door at the end of the hall," Soha answered absent-mindedly.
Yoongi and Jungkook exchanged another look, then the younger one left. There was a short silence, then she turned to stare at him.
"What?" He asked, not looking at her.
"Are you really a virgin?"
"Yes, I am."
Then he smirked and added, "is it a turn-on for you?"
She gasped and looked away. He had a small laugh, then finally turned to look at her. She was so cute, he couldn't help but want to touch her. And her blushing was everything.
"Don't you want to know why a 29 years old man is still a virgin?" He taunted her.
He needed to keep her distracted while Jungkook was installing his tracking devices and this conversation was the perfect distraction. But he had to admit that he was liking where it was going.
"Well, it all started with my first love in high school."
She laughed.
"For some reason, I can't imagine you being in love, but okay."
"Little Soha, you have no idea."
When her eyes met his, she blushed again.
"Cute." He murmured.
"What is?"
"Your blushing face."
And the blush got deeper. He laughed at that. God, she was adorable. And beautiful. And troubling. And kissable.
Behave yourself, Yoongi.
"So, do you still want to know?"
"I don't think I should know so much about your sex life, sir." She responded suddenly, in a serious tone.
"There you go calling me that again."
He rolled his eyes at that and emptied his can of juice before putting it back on the table.
"What else am I supposed to call you?"
He thought about it for a few seconds, then sat up. He watched her, a smile lingering on his lips.
Her eyes grew bigger and she looked away again. She didn't answer this time and Yoongi laughed. This was so much fun!
"Come on, say it."
"NO!" She exclaimed, still avoiding his eyes.
He slid nearer to her and held her wrist. Surprised, she turned to face him and that's when he pulled her closer to him.
"Say it, Soha." He ordered in a husky voice.
She kept looking at him as her eyes grew darker. Her gaze slid to his lips and she bit her lower lip. Without even realizing it, he found himself really close to her. So close that he could feel her breath on his face. So close that-
"Hyung, let's go- shit, what's going on here?"
Yoongi let go of Soha and jumped on his feet at the speed of the light. Jungkook was looking at them with a smirk, Soha was blushing like crazy and Yoongi was cursing in a low voice. Damn this kid! He had to interrupt them right when things were becoming interesting...
"Were you guys kissing?"
"Let's just go. I'll see you at work tomorrow, Soha. Have a good night."
"Yeah," she murmured, her eyes everywhere except on his face.
"Soha," he called, but she kept her eyes on the floor this time.
Shit, did he scare her?
"I'm sorry." He finally said before walking to the door.
"Goodnight, Noona."
And they left.
Soha looked up then and took a deep breath to calm herself down. She couldn't believe she almost kissed her boss. HER BOSS!! She couldn't wait to tell Nari! She took her phone and started typing a text when she stopped dead in her tracks.
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