《Bloodthirsty(KNJ)》7. His Move
"Hey," Namjoon murmured in his deep, raspy voice.
"Hey," she answered with a smile.
He smiled back and she was dying to poke at his dimples. God, she missed him so much. He left only two days ago!
He had woken her up from a deep sleep and after what happened the night before, she was surprised she didn't have a hangover.
"Sorry I woke you," he said sweetly.
"It's okay, I have to go to work anyway. I wouldn't want to be late and have my boss complaining that I'm disrespectful-"
She sat up abruptly as she remembered something. Oh. Hell. No.
"Sweetie, can I call you back?"
"What's wrong?"
"I think I f*** up. Oh my God!"
"Why? What happened?"
"I'll tell you later. Let me call you back, okay?"
She hung up and called Soha. She answered right away.
"You okay, Park?"
"Tell me we didn't meet superintendent Min yesterday? It was a dream, right? Please let it be a dream?"
There was a short moment of silence, then Soha answered awkwardly "well, we did meet him and you groped him-"
Soha burst out laughing at that moment and Nari freaked out.
"Did I really? Oh my God!"
"No, you just touched his face, but that's it. He was pretty chill about it, so I don't think you need to worry."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"He was really sweet, last night. Do you know how you got home? He transported you on his back."
"I know, right? Our boss is actually a sweetheart."
"Soha, honey, your love is showing." Nari laughed.
"Ew NO, I don't even like that weirdo."
"He's not a weirdo, come on. Anyway, I have to talk to my sweetie so I'll see you at the station."
"Your what?"
"Aww, you guys should date already."
"Shut up!"
She hung up, washed up real quick, got dressed, and called Namjoon back.
He was eating his breakfast and she wished she was near him. She wanted to hold him. His messy hair, his puffy eyes, his glasses... he was so cute!
"What happened?" he asked while chewing on his cereals.
"Not much, I just needed to confirm something."
"That you f*** up?"
"It's not that bad, I just did something weird when I was drunk."
He stopped eating and looked up at the screen. She smiled as she brought her cup to her lips.
"I told you to stop drinking."
"You know that can't happen."
She thought he was going to tease her about her drinking habits by reminiscing some of the ridiculous things she did when she got drunk with him. She thought he was going to make fun of her.
But instead, he sighed and put his spoon down.
"I'm scared that you'll start calling someone other than me or Jungkook to pick you up when you're drunk."
"Well, I have Soha-"
"That's not what I mean."
"What do you mean, then? Should I just roam around all alone while drunk?"
"Of course not! What I'm saying is what if Soha isn't available?"
"Then I'll call prosecutor Jin."
"No, you won't!"
She laughed at his expression. She knew he didn't particularly like Jin, but he didn't have to look so panicked.
"Why do you hate Jin so much?"
"I don't hate him, it's just that I don't trust him around you."
"What nonsense is this?"
"Forget it. I have good news, I'm coming home soon."
"Really?!" She exclaimed, all excited.
"Yes, I will be seeing you again, my expensive girl."
"Stop it, Namjoon."
This time, it was his turn to laugh. And she liked the sound of it too much. Did he have any idea what he did to her at that moment? Probably not and it wasn't important anyway. She was trying her best not to freak out right now because she feared her feelings for him were returning.
What the heck? Just a few weeks ago, I was crushing on Jin! Why is Namjoon back in my heart all of a sudden?
"Nari? Are you mad?"
She snapped out of her reverie and focused back on her phone screen.
"I have to go."
"Wait, why? Come on stay a little."
"I have to go to work and so do you."
"Just five minutes?"
"Sweetie, I miss you too, but I really have to go. I'll see you when you're back. Bye!"
"Fine, I'll see you later. Be careful okay? Don't do anything too crazy."
She only smiled and waved him goodbye before the screen went black. She looked at her phone as she wondered what she should do with these feelings. If she told him, she would lose her precious friend. Twenty-two years of friendship gone to waste because of some stupid feelings! She could never let that happen. Never.
She could live with the thought of him being with another woman, but she couldn't bear losing him as a friend.
Or could she?
Can you really watch him fall in love with someone else, Nari?
She bowed so low that her back was hurting, but she still didn't get up. Not until Yoongi spoke in his usual bored tone.
"It's nothing to be sorry about, though I was a bit shocked."
"I'm really sorry."
"I mean, do I really look like a vampire?"
She stood up abruptly and gave him a surprised look. He was serious!
"A what?"
"Well, that's what you said, detective Park. You said that I was a hot vampire just like in- what was it again? Vampire's journal? Vampire's diary?"
Her eyes widened and she slapped her mouth with her hands. Did she really call her boss a hot vampire? And why in the world didn't Soha say anything? Damn her! She was so embarrassed! She must have been redder than a tomato at that moment.
"I'm really sorry, sir." She said in a low voice as she bowed again.
At that moment, the door opened abruptly on Ji Ho. He was very pale and panic could be read all over his face.
"You-you need to see this."
Yoongi and Nari exchanged a look and followed the young man into the main room. Everyone was watching the TV, a horrified look on their faces.
The reason? A gruesome announcement. Another body was discovered with the same M.O. as their killer, in Japan. But this time, there was something more.
A message.
How the press got a hold of that was a mystery, but the killer made sure it was delivered to its recipient even though she wasn't in Japan right at that moment.
The message was written with little rocks near the body and read "hello, detective Park Nari."
She didn't even have time to react that her phone started ringing. But she was too shocked to notice. This perverted trash knew her name? And why in the world would he leave a message for her near a body he dropped in Japan? What was he trying to accomplish?
She ran her fingers through her hair and let herself fall into the nearest chair.
"Nari, you okay?" Someone asked.
I'm not okay!
She was feeling so much at the same time! Fear, panic, anger, and many more that she couldn't even name.
If the killer knew her, that meant that he was watching her. It could also be that he was following the investigation very closely. But then, why her? Why did he choose to send a message to her out of all the people working on the case?
"Detective Park."
It was Yoongi. He wore an expression she had never seen on him before. He looked furious.
"From now on, you're not allowed to be alone. Not even in your sleep."
"What the-"
"And you're flying to Japan today. Someone will be going with you."
"I will," Soha said as she raised her hand.
Yoongi looked at her with a neutral expression, then turned to Hoseok. Honestly, he'd rather have inspector Jung go. It was too dangerous for two women, especially if those two women were his most reckless detectives.
"I don't mind, Yoongi hyung." Hoseok said as if he was reading his mind. But Yoongi didn't have the time to answer before being attacked.
"Why would he go instead of me? Because I'm a woman?"
Damn it.
"That's not it-" He started.
"But that's what it looks like." Nari intervened.
"Really? Did you already recover from the shock?"
She rolled her eyes at him and looked away.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, detective Park."
"Anyway, what's your decision, sir? Is it me or Hoseok sunbae?"
Yoongi looked at Soha and then turned to the inspector. Hoseok gave him a small smile and nodded.
"Fine, you'll go. All three of you. And please, detective Park. Don't do anything crazy."
"What's with everyone saying this to me?" she muttered to herself.
As she was packing, her doorbell rang. She exchanged a look with Jungkook who had picked her up at the station and was now helping her pack.
"Stay here."
He went to look at the screen and turned to her.
"It's the prosecutor hyung."
"What should I do?"
"Let him in."
Well, it's not like she had a choice. He had been calling her since her name appeared on TV. He must have been really worried. But then again, everyone was ringing her too. That's why she turned her phone off after talking to Namjoon and her father.
He probably came because he couldn't reach her.
She joined Jungkook and Jin downstairs and greeted the newcomer.
"How are you, Nari?"
"I'm okay."
"It's not that bad."
"Yes, it is. I told you to get off this case, but you wouldn't listen. Now you're in danger!"
"If you're here to tell me that, you can leave!"
She turned her back to him, but he stopped her by holding her arm. She turned back to face him, a surprised look on her face. This was the first time he touched her and she didn't feel anything in particular. How strange... Wasn't she supposed to have a crush on him?
"I'm sorry. I'm just really worried. What time is your flight?" He said as he let go of her.
"How do you know-"
"I'm the prosecutor of this case, Nari."
"Right. It's at 3 P.M."
"In 4 hours then," he said as he looked at his watch "I'll let you pack. Call me when you get there, okay?"
There was a silence and he kept staring at her. She stared back, a little confused by his behavior.
Jungkook who had been silent all this time was just observing the scene unfold. He couldn't believe his eyes. The prosecutor hyung also had feelings for Nari? What the heck? Should he tell Namjoon hyung? He already hated the guy, but if he found out about this...
"Nari, can I-"
"I really think you should go back to packing, noona. It's getting late." Jungkook interrupted.
"Gosh, you're right! Thanks for coming, Jin. Kookie will see you out!"
She waved him goodbye and ran upstairs. Now Jungkook and Jin were left alone. Jungkook didn't move or say anything. He was just observing the other guy. Prosecutor Kim Seokjin. He had met him before and he remembered his noona talking about him.
She used to talk about him all the time, but it stopped for some reason. Did her crush on him end? Thank God, because he had prayed for it to end. In his mind, the only man who suited his noona was Namjoon hyung. No one else.
"I'll get going, then." Jin said with an awkward smile.
"You like her, don't you?" Jungkook asked bluntly.
"As a friend."
"I don't think so. But she is already taken anyway."
"Is she, now?"
Jungkook smiled. This hyung was trying so hard not to show his feelings.
"She didn't tell you? I'm surprised."
Jin smiled again and turned towards the door.
"I'll see you around."
Then he was gone.
"Did I assume wrong?" Jungkook wondered out loud with a frown as if the door could give him an answer. He shook his head and followed his noona upstairs. If he assumed wrong, there was no need to talk to Namjoon hyung about this.
Soha was done packing and was just waiting for Nari. She didn't mind taking a cab, but Nari had told her that a car would pick them both up and insisted she waits for her. So her small luggage was standing at the entrance of her apartment and she sat on the couch while browsing the internet.
Everyone was going crazy over the new body found and the message left for Nari. A lot of people called her to ask about her friend, including Jimin and Taehyung. Apparently, they couldn't reach her.
Knowing Nari, she must have turned her phone off. She seemed so lost at the station. She must have been scared and also angry. That perverted bastard dared write her name near a f**cking body. Now Soha was mad too. She couldn't wait to finally catch him so she could beat the crap out of him.
She reading yet another article about the body dump in Japan when she heard the doorbell. She hastily went to open the door thinking it was Nari, but to her surprise, it was Min freaking Yoongi! He knew where she lived? And most importantly, why was he at her house when he could've just called her to say whatever he needed to say to her?
"I'm starting to think you're worse than detective Park."
"Okay, why am I being attacked?" She said as she opened the door wider to let him in.
He walked in and looked around before setting his eyes on her as she was closing the door. She took a closer look at him and suppressed a smile. God, he was so cute. He wore a pair of light blue jeans and a dark blue hoodie. He looked like a teenager. A really cute one. No actually, a hot one. He wasn't dressed like that at the precinct, though. She wondered why he changed, but she didn't dare ask.
"What?" He said with a frown as he noticed her staring.
"Nothing," she answered as she walked quickly towards the kitchen to hide her blushing face.
What is wrong with me? He is my boss, for God's sake! How can I check him out so openly? And get caught at that?!?!
He awkwardly followed her and stopped right at the entrance of her kitchen. He watched her as she opened the fridge and handed him a can of juice. He took it and thanked her.
"So... Why are you here?"
He didn't respond at first. He was looking at the can in his hand, then he put it down on the kitchen counter, which was the only wall separating the kitchen from the living room. Yeah, her apartment was that small.
When he finally looked up, he wore a serious expression on his face. When was he not?
"This trip, can you not go?" He said in a surprisingly soft voice. He sounded as if he was begging her. What? That couldn't be.
She hid her surprise with a frown and gave him a confused look.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't." She retorted.
He was looking at her in silence. Then he took a few steps closer to her. She wasn't sure if he did so purposefully or subconsciously, but he was so close now. She felt like she was going to drown in the darkness of his eyes. They were so beautiful and soft, too.
"Because I'm asking?"
This time, his voice was so low, almost a murmur.
What will happen if I kiss him right now?
What the hell was she thinking?! She really needed to get her act together or she'd be in trouble... At that moment, the doorbell rang again. It was probably Nari this time.
However, none of them moved or said a word. It was as if they didn't want to interrupt whatever it is they were sharing right now. But it was nothing, right? It was just her mind and her heart acting up. Wait, her heart? What the f***?
"Why?" She finally said.
"Is that important?"
The bell rang again, so she had no choice but to get the door. Indeed, it was Nari.
"Yeah, let's go."
That's when Yoongi appeared behind her. Nari looked at them both and smirked.
"Aww, did I interrupt something?"
Soha blushed, but Yoongi just looked at her with a frown.
"You guys will really disrespect me until the end, won't you?"
"I was just asking."
"It's none of your business, detective Park. Now let's go."
He took Soha's luggage and walked out the door. They followed him while exchanging looks.
"You're going, too?" Nari asked.
"I'm accompanying you to the airport. We have a few things to settle before you leave."
Soha closed her door behind her and followed them to the car. She was still thinking about what had just happened in her kitchen. What did it all mean? What was he trying to say?
Just a random thought, I really like the relationship between Nari and Yoongi and I want to explore it more. What do you guys think?
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The Immaterium poisons everything; the living and the machine. The Tau, the Necrons, and the Eldar chip away at humanity.In the dark future of 40th Millennium there is only war.And if you somehow still survive, the Tyranids will eat everyone anyway.
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