'Oh, you can't resist it. Oh, even if you struggle. Oh, you will dance to my spell.'
confused, I opened my heavy, [eye coloured] eyes and was met with a stained, old-looking ceiling. My head held an agonising headache as I propped myself up using my elbows, my vision going blurry for as second as my head became heavier as the migraine worsened the pain from my upper neck increasing slightly as I tried to recollect myself. Why do I have such a painful headache? And why does the back of my upper neck hurt so much?
I looked around the room, soon realising that it was the same room I was in before I blacked out. Except Changbin was no where to be seen, I was laying on the dirty floor as I narrowed my eyes in confusion upon realising the room had no furniture, the old, wooden chair was gone, and the small, metal table was gone. All that was left was a lone light, hung on the ceiling in the centre of the room, and a bloodied medical blade.
Ignoring the agonising pain that originated from my skull, I forced myself to stand up. I stumbled back a few paces as my mind went fuzzy from the painful headache. I stood there for a few moments, before tried opening the door, obviously it was locked.
I sighed in frustration as I looked around the room, trying to find something to get me out. Maybe I can use the medical blade? I considered using the blood covered blade on the stained floor, but my thoughts were cut off as I felt a hot, sticky substance run down my neck. What the hell... that's not sweat... so what is it? I shakily brought my hand to the back of my head, I gasped in pain as I felt an agonising sting on the upper part of my neck. Choking back a sob as I painfully was able to trace the messy letters of 'SKZ.' Why do they do this to me? I don't understand...
My eyes widened and I quickly stumbled back as the door was roughly swung open, revealing Minho, his blonde hair messily falling over his face as he walked into the room, his cigarette filling the room with smoke, causing me to force down a cough. He scoffed humorously as he noticed my discomfort thanks to the scarring on the back of my neck.
"Sorry about your little injury there sweets, but we had to do it. You understand right?" He asked as he motioned to my neck using his cigarette which was loosely held between his ringed index and middle finger. I didn't answer, only looked down at my shoes unsure of what to say.
He rolled his eyes at my silence before walking around the room, so that he was stood directly behind me, too closely for my liking. He noticed that I nervously gulped as he leaned in closer to me, so that I could feel the smoke hitting the top of my ear. "Relax babe, I'm not going to do anything." Yeah, because I should trust you. I sarcastically remarked in my head, I wouldn't dare say that out loud, I've learnt my lesson when speaking out of line.
I thankfully felt him lean away from me as I noticed the sent of smoke slightly decrease, but I felt his dark brown eyes burn into the back of my skull. My body visibly tensed as I felt his rough hands glide over the injury on the back of my neck. Causing me to wince as his slender fingers press down on the sensitive wound. "Changbin could've at least cleaned the wound." I heard him quietly mutter behind me. So it was Changbin who did this, that's why he was preparing those medical items. Why didn't I realise this earlier?
I quietly sighed in relief as I felt his hand leave my injured skin. I resisted the urge to turn around in curiosity as I heard rustling behind me, I took a deep intake of air as I felt a burning sting on the wound as I quickly realised it was a disinfectant. The pain thankfully went away as the disinfectant was brought away from my neck. "That should be good enough, just uh, try not to touch it so much." He unreassuringly told me as he placed his hand on my left shoulder. Forcing me to unfortunately turn around and face him, causing me to immediately lock eyes with him.
"How can someone be so gorgeous?" He quietly mumbled, but it only just loud enough for me to hear. A light, pink and red blush dusted my cheeks and nose as I heard his compliment. I hesitated for a second before dropping his cigarette onto the stained, concrete flooring, and violently stepping on it. I tightly squeezed my eyes shut in fear as I felt him lean in, but relaxingly opened my eyes as I realised he was giving me a hug. I heard him sigh as he rested his chin on top of mine, forcing my face to rest in the centre of his neck.
My body started to relax as I found comfort in his tight embrace around my waist, and I began to relax, knowing that resisting would result in me being injured again. I felt him threateningly tighten his deathly grip on my waist as my body became tense again.
"If you ever try to leave me- us... I'm going to kill your family in front of you, and force you to eat them. And when I say eat them, I mean eat them raw. Now I very much doubt you want that to happen. So just be a good little hostage, okay girly?" I felt tears slip out of my [eye coloured] eyes as I realised I was truly, afraid of this man.
Word count - 1086
So on Sunday I got a message from wattpad saying that they're going to put my story as mature, and the genuine panic that I had for a second, I thought they were gonna say that they were deleting the story or something 🏃♀️.
I'm sorry for the shorter chapter, but I wanted to make this one a little bit more nicer, the end kinda ruined the niceness of it though lmao. I find myself so funny using a stray kids song 💀. How is everyone? Stay safe :)
-polly <3
In a world where creatures of another plane wage a war against all things living to consume them, a boy with a grudge and a shattered past joins Etheret, the Windrian academy of the arcane.
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Reborn in another world with a glass of water
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Werewolf Adventure
Although it is permissible to utilize and practice magic in the Dawn Wheel Kingdom, it is strictly illegal to use black magic or magic outside of traditional religions. It has been given the title of witchcraft by the state, and anyone who engages in its practice will face the death penalty. Garvan, an alchemist, is attempting to transform into a werewolf using his witchcraft skills. The terrifying Shadow Soldiers of the state have learned about his deed. Garvan is about to go on an unusual expedition. Image Credit: "Vampire VS Werewolf. VTda.info" by vtdainfo is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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Xarjurn's adventure
After a devestating battle with a mechanical race bent on destruction a single guardsmen dies but reawakens in a new world,What does this mean for himwhy was he rebornWhere shell his journey take him
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Fifteen, fifteen years ago a Witch and a Wizard disappeared from the magical world. Fourteen, fourteen days until their family and friends have discovered their disappearance. Thirteen, thirteen countries have the two set foot on just to lose any trace of them. Twelve, twelve months until the wizard's friends and family have discovered his whereabouts. Eleven, eleven reasons the couple had said to the wizard's family and friends.
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affection - quackityhq
af·fec·tion/əˈfekSH(ə)n/noun1.a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
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