

'Gimme gimme your love, gimme gimme your love.'

say boredom can kill you, I honestly thought it was true during these agonisingly slow hours of the day. My eyes tiredly fluttered open and closed as I was sprawled lazily across the small, rusty bed, on the grey, thin duvet. I stared aimlessly at the cracked, stained ceiling of the claustrophobic room. All I could do was wait, wait for someone to walk through that door, wait for someone to tell me everything was okay. Wait for freedom.

But it never came. No one came through that door. No one told me everything was okay. No one ever gave me the freedom I so desperately desired. The deafening sound of silence invaded my ears as I laid in the small room, my eyes resting on my chest rising and falling as I took in deep breaths of air.

My eyes slowly started to drift close as my body relaxed into the bed, before the door was violently slammed open, making my eyes shoot open, forcing me to prop myself up on my forearms, the dirty white pain chipping off as the door hit the already cracked wall. Revealing a brown haired man, with faded blonde highlights, standing around five foot seven. His eyes roamed up and down my body, studying me as he took a few steps into the room.

He didn't say anything as his dark eyes pierced through my [eye coloured] eyes, before finally opening his mouth to speak.

"My names Han, assuming I.N already told you. I'm gonna ask you some questions, and your going to answer my questions truthfully. If you lie, I'll rip your tongue out using my bare hands. Do you want that to happen?" He threatened me as he took slow steps towards the bed. When I replied with silence, he aggressively grabbed both my wrists and pulled me closer towards him, "say you fucking understand." He glared into my eyes, tightly squeezing my wrists as he pressured me to answer. "I u-understand..." a small smirk made its way onto his face as I answered. "Good."


"What's your name?"

"[Name] [Last Name]"

"Hmm" he hummed in acknowledgment as he wrote down my answer. Why is this happening to me. "Don't speak to yourself you fucking freak." He said with a disgusted expression. Shit I said that out loud. He sighed in irritation at my stupidity, before turning back to face his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed.


"How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen."

He raised his eyebrows in both suspicion and surprise, and put his pen down for a moment. "Your seventeen?" He asked suspiciously, I nodded and glanced down at my fidgeting hands. "I guess Chan's picking them kinda young." He mumbled under his breathe, barely audible, I glared up at him in annoyance, "I thought you said not to talk to yourself?" I smugly asked, feeling a surge of confidence run through my body. Get a taste of your own medicine, you mother fucker.

Han shot me a glare, before getting up from the bed and walking towards me, making me lean back in fear. He hesitated, before digging through his leather pants, and pulling out a silver, sharpened pocket knife. "One more snarky comment like that and I'll cut out your vocal cords out from your throat and eat them." I scooted back until my skull hit the headboard. He leaned back, putting his pocket knife away.

They're fucking crazy. I want my parents, I really want to go home. I thought as tears welled in my eyes, I cursed at myself for being so pathetic, stop crying, why are you always crying every second? I scolded myself as salty, pathetic tears fell down my cheek, before they were harshly whipped away, but not by the red sweater I was wearing like the last time I was pathetically crying. I was startled as I felt rough fingers harshly whip away the tears, his leather, fingerless gloves, brushing lightly over my wet cheek.

I awkwardly stared up at him as he brought his hand away, shuffling slightly on the bed. "Uh thanks." I attempted to politely thank him, giving an tight smile, shuffling uncomfortably on the rickety, old bed. He scoffed at my reaction and took his seat back on the edge of the bed, laughing slightly at my awkward reaction to skinship.

Once he sat back down, he returned back to the pestering, pressuring questions. "What is your relation with Niki Nishimura, and Hwang Yeji?"

I glanced up at him with a confused stare, "who?" He rolled his dark eyes in irritation. "Don't play dumb [Name], we know you are and have had contact with them. How else would you have gotten the contract?" What contract- holy shit the documents those two kids gave me in the cafe, the shy boy must've been Niki, and the girl who didn't speak was Yeji...


My body went into complete panic mode as he began to get up from his position and walk towards me at a rapidly fast pace. Once again, I attempted to scoot back, wanting the bed to swallow me whole.

"What did I tell you about lying, you stupid little bitch." He gripped onto my right wrist, pulling me up. "I-I'm not lying I swear, please let go of me." I begged, trying to detach my wrist from his painful grasp. "Shut up." He shouted as the back of his gloved hand met my tear stained cheek. The force of the slap echoing through the prison like room. I held my cheek with my free left hand, caressing the painful, purple bruise that formed from the slap. His expensive, silver rings cut through the tissue of my skin, forcing thick, dark red blood to drip down my cheek, now smeared by my hand brushing over the cut, making me wince in agony from the possibly infected injury.

He looked me up and down, disgusted at my messy appearance, a red sweater that lingered of mens cologne and was to big for me, and black pyjamas shorts from the days before. He hesitated once again, before grabbing me by the collar, and with that, he aggressively pressed his soft lips onto mine, forcing my head to tilt back at the harsh force, my breathing quickened at the sudden intimacy, as I tried to step away from him, the small bed behind me preventing me from doing so.

Drastically angered by my rejection, in retaliation, he harshly bit down on my lower lip, drawing blood, causing me to whimper in pain, and to try even harder to push him away,Tears formed at the time of my eyes, But were left to freely fall down my injured cheek, making the wound sting as it was mixed with the salty liquid.

As he harshly pulled away, he scoffed before roughly pushing me back onto the dilapidated bed, the back of my head painfully hitting the mouldy, white wall behind. "That'll teach you for speaking out of line, next time you speak to me or anyone like that again, I'll do much more than just a petty kiss." He spat before turning on his heels and walking out, loudly slamming the door behind him, causing me to wince at the loud noise.


IT, FIRST I.N, NOW YOU." Lee Know screamed at Han, just like he did with I.N. Han just rolled his eyes and took a step closer to him, "why are you making such a fuss about her, you literally called her a slut, there's so way you like her."

Lee know chuckled sinisterly, and took a step closer, causing there body's to almost touch. "Now who said I didn't like her?" Han smirked and chuckled at Lee know, "Lee Know, you've shared what a few words with her? You barely even know her? Also, you can't tell me what to do with my property, after all, she belongs to me" Lee know tilted his head back in anger, annoyed at Han's possessiveness over [name].

"Don't threaten me, Jisung. You know full well that stupid little fucker is mine." Jisung laughed at Lee knows anger, and smugly smirked at him. "Well, fortunately for you Lee know, I'm willing to possibly share her with you. But here's the million dollar question, how far are you willing to go for this girl?" Han smiled cruelly, already knowing the answer.

Lee know said nothing, only turned around, waking away from his gang member. Jisung's cruel smile vanished as he realised what he had to do, talk to BangChan about [name]. He sighed before mumbling to himself, "I have a feeling this meeting with him and Soobin about the situation with [name] won't go to well."


Word count - 1611

It felt to weird to write 'Pants' when I was describing Han's leather attire, I think it's cause I'm British and we don't say pants over here lmao, stay safe :)

-polly <3

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