《MORE | stray kids OT8》SIX: A BAD FEELING


"A bad feeling"

"Sailed away and he never came back again."

the same place again. The same troublesome building, the same huge expensive office that, once again, stood in the centre of the building. Only this time, there were Loud, shouting voices.

Large stacks of documents were spread around the room as they were forcefully swept off the desk of the gorgeous room. There were two people, both arguing. "This is not up for discussion I.N." One of the men shouted, the man opposite it (now known as I.N) scoffed and slammed his fist down denting the desk, "I'm just trying to see how this stupid girl is relevant to any of this, Chris." I.N sneered at the older man, the man hesitated, before speaking again, but much more calmly.

"That's BangChan to you, and this girl...seems to have somehow, let's just say caught my attention." The man (now know as BangChan) smirked and stood up from his chair, slightly leaning forward towards I.N.

"Anyways you've never even met her. Hell, she was even able to catch the attention of Hyunjin." I.N looked the side, almost as if he was going to say something. But he never said a word.

BangChan removed himself from the desk, and walked towards I.N, he smirked at his silence before speaking.

"Just wait till you see her."


days had past since I had received the note, I hadn't left my apartment since. I kept seeing him. The man from that dreaded night, I couldn't stop seeing him, around corners, in my bedroom, my bathroom, kitchen. Anywhere in the whole of my apartment, he was there.

I couldn't leave my apartment, I was so scared. I had been counting down the days until Friday, 9:00pm. I'm struggling to tell what's reality and what's just my imagination, like I said before, I'm seeing things.


I'm going insane, I can't stay here anymore. I thought as I slowly got off my bed, I reached for my phone that was sitting on the cluttered bedside table. And dialled Sieun's number.

"Hey Sieun,"

"[name]? Are you ok? You never call me haha,"

"Ha... Uh yeah I'm fine, could I stay at your house for a few days?"

"Oh I'm really sorry, I'm having renovations done right now, hence why I'm staying at my parents house."

"Wait Sieun please I really need somewhere to stay right now."

"Wait why? Did you get evicted?"

"No but I just... I really need a place to stay, is there not anywhere?... anywhere at all..."



I took the phone away from my ear, only to find out that she had hung up. What the hell? Why'd she hang up on me... why would she do that...I was upset that she hung up, but now I was panicking. I didn't have long left.


8:56pm. Friday. I had minutes. I had tried to get away, to find a place to stay. Nowhere. My parents were out of town, Sieun completely hung up on me and ignored me. And Soobin lives in a dorm with roommates, so I obviously couldn't stay there.

I was slumped down the side of my closed bedroom door, waiting for the inevitable. Until, I had an idea. When they come to 'visit' me, they wouldn't be staying here forever, if I go out to a restaurant or something, I could stay there for a few hours, then come back. They wouldn't still be here, they would've left by that time, right?

It was a silly plan really, and probably very unrealistic, but considering the circumstances of my situation, this was my only chance. Without wasting another moment, I jumped up from my wooden floor, grabbed my purse and house keys. And ran out the door.



I ran down the corridor of my apartment block like a mad person, and ran down the stairs. Thank god there's no one around. I quickly ran out of the building. Into the rainy streets of Seoul.


Once I was at a good distance away, I looked back at the building. My blood ran cold and my breath hitched in my throat. A black car with blacked out windows, the expensive looking car approached the building at a fast speed. That car was way to fancy and expensive to be from this area or Seoul. I didn't see anyone get in or out of the car, but I new it was them.

I quickly turned back around to the direction of the restaurant, and ran. I didn't care how ridiculous I looked, I had to get out of there, fast. Swinging round the corner, I saw one of the local restaurants, I new people who worked there as I had been in there before. It was the perfect hiding place.

I entered the cozy restaurant, turning some of the customers attention to me. I sat down at one of the tables, as far away from the windows as I could. The restaurant wasn't to fancy, dim lights and a comfy atmosphere, it made a feel a little more relaxed.

"Hi! Welcome to our restaurant, what can I get you today?" A kind woman came over to my small table with a small, rectangular notepad and a pen. I smiled up at her and replied "I'm still deciding what to have, I'll be a while so I apologise." She smiled back at me and out her notepad away. "Don't worry about it, take as long as you need." She brightly said as she walked away. It's nice to see someone be so kind so me for once...

I relaxed in my seat a bit, as heavy rain fell over the city, bashing against the windows, that looked out into the darkness of the streets. Glad I'm not out in that weather.

Suddenly, my attention was brought to eight men who walked in, an uncomfortable feeling was settled in my stomach as soon as the entered the restaurant. I have a bad feeling about this.


Word count - 1054

Ahh I really hope this is okay, I won't be able to update a lot tomorrow as I'm going out, I hope you all have a great day/night. Stay safe :)

-polly <3

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