
"Texts, texts and more texts"

"And she took my breathe away."

, expensive office stands in the centre of the troublesome building. Papers scattered on the messy desk, the room was coated in marble flooring. A stunning man with red, shoulder length hair walks into the gorgeous office, with a stack of paper in his perfect hands. The heels of his expensive shoes, echoing off the marble floor as he walked.

He slammed the door, gaining slight attention from the one sitting at the desk. "What did I tell you, stop fucking disrupting me." A deep voice said with an Australian accent, a dominating aura surrounding it. He had two scars, one on his cheek, and one above his eyebrow. The red haired man glanced up at the desk man's eyes, before opening his mouth to speak.

"Where do you want the documents, sir." He said with a mocking tone in his voice, the desk man glared at his before motioning to his desk. "Put them on the desk and get the hell out." He glared at the red haired man before returning to his endless trail of work load.

The red haired man rolled his eyes and grunted in annoyance, before slamming the papers down onto the desk in frustration. The desk man glanced up at him, before putting his pen down, and leaning back in his chair. "What's your problem Hyunjin?" The desk man asked with mocking concern.

"Nothings wrong sir." Said the red haired man (now known as Hyunjin) the desk man leaned forwards and rested his head on his hand, waiting for Hyunjin to say something. Hyunjin replied with nothing but silence, then turned on his heels and walked out of the gorgeous room.

The desk man scoffed and rolled his eyes, before picking up the stack of paper. "Thought you'd get away with it did you?" He said to no one in particular and slightly smirked and put the papers in a draw in his desk. Now, who was that girl? He hesitated for a moment, before picking up another file.


[name] [last name]

Family - [mums name] [dads name]

Age - nineteen

Job - barista at [coffee shop]

Phone number - [your phone number]

Address - [your address]

The desk man placed the papers back on his fancy desk, and leaned back on his chair before smirking at his thoughts. Now, let's pay you a little visit, shall we [name]?


struggled to keep my eyes open the next day at work, occasionally my head would slip my hand, and onto the counter bellow out of exhaustion. Soobin was trying to keep me awake for the entire day. I hate having a six hour shift...

I rested my head onto my hand as my elbow stood on the marble surface of the counter, my eyes blinked repeatedly as I desperately tried to stay awake.

My eyes finally fluttered closed and my head collapsed onto the counter, off of my hand. My eyes suddenly shot open as I heard the notification sound of my phone, groggily lifting my head and practically prying open my tired I eyes, I picked up my phone and looked at the message.

No caller ID

Tired? Go home.

I silently gasped in shock before dragging my finger over to the 'block contact' button...

No caller ID

Block me and you'll see what I'm capable of doing. And we don't want that now, do we [name]? :)

My eyes slightly widened as I read the message, I reread it a few times, trying to process what had happened. Soobin looked over at me and tilted his head to the side in confusion, I awkwardly smiled over at him and tried to compose myself. Calm down, your in public, remember? I tried too calm my breathing down checked the time on my phone, successfully not dropping it despite my shaking hands. Ten minutes left till closing.


"Hey Soobin?" I called over to him attempting to try and get him to cover my shift, he looked over at me and waited for me to continue talking. "Uh I'm so sorry to ask this, but could you cover my shift please? Just for the last ten minutes..." I trailed off towards the end as my speech got more faint. He sighed and looked over at my anxious figure. Before smiling reassuringly, which relaxed me a bit more.

"I really don't want to [name] but considering the fact there's only ten minutes, I'll cover for you." He said

I smiled triumphantly and grabbed my bag, and raced our of the cafe.

All throughout the walk home, I received message after message. Each more disturbing than the last.

No caller ID

I'm getting the feeling you dislike me, I can't seem to think of a reason why to.

I'd be careful walking alone at night.

Might want to hurry up.

Walk faster.

Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you now would we?

I sped into my apartment block, trying to be as silent as possible to now wake my sleeping neighbours. I gulped and looked around the long corridor of the apartment block, the silence creating an eerie tension in the air, only my shaking breathing could be heard. With trembling hands, I was finally able to successfully wedge the key into the keyhole, and unlock the door. I hesitated for a moment, before swinging open the door and rushing inside the apartment, slamming the door behind me. And locking it.

My eyes widened and my breathe was stolen as I turned around, and was met with a hand, clothed in fingerless gloves. Covering my mouth and nose to prevent me from screaming...


Word count - 983

I'm so tried lmao, boring chapter so I apologise for that. Who do you guys think if the attacker? Who is sending the messages? Stay safe :)

-polly <3

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