《Bland ploose~》.........и
Крис гэнэт зогссоноо цаглуу гаа хараад одоо үйчилж эхлнэ гэж хэлчихэд сандал дээр суугаад өгчихөв. Миний нүд бүрэлзэж толгой эргээд эхлэв. нэг нүдээ нээсэн крис миний дээр хэвтчихсэн хувцасыг минь тайлж байв. Би болиулах гэж хичээсэн ч миний бие надад захирагдахгүй байсан юм.
Түүний гар биеийн минь бүх хэсгүүдэд хүрж байв. Би дотроо хашигчид орилж байсан гадна огт дуу гарахгүй байв. Зүгээр л нүднээс нулимс дусалж байсан юм. Тэрнээс хойш би юу болсоныг огт санахгүй байсан юм. Өглөө нь би орон дээр ганцаараа хэвтэж байв. Гэхдээ өөрийнхөө өрөөнд би босож суухад хамаг бие минь хүндүүр болчихсон байв. Би үнэхээр юу ч санахгүй байв. Утасаа авна Юнги лүү залгатал Юнги утсаа авахгүй байв. Доош буутал ээж буйдан дээр уйлчихсан сууж байв. Би очиж юу болсоныг асуутал ээж надлуу харж байснаа намайг тэвэрч аваад ~ээжийгээ уучлаарай. Гэж хэлээд уйлаад байв би үнэхээр юу болоод байгааг огт ойлгохгүй байв.
Гаднаас аав орж ирэв. Гартаа баахан тортой юм авчихсан. Баяр хийх гэж байгааа мэт л
Ину: надаа юу болоод байгааг хэлээд өгөөч гэхэд аав юу ч болоогүй ээ гээд инээмсэглэв. Гэхдээ энэ инээмсэглэл худлаа харагдаж байв.
Аав ширээгээ засаж дуусчхаад ээж бид хоёрыг дуудав. Би ээжийг дагуулан гал тогоо орж бид инээлдэн хоолоо идцгээв. Гэхдээ аав ээж хоёрын инээмсэглэл худлаа байсан нь илт мэдэгдэж байсан юм. Би угаалгын өрөө орох гэж босоод угаалгын өрөөний хажууд байх тавиур дээр ipad байхыг хараад аваад угаалгын өрөө оров. Сургуулийн page луу ороод байж байсан нэг бичлэг гараад ирэв. Түүнийг үзтэл би нүдэндээ ч итгээгүй юм. Өчигдөр шөнийн миний санахгүй байсан үйл явдал байсан юм. Крис гэхдээ бага зүүчихсэн байсан юм. Тэр бичлэг дээр би л харагдаж байсан зөвхөн би....
Би саянаас хойш юу болоод байгааг одоо л ойлголлоо. Аав ээж хоёр миний төлөө...... Тэр явдалаас хойш би захирал дээр дуудагдаж захирал намайг хүчиндүүлсэн гэж бодно намайг тайтгаруулаад сургуулийн page дээр бичлэгийг устгасан гэдгийг хэлсэн тэр бичлэг дээр би ямарч хөдөлгөөнгүй байсан болхоор хүчиндүүлсэн гэж харагдахаар байсан юм. Юнги ч тэр явдалаас хойш ор сураггүй алга болж хүмүүс намайг хөөрхийллийн харцаар харцгааж , нэг хэсэг нь намайг өөрөө. Хүсээд хийсэн гэх ч бодолтой байсан юм . Тэгээд л тухайн хичээлийн жил дууссан юм. Тийм болохоор л би одоо энэ бараан дурсамжийг мартахын тулд шинэ. ГаЗАР ирж амьдралаа шинээр эхлүүлэхыг хүсэж байгаа хэрэг. Тэгсэн... Намжүүн ......
Not your average Bird
Rago didn't have what you would call a good life... Or lives, in his case. For you see, Rago is one of an infinitesimally small number of people that remembers his previous lives. In his first life, he was a young spartan warrior that was killed for being too weak. In his second life, he was a young squire in the courts of Camelot that was tragically killed when his master lost control of his horse, and it kicked him in the head. In his third life, he was a child soldier in Africa that managed to escort a group of children to safety before he was shot in the head by their now ex-captors. And in his fourth life, he spent his entire life in a hospital bed being treated for a currently incurable auto-immune disease. ... But, that's when things changed. He was suddenly brought before an all-powerful being and given yet another go at life... Let's hope things are different this time.
8 304Weapons Don't Have Names
Replicants. Dogs of war, their leash held by greedy corporations. Living weapons with serial numbers instead of names. Genetically perfect soldiers, created for one purpose and one purpose only - to complete the mission at any cost. But what are they to do when the battlefield is far away, commanding officers are gone and they are on a peaceful planet that belongs to the enemy? Two replicants must not only escape the enemy territory, but also deliver two civilians to the HQ. However, their charges are doing everything they can to sabotage the mission and the orders are clear - they can't be left behind or killed.
8 160Diasori Dynasty: The World's Last Heroes
In the world of fantasy, children are born with the ability to become a warrior, mage, and thief. When you become three you have to take a test to see what class you are and then you start training in that class. Chen Diasori, a man who has been reincarnated to this strange world accidentally merged his body with two other people who had the ability to become a warrior and thief while he already had the ability to become a mage. So when the world was introduced to a child not with two but all three classes, all of the seventeen kingdoms starts fighting for him. Chen however doesn't have any plan of helping any one of them since considering the way he died was by betrayal. What will happen to Chen in the future, read more to join his adventure and story.
8 155Magic Empireum: Blood Coin
After a prolonged war between the militarized state of Nauler and the great Kingdom of Altarcia, mediation from the Vindean Empire finally bears fruit. To prevent mass starvation in the eastern Kingdom, Vindeans lifts its customs on the border and funds every merchant willing to supply Altarcians with food and other basic necessities. This opportunity will open a way for quick-witted traders to build their fortunes on common folk ill fate! Where the sword can't reach, the spy will deal a fatal hit. Never in modern history has the world seen such a ridiculous situation, where two enemies can control each other with their intelligence network while failing to govern their own lands for the same reason. Every event taking place has at least three sides looking for their faction profit. As the western continent falls deeper and deeper into a quagmire of schemes and infighting, beyond the great continental wall a mass of barbarians is venturing north in search for a better way to invade these damn knights. Unbeknownst to them, an army trained in the blaze of endless conflict sets forth to foil their plans. If only the eastern frontline didn't require over a million man strong force to be maintained! When everyone is aiming at everyone's throat, great schemes are changing the power balance between the powerhouses, one can only look to improve his own situation. When rulers are sending fathers and sons to battles, daughters and mothers whore themselves to afford another handful of wheat. Only the strong can prevail? All of them either died in the past battles or are enjoying the benefits of the jungle law. In this harsh reality, to win means to survive. To survive means to end other people's lives. To live means to exploit others. How can one reach for greatness, when this world is nothing but a toy in the hands of so-called 'God'?
8 608You Booster! (Tian Lang Xing)
That amazing view of the planet, from its high orbit… And that person, glowing in light, smiling as he confirmed something from him. Soon, he bid him farewell. ‘We’ll meet again… Old friend,” So said that person. The same dream, kept repeating. Yet, not knowing what it really meant, Xin Shi could do nothing about it. He had other concern anyway. Unwelcomed by their own clan, he and his mother moved out to meet their only ‘true’ relative in this world... Yet, in this martial world, things so rarely went according to plan… The boy’s life, changed entirely that very night. The night when, he realized, how powerless he was.
8 76Trouvaille (#featured)
#featured#216 in Romance#42 in ChikLitFaye rolled her eyes. "You're such a loser.""And you're so hot in that."She looked at him and found him staring at her, his eyes glinting as if he was some kind of a predator. Her face heated up and her jaw set before swinging at him with a slap. Nathan's head snapped to the side and it seemed as if he was blinking out the spots of colours that constantly danced in front of his eyes."Damn..." he groaned. "That's two for two." He massaged his jaw and caressed his inflamed cheek. "You do know I'm going to get you back for that.""I'm sure you're going to do something worse than slap me back, aren't you?"He smiled wickedly at her. "I would slap you but that would be considered animal abuse." He tittered receiving a glare from her. "Also I won't be me if I just got back at you equally, would I?"························trouvaille/ˈtruːvʌɪ/nounSomething lovely discovered by chance, a lucky find.Could a vacation trap help bring these clueless, love-deprived people come together and shatter the wall of wounds they inflicted on each other?Featured by@dangerouslove@ChickLit
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