《Destined Hearts》CHAPTER 25: THE BITCH IS BACK



On my way to the office after the visit to Aisha's house I kept thinking what was going on in her mind . she didn't even bother to look at me I don't think she even know what I look like. well, that is not my concern . The only thing I want right now is for the wedding to be called off .

When I reached my company, I parked the car in the parking lot . As I got out of the car I called khalifa cos I needed to ask him something.

" yo man , how was the meeting " came his childish voice

" tell me , is she pretty ...do you like her or ...."

" shut up man" I quickly interrupt him.

"Aye aye captain" he said while I groan.

" come over to the company cos their is something I want to talk to you about" I asked , waiting for his response.

" nope I can't come" he quickly said. What but why would he say he can't when I already know that he is less busy.

" why won't you come "

" cos you didn't ask nicely, atleast you should add please to that statement"

" if you say it in a nice way ,then I'd come" he said in a singing voice .

Really?.why is he always getting on my nerve.

I sigh and did what he wanted because what I want to discuss with him is very serious.

" OK please, can you come over?" I asked and rolled my eyes.

" that's what I'm talking about, " came his reply.

" yes ,I'd come " " anything for you love" he said the last sentence in a girly tone.

Like seriously, how childish can he get.

I really pity his future wife .

" Be fast about it " I quickly hang up before he demand that it should be said nicely too.

What a childish man.

I quietly walked to my office and was greeted by my staffs as usual . I only nod to their greetings. When i reached my office my secretary greeted me and followed me into my office.

" welcome sir, is their anything you need" my secretary asked politely.

" No,but if anyone asked of me ,tell them I'm busy." I commaned

" OK sir" she turned to walk out of the office ,when I remembered that I asked khalifa to come over.


" ms Fatima" I called out to my secretary

" yes sir?" She turned.

" A friend of my is coming ,let him in when he comes and I'm sure you know him right" I said while she nodded her head.

" yes sir"

" OK that's all,you can leave" I said and she closed the door behind her.

I got up to carry the files which I haven't gone through yet . I made some adjustment on them and signed some which needed to be signed.

I was busy with my work when I heard a noise outside my office before I could go out to see what the notice was all about ,the person already barged into my office.

" miss you can't go in there with out a permission " my secretary try taking her out but I stopped her.

" don't worry ms Fatima, I'd deal with the matter. Thank you" she nod her head and left.

" Darling, long time no see. Did you miss me" samira said. She walk forward to stand where I was standing and was rubbing my chest in a seductive way.

I pushed her hand and went to sit on my chair.

" What do you want samira, we are done . Why can't you just leave me alone already. Like seriously, you just find joy in following me to wherever I go " I demanded for answer

" Do you think you can just leave me and I heard that you're about to get married. " she said with a firmed voice.

She walk to the sit opposite mine and sat on it.

" you know that I love you Amir, don't forget what you promised me . you promised to marry me after we had slept together. Don't forget that you where the first man I slept with"

I hate what happened on that night, I was so drunk that day,I didn't know what I was doing. She also caused it ,she had the opportunity to stop it from happening but she welcomed it. When ever I remembered that night I hate myself for it. Due to how scared I was, that was why I promised her marriage .

" why didn't you stop it from happening, you had the chance to but you didn't, so tell me why" I demanded .

" Because I love you demmit. I love you with all my heart" she shouted.


" like seriously, and you went off to sleep with another man. So tell me, were you even sure you loved me or were you just with me because of my money" she stood up and slapped me .

I grabbed the hand she slapped me with and held it in a firm hold and I know it would surely bruise.

" Don't ever, and I repeat don't ever raise your hands to slap me again" she winced and I let go of her Hand

" Get out of my office right now , I don't want to ever see your face again" I said

She eyed me and replied with " you will regret doing this to me , I promise you that"

She hissed and left my office .

I really need to punch something right now, who told her about my where about. The last time I checked ,she doesn't have relatives here in Kaduna so how come did she knew her way here. Some one must be behind this and I'd surely get that person .


I was so happy I could top the class . we were hundred students in a class of business and we were all assigned to different company to help manage a company. I was so happy that I was assigned to the biggest company in UK which was Named " LION'S GROUP ENTERPRISE " .

After our little time working companies we were assigned to, the school of business would judge us base on our capacity of working. Each company would present a note on how we managed the company ,after that we would be asked questions on ways of our managing.

To cut the chase short, after all compilation of results of each student , I was surprised that my name was called as the person who manage a company best . I was so happy that I didn't even know when I went forward and hugged the president of the company a hug. I was so happy that day cos my dream of becoming an excellent business man was achieved.

My friend sultan, came third best and he was also happy about his too. So, we all decided to celebrate our success in a club and we were drunk that night. I've never been an alcoholic before but I was just in the mood too drink cos all my colleagues were drinking ,including my friend sultan. He was someone you could refer to as a playboy but he is a nice person and we got along so well.

After our bottle of drink sultan and I decided to call it a night and left the rest in the club.

" how are we going home, we are drunk man and I can't drive" sultan muttered. He was right though,we were really drunk.

He click his finger thumb with the middle finger as an idea came to his mind.

" call your girlfriend samira to come pick us up since her house is not far from her " he said .

I squeezed my face cos that isn't fair on her,she might be sleeping and I don't want to wake her up.

" she's already asleep by now" I said to him

" just try and call her to see if she is asleep or not" he said in a desperate tone.

" OK ,I'm on it" I brought out my phone to give her a call and she picked on the second ring .

"Hello love, " samira said . what surprises me is that she has never called me love before and I didn't bother to asked her why the endearment.

" samira I need a favour from you"

" what is it love" the endearment again

" can you come pick us at sailas" I asked

" you mean the club at the corner of my house,but love I thought you don't drink " she asked in a surprise tone.

" yes, some thing came up but I'd tell you about it when you get here"

" OK, wait you said us ,does it mean you aren't alone" she asked

" yes sultan is with me "

" OK I'm on my way, just give me five minutes and I'd be call there" she said.

Truth to her word, she came five minutes later.

" hello guys,sultan how are you doing" she greeted and he answered.

" As you can see I'm good and handsome " he is playing the playboy card.

I interrupt there little conversation or should I say flirting.

" let's go" I said as I move forward and sat in the passenger seat while sultan sat at the back ,samira came in after us and started driving.

Firstly we dropped sultan and next she took me home.

I regretted calling samira that night to pick us.

*******END OF FLASHBACK******


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