《Destined Hearts》CHAPTER 19: PROPOSAL


After we had the delicious food mama prepared, baba requested that he want to have a talk to me. I silently walked to his office, he has a office at home.

When I got there he was already sitted at his chair so I also took my seat.

" OK, I asked you to come see me because of an important matter" he started

" what is it Dad"

" you see, my childhood friend Alhaji Dabo has this young daughter and I have promised him that I'd love it if one of my sons marry one of his daughters to which he agreed to it.


Why would he do such thing, why would I be the one to marry her. I mean I know I'm the elderest son but I'm not yet ready for marriage.

" please son I know we are not in the century where an arranged marriage is formed. Try and understand this, you would soon be the new CEO of SHUWA CAMPANY LTD and I would love you to have a wife by your side. You know this saying that ' behind every man success their is always a woman by his side to support him.

" you're not growing young Amir and you refused to bring a woman home to introduce her as your wife. Which is why I want you to marry his youngest daughter Aisha. " he explained

But I don't need a woman's support I can do it on my own. I wanted saying but instead I said " I would think about it"

" OK my son, May Allah bless you. Please I need your feedback just four days from now" said baba.

What! I don't even have enough time to think about it. Just four days. This is ridiculous and so outrageous.

But what can I do, I don't want to go against my fathers word.


" OK baba" I said and walked out of the office.

I really need to punch something, how could baba make this decision for me for God sake. Arhhhh.

I kept pacing around the sitting room. I'm not ready for marriage.

what should I do, I kept asking myself.

"Son, what's the problem. Why are you pacing around" mom said as she walked into the sitting room.

" what happened, what did you and your dad talked about" she asked with her left hand on my shoulder.

"mom, dad propose something to me"

" tell me what it's then" she said.

"he wants me to marry the daughter of his childhood friend, alhaji Dabo" I said with a defeated face.

My mom smiled at me. why is she smiling.

" come son" she drag me to sit on the chair close to her.

" you need to understand that your father want what's best for you. He would never make a bad decision concerning you" she explained.

" Ameer, you're not getting older. You are 29yrs old already and I want to see my grandkids from you" she said with a concerned face. But I'm not yet ready, I wanted saying.

" so try and think about it, I know the Dabo's family, they are good people and I have feeling thatbyour wife to be would be a well mannered wife. "

I sigh, I was speechless. Both my parents want me to get married.

" OK mom, I'd think about it" I said.

She touch my face with both hands and gave a motherly smile " I trust you son" she said .

" before I forget, please go to the game room to stop the argument between sadiya and Khalifa. Those two would be the death of me. " my mom said before walking out of the sitting room.

I don't know why those two always like arguing . They fight like married couples.


On my way to the game room when I heard " what!, you aren't handsome so don't boost your manly ego. No girl would want you by the way" sadiya exclaimed.

Khalifa laughed.

" we all know that everygirl always kiss the ground I walk on and you are not an exception my dear" he flirts

" what! God forbid it" sadiya said.

" I don't know what you take yourself as, you are as ugly as a pig" she shouted.

" really, keep telling yourself that, cos I know you find me attractive. Which is why you are always in denial dear" he retorted.

Really, they would never stop. Which was why I quickly interrupt them before sadiya could reply.

" you-"

" That's enough you two, why do you keep fighting " I asked annoyingly.

" He started it"

" she is at fault"

The both said at the same time. You see what I mean by they fight like husband and wife.

" ya Allah ,why don't you two just get married. You always act like married couple" I said, already irritated.

" God forbid "

" it will never happen "

They both said at thesame time.

Both of them glared at each other

Really, I give up. I can't stand this two which is why I walked out on them to my own section of the house.


When I got back to my section I went straight to the frigde to get some water.

I walked to the couch in my sitting room and sat on it. I kept thinking about what dad said.

How would I do this. I thought

Why can't he just let Nasir marry her. I wondered.

Nasir is my immediate brother and he is a qualified medical doctor. He is still single also.

I have ten siblings. Seven of us from my mom and the remaining 3 from my father's second wife, but passed away last year.

From my mother's side there is me, jaffar, aliyu, Amina,rukkayya,sani and ofcourse sadiya. Sadiya is the last born of on my mom's side while my other siblings from my late step mom are, Nasir, hafsa, and Khalid.

Amina, rukkayya and hafsa are already married with kids. Jaffar, aliyu and Sani are in UK, Cyprus and US respectively to further their studies.

Nasir and I are almost the same age but I'm older than him with just a year which makes him 28yrs old. He has always wanted to be a doctor since we were kid. We both look similar which make other people mistook us as twins ,maybe because we have our father facial features. Nasir works with different hospital cos he knows how to do his job well, he never had any interest for business, always saying it not for him.

" hey man, what are you thinking about" came Khalifa's annoying voice.

" what do you want"

" but I -"

" just tell me what you want" I interrupted him. I don't even know why I was so angry, this is all dad's fault. With his proposal.

" OK calm down and tell me what is bothering you" he took his seat as he asked.

" why are you so worked up " he asked.

I sighed" it's dad"

" what did he do again" he asked.

I told him everything dad and I talked about.

He whistled and said " wow, this is serious"

" what are you going to do about it" he asked with a concerned expression.

" I really don't know what to do, you know their is no backing out of my father's word. I know if I refuse him, he might not give me the CEO position" I explained.

" this is serious " he said

" yeah it is"


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