
Today is the day.

Yes, today is the day we've all been waiting for. Bashir's family are coming over to ask for Aisha's hand in marriage and since morning we've been preparing. He said they're coming around 2:00 pm and the time is already 1:30 pm so that means they're on their way.

Aisha's house had been so busy since in the morning, we clean, cook, and did so many other things. Although it's not like the house is dirty or something but you know when one is having visitors over you have to make a good impression. We want them to have this feeling that the girl they came for, came from a good family. So you get a "wink".

We've already dressed up and the bride-to-be is in her room also preparing. So, I went up to her room to see how things are going.

" Hey girl, you're still making up and you haven't even worn your clothes. I can't believe this and have you given him a call yet" I said with a sigh .what am I even saying, apparently she hasn't called him to confirm if they are on their way.

She widen her eye and said," ya Allah, I have forgotten please pass me my phone from the nightstand " since I was closer to the nightstand I pick up the phone and gave it to her.

Bashir picks up on the second ring.

" hello Bash, are you on your way" she started. Their conversation went on I don't know what he was saying but suddenly Aisha gasp and look at me with the teary eye with the phone in her hand by her ear.

I got up from the bed I was sitting and went to her side and collect the phone from her hand to hear what he was saying.


The first thing I heard was " "stupid. Did you think you can tie me down with the word marriage, to think that you are an intelligent girl, you should have known that I only want to get in between your legs. I never wanted to marry you mummy's girl" he mocked

" you are still a learner I tot you would give me what I wanted but you kept insisting to wait after marriage and all it's all because of your so-called friend Ameera. She is just a stupid girl who thinks she is better than everyone and since you didn't give me what I wanted, I'm with someone else. Someone who can satisfy all my needs in bed without marrying " I got tired of listening to his disgusting word and said

" you are very stupid, you are disgusting and to think that Aisha loves you but this is what you pay her with. I can't believe this, you worthless piece of shit. Don't you ever call this number ever again" I said and hang up. The phone was on speaker so Aisha heard what he said.

She was crying mercilessly on the tied floor, she was shaking and wailing. I feel sorry for her and to think that he was a good man, so it's true never judge a book by its cover.

I went to her side and bent down to her level on the floor, I hug her to my body and consoled her as she cried. It's so painful and heartbreaking that today which everyone thought he is bringing his family over to ask for her hand in marriage. What will her dad say now, please Allah see her through?

" please Aisha don't cry over that good for thing Bashir, he is not worth your tears and I know it's hard but you need to move on from these and take heart, please. " I tried consoling, but my efforts were in vain because she kept crying uncontrollably.


" I was so stupid and you warned me, please tell me you told me so. I'm so stupid and to think that I loved him so much, I thought we'd end up marrying each other" she said in between the cries.

I pull away from the hug and wipe her tears and said" I'm not going to say I told you so because life is all about learning, I wasn't sure if he was a bad person I just said it then because conscience was saying that. Please don't think this is the end cos it's not, you still have a long way to go in life so don't shed any tears for him, I know it's hard but please try. " I said with a sad smile.

"Let me go and tell the rest about what happened " her eye widen at what I said" don't worry, I'm not telling them exactly what happened. I will come up with something else so go into the washroom and freshen up before I come back" I said with my right hand on her shoulder.

She only nodded at what I said. I got up and went out of the room, immediately I got out I release a breath before forming what to say to the rest of the family.

I went down to the sitting room and met her mom and dad on the couch sitting while watching the news.

I salaamed and they answered.

" When are they coming, we have been waiting for them but they aren't here yet," her mom said with concern while her dad nodded his head as she said so.

" that's what I came to tell you, from" I started and they waited for me to continue " we received his call earlier and he told us something so saddening... " I said

" please tell us what happen Ameera," her dad said with concern

" he said he isn't getting married to her because....... "



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