《The Black Phone X Reader.》Chapter 1.


Hi! My name is Y/N. I've been living in Minnesota my whole life. It's very peaceful,here. I live with my father, and just my father.

My mother, she doesn't live with us anymore. She's somewhere else, my dad says. My dad and mom had an argument, which ended up with her leaving.

But, dad always tells me that one day, she'll be back. Dad never lies, so I know she'll come back one day.

Anyways! I'm almost about to go back to school! About to start third grade. I've seen back to school ads on TV, and it makes me look forward to the first day.

I was getting my bed ready to go to sleep sense, I have to wake up early tomorrow.

Dad entered my room, watching me get ready for bed. I climbed on my bed, tucking myself in. He walked up to me, kneeling down so we can be face to face.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Dad asked, moving a strand of hair out of my face. I smiled, and nodded. Which made him hum.

"That's good. Well, imma head to bed now, too. goodnight," He says, walking to the door.

"Goodnight, dad!" I say, closing my eyes.

I can't wait for school!


I put my shoes on, sprinting to dads room, so he can do my hair.

"DAD! MY HAIR!!" i yell,

"SHOOT!" Dad yells, grabbing a brush, quickly doing my hair as quick as possible. He finished, me immediately going to go grab my backpack. While dad went outside to go turn on the car.

I locked the front door, getting in the car. I buckled my seatbelt, dad immediately beginning to drive.

We arrive, and I began to have that nervous feeling in my stomach.

"No need to be nervous. Well, " Dad whispers, making me look at him confused.


Not yet??

He parked, and unlocked the car. getting out the car, with me.

"Alright, bye dad."

"Wait!" He yells. I turn around, and look up at him.


"School isn't all sweet and fun like how it shows on TV's. I'm gonna tell you something, and give you some advice." Dad says, leaning closer to me.

"There's gonna be some people, rude people. That might pick on you. There's always gonna be at least one, or more kids messing with you. And you gotta defend yourself. Not only with words, but with your hands too. Don't be scared to throw the first punch, when someone wants to hurt you. Defend yourself."

I looked up at him, confused.

"I-I don't know how ta-"

"Just do it. And don't be scared." He says, getting back in the car, Driving off.

I quickly turn around, walking towards the school building. I hear yelling coming from the field, so I follow the noise. I make it, and see a WHOLE crowd of people. I shove past them, to take a closer look to whatever is going on.

That's when I see that there's a fight going on!! One boy with black hair, wearing a bandanna, completely beating up the other boy.

The boy throws a final punch before getting up, walking away. Leaving the beaten up boy on the floor.

I shake my head, and walk away from the scene.

I walk to my class, and walk passed the boy I saw earlier. Making me gulp, nervously.

I make it to my class, and look around the classroom.

There's four desk put together, people sitting together in groups. I see one desk empty, and walk towards it, sitting down. Hopefully I at least make one friend, this Year.


The bell rings, and the rest of the students walk inside the classroom, one of those students being the same boy that was fighting.

Oh shoot. OH SHOOT! The boy walk towards my direction. NO! This is my time to go-

"Can I sit here?" The boy ask's, standing next to me.


"Sure!" I reply. he nods, taking a seat.

"Alright, everyone! I want all of you to stand up, front row, to the back. And to introduce yourselves." The teacher says,


I must've been daydreaming for a while, because-

"Hey, it's your turn to go." The boy says, tapping my shoulder. I gasp, quickly getting up.

"My bad- UHM. M-My name is Y/N! Y/N, Munson. " I introduce, quickly sitting back down. The boy next to me, trying so hard not to burst out laughing.


"Okay, my turn." He says, standing up.

"Hi, my name is Robin. Robin, Arellano." He says, waving. Sitting back down.

....Robin? Hm.

"Alright, that's everyone. Now, I'm gonna start going through all the rule's." The teacher says, turning around.

"Hey that was funny. How you got all nervous, and everything." Robin whisper's,

"Hm? Thanks?" I reply,

"No problem. Hey, wanna be friends? y'know, sense you seem cool." He says,

"If you want to, though. No pressure,"

"Robin!! no talking, please!" The teacher yells,

"Sorry! Got it, got it." He apologized.

"Uh....ya, sure. You seem cool, too!" I whisper. He smile's, and nods.

"Cool. By the way, gotta give me some fashion tips. Your outfit is cool!" He randomly say's, making me laugh a bit.

"Hey! Both of you, silence!!" Robin and I look at each other, and laugh.

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