《NCT -Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, etc.-》💙Renjun×Reader💙


You walked to school dreading the idea that you had to come early on a Saturday because you were asked to help move the art room. Yes, move the art room, you and a some other kid are supposed to pack up the art supplies and move it to a different room. It's the weekend, you thought, why shouls I have to go to school?

You walked into the front office where the desk lady was sitting, filing some papers.

"Well hello, you must be the other student that I was told about, right?"

"Ah yes, I'm Y/N."

"Yep, Mrs. Jimin let me know you were coming to help with her art room. Go on, I will let you pass."

"Thank you, have a nice day," you said as you walked into the ghostly quiet hallway to the designated room.

You knocked on the door and someone opened it almost immediately. It was a boy. You've seen him before, he is the quiet kid in your Math class.

"Thank you," you said as you walked inside the messy and crowded room.

You both awkwardly stood there staring at the mess when he spoke up,

"Your shoelaces are untied."

You looked down at your feet to realize that you weren't even wearing shoes with shoelaces.


"I don't know, I thought it was a good conversation starter...sorry it was a dumb idea."

"No, no it's okay, you made more of an effort to talk then I did." You both chuckled and went back to silence.

"So, Mrs. Jimin isn't going to help us."

"What?! This is her classroom!" You couldn't believe this, you came on your Saturday to help her, and yet she isn't here to help. Lazy.

"I know right?! But she came to tell me the new room number and how to organize everything."


"Wow. Okay then, I guess we should start."

"I'm Renjun, by the way."

"Yeah aren't you in my math class, I'm-"

"Y/N, I know you," you felt bad that you didn't know his name but he knew yours, "should I not have done that? I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, Renjun. But yes I am Y/N, now let's get to packing!"

You started off packing in silence, until Renjun started playing music from his phone. The two of you started to warm up to each other and started to sing together.

More time had passed and you guys were almost finished packing. You went to go grab the paints from the top shelf but you were to short, Renjun isn't particularly tall, not like your friends Jisung or Johnny, but he could reach at this height.

"Hey Renjun, could you get these paints?"

"Sure." He walked over to the shelf, pulled some off, and put them on the counter. He went to get one more but when he was pulling it off, the cap seemed to have been left open. His hand squeezed the bottle and paint splattered over the both of you, but mainly you.


"I- I am so sorry Y/N!"

"It's so on."

"Wait, what?" He asked confused as you picked up another paint bottle, untested the cap, and squirted him with blue paint. He seemed mad at first but then he smiled and that smile then turned into a mischievous grin. He picked up two paint bottles, opened them up and dumped them on you. This when on for a while until you got to the last bottle, which you grabbed quickly off the table and out of nowhere you felt arms around your neck, you were in a head lock...but it wasn't tight at all, so you easily slipped out of it. You turned around and blasted Renjun with the paint.


He held his head down low and reached into his back pocket, taking out a mini acrylic paint bottle. He slowly opened the bottle, and looked at you as he smiled,

"Renjun, don't do this-"

"Y/N, your shoelaces are untied."

You looked down at your shoes for the second time of the day since you forgot that the first time he told you, you realized you didn't have shoes with laces on. As you looked at your once black but now rainbow colored shoes, he spilled all of the paint on to your already drenched head.

You looked up at him slowly and started to playfully chase him around the room. You tripped and pushed him down with you.

It was like one of those cliché drama scenes where person A lands on person B and they either kiss or awkwardly get off of each other. This time, you looked at one another and suddenly Renjun hugged you. You smiled into his chest and listened to his heartbeat, it sounded fast, but it matched your's.

"Y/N, would you like to go out to lunch with me and come back later to finish and clean up all of this?"

"Can we go home and shower first?" Both of you laughed and realized how colorful you both were.

"Or, since I have blue lips and you have red lips, why don't we make purple?" You were shocked, you didn't think Renjun would say that.

"I'm kidding...well, maybe another time," he giggled, "but how about that date?"

"Yes to the date....and yes to the purple," you pecked him on the lips and jumped up off of him.

"Wh- um- that happened right?"

"Yes it did Renjunie~"

"Wow, th-thanks...but you didn't blend the colors well-"

"Hey! I'm not your girlfriend yet!"

"Then why don't we make that happen? Y/N, would you be my girlfriend?"

You walked up to him and said,

"I would love to," then you booped him on the nose and hugged him again.


Author's Note

Was this okay?

Idk, I kind of ran out of ideas...sorry.

Thank you for reading!!!💕💖💞

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