《New beginnings...Jiggy turner》013


It's the next morning, you wake up to see jiggy already gone with the door open so you get up walk to the bathroom too shower and brush your teeth. After you close the door and get changed into

this^ (without the bag and slippers if you want, i not pick whatever shoes or black or white air forces)

You walk down stairs to see....jiggy kissing some hoe ass stank bitch with no one else in the room..... 😔😒

K: oh so this what we doin now, we haven't even been dating for a full week....

J: i-...


A/N: ok- ok-, anyways back to the story 🙄✋😜🤪

You walk down stairs to see everyone eating or on there phone sitting on the couch. So you fix yourself something to eat so you can head to school.

Yall get to the school, you guys go your separate ways and get to your classes.

De: bye hoes

K: bye bitches

De: bye daddys 😏

TB:shut up derek!

The boys say walking away and rolling there eyes.

De: ugh so rude 🙄✋

he replied sarcastically.

J: bye bebe

he says walking up to you and hugging you. You hug back

You walked to your first period class bye yourself because you don't have any with your friends until 2nd period.

A/N: I decided to switch up the classes for this part and maybe that way if you want lemme know.

You get to your class and walk in when you see someone with a hoodie on sitting next to the seat you sit in. You to sit down next to this "Mystery Man"

K: hey you must be new, my names kymira but you can me ky

you said with a smile

D: ye, names diego

he said smiling back


aw he's so cute he looks like a baby in that hoodie, and smile is just glowing especially those dimples. ugh what are you thinking, get it together you have a bf, ugh im such a simp.

You off daydreaming staring thru space when the teacher walked in and started talking.

T: Ok class sorry im a few minutes late, but as you can already see we have a new student please introduce yourself.

D: uh..hi, my names diego i just moved here from new jersey.

He said nervously with a weak smile, you lean over to him and whisper.

K: i thought i recognized you, from post the tiktok room posted on tiktok and insta

D: same, i just don't talk about it much

K: ye same

T: ok class for today's lesson we will be watching a video and taking notes because we have a test tmrw.

Everyone takes out there sticky notes or flashcards, she puts on the video and everyone starts talking notes.

The video is over and everyone is done taking notes, class is finished so everyone starts grabbing their stuff and walking out the door.

K: you should have lunch with me and my friends, what lunch period do you have?

D: 3rd period

K: ok same

he gives you a quick smile

K: aw i love your dimples

D: aw thanks, but don't you have them to

K: ye, but how did you know

D: from insta and tt

he says chuckling

K: oh ye i'm so slow sometimes

D: sometimes?

K: oh shut up

you say nudging him with your shoulder

D: im kidding im kidding

he says chuckling. You guys keep on walking and talking when you see Nio.

K: hey bitch miss me?

Nio: hey hoe, who's this?

K: oh this is diego, diego this is Niomi


Nio: hi you can call Nio

D: hey you can call me di

K: ok well cya i gtg 2nd period

Nio: ok cya

she says walking away and waving

K: so what class are you going to for 2nd period

D: uhh... Math?

K: oh ok same!

K: someone ik is in that class

D: oh ok

Yall walk into 2nd period class when you see jiggy so you walk over to him and sit next to him as diego follows and sits next you.

J: hey, who's this?

K:hey,oh this is diego,diego this is jiggy

J: hey..

D: hi..

they say shaking hands, they sit down as the teacher walks in.

T: ok, good morning class today we will be taking a quiz for the end of the unit, its a multiple choice answer.

She says walking in the class and getting out the papers, she hands the stack of papers to one student and tells them "take take one and pass it on". The students passes it down and they finally get to you,diego, and jiggy, diego hands it to you and you hand one to jiggy and everyone starts the quiz.

Everyone is done with the test so everyone one leaves to go to 3rd period. (keep in mind everyone doesn't go to lunch for 3rd period some people have class for the people that are not in middle school or haven't gone pass it) You walk out into the hallway with jiggy beside you.

K: wait jiggy brb imma go get diego

jiggy just makes a jealous pout

K: aw someones jealous but ill brb

J: am not! I just don't want you to leave me alone with those savages

K: i'll brb buabs i promise

you say

J: fine...be quick

he says pouting, you run back closer to the classroom and you see diego's slow ass just walking along staring into space with no care in the world.

K: cmon!

you say dragging him trying to catch up to jiggy

D: were we going?

K: cafetiera duh

D: oh ye

you dragging diego trying to catch up when you bump into someone making you fall onto diego. You and diego just stare at each other for what feels like forever....before you snap back into reality.

This episode was interesting...what do you think will happen with you and diego, will it be just a simple friendship or something more?... i dont dont know stay tuned to find out. Love you babes and ill see you in the next one! ❤️

A/N: i'm thinking of doing more cliffhangers, so i dont stress my self out on how to end the episode/part/chapter, i'm sorry for not posting in awhile i made this one a long one to make up for it, i've been stressed and i try to go to bed at 10:30pm cause i have school but i got to bed at almost 11:00pm. I used to post every day and that's really hard to keep up with some in gonna figure out a schedule and stick to it i'll tell yall it when i figure out one, love you babes and i hope to see you in the net one! ❤️

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