《New beginnings...Jiggy turner》008


It's the next day and you and the girls planed to have a girls day. You walk down stairs after doing your hygiene stuff and changing out of your pj's.

Ky's fit^ (aka you)

Nio&Nia fit^

Aya fit^

Mia fit^

M: so what are we gonna do today

Ky: well me and the girls are having a girls day

V: then i guess us boys can do the same

M: im down

Di: same

De: sounds good

J: i'm in

C: look like i'm going too

Ky: ok that's the plan for today cya

M: bye, have fun just don't be stupid!

he yelled as you girls walk out the door

Ni: shut up!

she yelled back, you guys go in the car and vibed to music until you got to the mall. Your at the mall and you decide to go to forever 21 first then H&M, y'all walk over to forever 21 and get some shirts and pants. 

The fits from forever 21 & H&M^ (plus more)

Since you guys spent an 2 hours on buying clothes and shoes yall decided to get chick fil a at the food court, after yall ate you guys went to get your nails done after you posted some pics.

Caption: i'm back and i'm with the baddest bitches 😌 (pretend Mia and Aya are standing next to them)


user256: periodtt 🤪❤️

Ky.bebesfan: i love you i could never!

^Ky_bebes: aw ty i love you too! 😌❤️

hater: yall think yall the baddest and all that yall not 🙄🖐️

^Ky_bebes: honey we don't think we know 😌🥱

jiggyxky:ate and left no crumbs 🤭

Nio_witdah.curls: dats my besties 😏


Caption: come for one of us you come for all of us 🤭🤞❤️

user939: puuur 😌

user608: you passed the vibe check 🤪❤️


^ky_bebes: as planed 😌💖

user: go off huun!

i.hate.kybebes: ew yall ugly u look like a pig

^ky_bebes: if im ugly what are you lil 4th grader


Caption: 8 years n rolling (meaning they have been besties for 8 years and pretend Nia is there 2)

(cause hoe to lazy to right comments 😌)


You guys went to go get your nails done and after you were gonna do matching pj's and a movie at home.






You guys go back to the house put some pj's on and you watch a movie, 20 mins into the movie the boys come back with there loud asses laughing and shit.

Ni: oh you guys are back

she said walking out the movie room with the rest of yall following

V: mhm, so what did yall do

Nio: just got some clothes,shoes, and we got our nails done

V: lemme see 🥺

you showed the boys your nails and yall went back in the movie room. You all just hung out and watched the movie.

A: im hungry

V: me too

Ky:yall always hungry but whatever, we can get pizza hut

A: k, i just want pizza and buffalo

J: same


Ky: ok is that just everyone wants?

E: ye

Ky: ok brb

You got the food and went back to the movie room, you guys just hang out for the rest of the night.

De: ooh les play t or d

Ky: mk im in

V: same

J: cool wit me

Di: im down

C: les do it

then the girls agreed to do it too.

ky: ok cohen truth or dare 😏

C: tr- no dare

Ky: i dare you to jump in the pool

C: you gtg be kidding me its freezing cold


Ky: that's the point now go

cohen goes outside and jumps in the pool as yall follow him outside, you guys go back inside and get him a towel to go to the next person.

C: ok now ky t or d

Ky: Dare

C: ok i dare you to eat a spoon full of hot sauce

Ky: easy 😌

you say getting up and walking to the kitchen, and cohen just rolle's his eyes. You eat the spoon full of hot sauce and just walk back to the movie room for the next person to go.

V: ok so... Di truth or dare

Di: truth.

V: mk, is it true that you....like someone in this room

Di: yes...

V: ok next person...

You guys finished play T or D and then went to bed...After a long day..because you have school in the morning.

Today was a slef care day with the girls and escape from drama and stress, you came back home and just chilled with the boys. It seems that there's less tension between Di and Jiggy what do you think? stay tuned to find out. Love you bebes and ill see you in the next one! 😏🤭💖

remember to vote pls! 🥺💖

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