《New beginnings...Jiggy turner》006


You wake and you notice that jiggy wasn't there he normally is still sleep or he waits for you but you kinda just brush it and go to the bathroom to do your hygiene stuff. After you went to the bathroom you went down stairs and saaid gm to everyone.

Its 5:00 now and your really bored so you start to think of what you could do as your looking threw the window and then you see the pool and you have a great idea to go to the pool with group. you go ask them if they wanted to go to the pool.

Ky: hey guys do you wanna go to the pool cause im hella bored?

TG: yo sure why not

so yall get some swimsuits and go outside to the pool.

Nio's swimsuit^

Nia's swimsuit

Mia's swimsuit

Kymira's swimsuit

Aya's swimsuit

the boys swimsuit (you can imagine something else if you like but i'm a lazy bitch so i'm not gonna add more pics 💀)


You all get in the pool and take some pictures then play marco polo.

Posted by: Ky_bebes

Caption: with the gang 😌 @.jiggyturner @smiledupmike @derektrenz @Baby.nia @Nio_withdah.curls @Golene_eyed.coh @vallykpena @Ayaaaaa_. dat.lightskin_namedMia

user91608: aww 🥺❤️

jiggy.Kyforever: ate and left no crumbs 😌

Ky_bebesfan: snaped 🤭


Ky&Di: @DiMMagio come get gf 🤭

Ky_bebes reply: why does everyone ship us, he's been my bsf for years 😭💀


You go back to playing marco polo when you get a text from Di saying he landed so you respond by saying.

Ky: ok ill be there in 15 mins

Di: mk

Ky: um guys my friend landed

Nio: i can come with you

Ky: mk

Ky: im be back soon

You go get dressed and you head to the airport

Nio's fit


Ky's fit

Yall get to the airport and you see DiMMagio!

Nio filmed this and posted it

the first one or sec(were gonna ignore the title of the video hehehe 🤭😌)

Caption: my two favorite person in the word and u cant forget @baby.nia 🤪

you were walking to the car when you got a notification from tik tok saying that jiggy posted right after Nio posted that video.

i just want to love you.... 🥺

why can't make you mine...? 😞

fell in love with my best friend...🥺

~ kymira's POV~ 

who is he talking about the only girl friends he know is me nia, nio, Aya and mia it cant be mia she's to young and ik he doesn't like nia its only comes down to me and nio....

~ End of POV ~

You put your phone in your pocket and try to shake it off and focus on the fact that you bsf is here.

Ky: so di how is it back home?

Di: i mean its fine its boring with you tho

Ky: ye but now your down here and you get to stay with me

And you give him a side hug

Ky: so what do you wanna do when we get to my house

Di: ion really know

Ky: ye same, but you have to meet some people...

Di: mk who

Ky: uh there a bunch of boys cause you already know Aya and her lil sis

Di: oh ok cool...

Ky: trust me they'll love you... i think 🤣

~ Time Skip ~

You guys are at the house and you open the door and yell

Ky: im home bitches 🤪😌

A/N: I decided that i was gonna have all of them live together.

M: so this is your friend?

Ky: mhm


Ky: so uh- Di this is mike

M: wassup

Ky: vallyk

V: sup

Ky: derek

D: hey

Ky: and jiggy

J: hey...

Ky: ok so thats everyone, so what do yall wanna do

Di/jiggy: movie?

they said at the same time and looked at each other

Ky: oook movie it is

Yall walk over to the room

Ky: i'm gonna get the snacks, jiggy can you help?

Di: ill come to if you need me too

J: i think she's good

he said with a sarcastic smile on his face, Di just looked at him with a annoyed face...

Ky: im fine ill be back

you said with a awkward face. you and jiggy walk out of the movie room.

you walk over to the pantrie and grab the snacks and then you put them on the counter

Ky: jiggy can we talk.....

j: ye what is it...

Ky: i feel like you been off for a few days is something wrong? did i do something?

j: its just....nothing

Ky: cmon you can tell me anything

j: its nothing

Ky: ok....but if there's anything you need just tell me

you said with a smile

j: ofc

You give him a hug

You finish getting the snacks and you watched the movie and went to bed.

jiggy seems a bit off still and Di and jig doesn't seem to be getting along very well will they able to get along or will this take a long trip down disaster road, stay tuned to find out. hope you enjoyed reading and ill see you in the next one bye babes! 🥺💖

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