《New beginnings...Jiggy turner》003


Continuing on New beginnings...

Ky: ye i do i guess...

Yous said nervously, you both sat there just staring into eachothers eyes what felt like and eternity but you we disrupted by the bell. So you ran to you first period class which of course was with jiggy you introduce yourself and sat next to jiggy. the class ended so you went to your next few classes.

You get out of you walk out with your friends and ask...

Ky: Your still coming over to my house right?

Nio/Nia: mhm

Ky: mk

You guys walk down to the end of the hallway cracking jokes and catching up you get to the doors and walk out then you remember cohen.

Ky: oh shit i forgot about cohen

Nio: oh damn

You run back into the school and there he is with his slow as just standing there talking with his friends like we don't have to go home 😑. He was to busy talking with his friends to notice you but then he finally notice you and you give him "the look". He looks scared asf, and he says...

C: oh shit 😳

He sprints and you count to five he yells yall better run to you don't wanna be in a 5 foot rateiouse of her before she gets to five so they all look at eachother and sprints then you get to five.

You get outside the building and you see Nio and Nia gone because they already saw wat was about to go down since cohen and his friends sprinted out the building and cohen yelled

C: Code red S.2

wich is there code word for that there's a problem with you and S.2 is scenario 2.

D: wtf is that supposed to mean?!

C: just keep running were almost at my house!


They get to the house and they go inside there all out of breath eventually you get to the house and you say.

Ky: ooh Cohen Merise Bailey your dead with you curly mop havin ass get over here you little-

Cohen steps back and you flinch at him about to grab him when you feel someone hug you from behind and whispering...

?: it's fine he just got lost track of time its our fault...

you try getting out of there grasp for a few seconds and you turn around to see......

A/N: this one was kinda short and boring but i promise the next one will be better i just got lazy and didn't have much for this one but now that i finished with this i can continue and do another and i have tons more to do for the next parts love you babes i'll see you in the next one..🥺💖

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