

Rita Mae Brown

"Ishu." I said sweetly. Though I really don't know how my voice change near her, but still I like it coz I don't want to show her my other side.

"Hm." She hummed, while making bed for our puppies and I am holding them coz they were sleepy.

See, I have never held a baby and here I am holding two puppies.

I mentally shook my head.

"Are you still angry on me?" I asked, well I really don't know, what I have done to her which makes her angry on me. But still I have to say sorry.


She shoots me a glare and again starts doing her work.

"Do you want me to be angry on you?" she said after few minutes.

"NO." I replied instantly.

"Then why are you asking me?" she said taking the puppies from me one by one and make them lay on their small bed.

"You were angry on me earlier..." I replied as we both were walking towards the living room.

"I was not angry on you, I was just angry on myself." She said with a sigh.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"It's just that I make my own assumptions about... you know...." She said looking here and there but me, and I bit my inner check to stop myself from smiling.

"But still you can tell me earlier." She accuses me all of a sudden.

"How will I know, if you won't tell me?" I asked.

"Huh? It's your mistake, you didn't come earlier to me, and you should have come on the very first day when I ignore you. But no." she yells at me.

Dude she is right.

"I thought... I cross my limit, you know I kissed you day before. I think you didn't like, what I did, so I was just giving you some space to process everything." I relied.


"What??? Did I ask you to give me space? No, then why did you think I don't like the kiss, even I loved it-" she said but stop when she realize what she said and it's my turn to smile from ear to ear.

Coz only I know how I feel when I think she doesn't like me kissing her.

Oh god!!

She blushes and turns her face towards other side to hide her blush from me, but I have already seen it.

"Ishu, were you really jealous of my pa." I blurt out without thinking and her face turn toward me.

"No. I am not jealous." She said with a huff.

"If you are not then why did you ignore me?" I asked and she became silent don't know what to speak.

She shoots me a last glare and makes her way to guest room and bang the door on my face. This clearly means, she is not going to sleep in our room.

Poor me.

I sighed and walk towards our room.

I freshen up, and lie down on the bed and switch off the lights.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I am just tossing over here and there but sleep was somewhere far.

How can I sleep without her?

Without her in being my arms I cannot sleep.


Throughout the week, I know she cuddle me though she is angry but still.

But now...


Suddenly the door of my room open slowly, I smile coz I know who is here.


I simply put one arm on my eyes, and pretend to be sleeping. Though she can't see me smiling coz of no light in the room but still, I'm not going to take any chances.

Other side of the bed dip, indicating she is here near me, I want to get up and hold her, hug her tightly but I control my emotions and wait for her next move.


"See, there I really don't know how I am going to sleep without him, and here, he is sleeping soundly. Idiot." She murmur and it's too difficult for me to control myself from laughing.

She lies down on far corner from me. And me being me, I slowly-slowly move towards her and pull her into my embrace. She stiffens from sudden contact but relax next second and trying to jerk my hand which only tightens around her.

"Sleep my cuddling baby." I said and patted her head from other hand to make her sleep and kiss her cheek.

First she protest but soon gave in and cuddle me more and with that we both fall in deep slumber.

Well I am getting ready to go somewhere I don't know coz ran said it's a surprise. He bought me a dress which is so beautiful. I like it.

I was taking my clutch when my phone ping with a text from ran;

I replied with an OK, and start making my way out.

But I have a doubt that when the surprise thing is going to be on terrace then what is the need of getting ready. I mean casual clothes will do right.

Ok, so the thing is I don't like wearing heavy clothes or dresses, I know I am fashion designer but it doesn't mean that I have to wear them. I just like to wear casuals.

Sometimes I feel like if there is a rule which says that you can wear casual clothes in weddings or any ceremonies then I will go in each and every function. But I know it seems o be really awkward.

So leave it.

I had reached to the terrace gate, and I am really nervous.

Deep breathe Ishu.

I slowly-slowly open the door, there was a carpet on the floor, and above it scented candles were lit.

It looks so romantic.

I follow the directions, the decorations were die for but when my gaze travel to the board. I paused. Literally paused.

Like my world stop.

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