
After few minutes I realised we are not going home In fact we were on other road.

Now I was confused, I furrow my eyebrows at him questioningly. He gave me a glance but didn't say anything.

He was testing my patience now.

To hell with this man.

When he didn't reply me for few minutes and simply driving the car, I did the unexpected (laugh), I pull up the hand brake and his Porsche stand in between the road with sudden jerk. I smirk evilly at him. And flip my hair backwards.

Tit for tat.

Serves him right.

He was looking no shooting daggers at me, before he could say I asked;

"Now, will you tell me where are we going?" I asked glaring at him and crossing my arms above my chest.

He huffed in annoyance and I mentally evil laugh.

He again didn't reply and mutter something underneath his breath.

"Ran if you didn't tell me, I swear I will jump out of this car this instant." I yelled at him.

"And if you didn't shut this pretty mouth of yours, then I have to try another way around. And I'm pretty sure you won't like it." He utter back in low voice controlling his anger.

And this time I keep my mouth shut and start looking out of the window, leaning against car headrest. Slowly – slowly my eyelids become heavy and soon my eyes closed caging me in sleep.

"Why the hell did you lock the doors?" I yell in frustration at him.

We were in an apartment, god knows whom it was coz he was not answering any of my questions. We were here for last 20 minutes, he just continuously staring at me don't know why but seems like he is looking for something in my eyes and he was unable to find it and his continuous stare is making me uncomfortable.

I sighed in frustration. I got up and start moving in random direction coz I don't know anything about this place.

Well it is really big apartment with cozy feeling--

"Where do you think you are going?" he utters.

"Thank god finally you speak, you know I start getting a feeling that you become mute." I replied sarcastically and sit down dramatically on the same place where I was sitting from last 20 minutes.


"Will you tell me why we are here?" I asked him with serious expression.

"To talk." He said with same intense expression, after examining my face for few minutes.

"Seriously, from last 20 minutes I am only speaking here and you were just sitting there numb. Wha-" I burst, but suddenly stops and took a deep breath and asked him calmly;

"Okay, talk." I said and start looking at my nails nonchalantly.

"Why are you ignoring me from past few days?" he asked. Hearing this, my ears perked up and I froze. I slowly-slowly lift my head, shoot him a glare.

"I am not ignoring you." I said and sat straight looking straight in his eyes.

"really, when I woke up early in morning you were not beside me and then mom tells me that you have already leave for office-" he explodes.

"Well I have early morning meetings." I cut him off with a shrug.

"Don't interrupt me and listen carefully. Meetings my foot."

"you came late at night and leave early in morning without meeting me, I have called or text you in this whole fucking week like thousands of time but you... you didn't pick my calls or even seen my text. In fact when I called your office, every time you were in a damn meeting. And that night when I called Mrs. Ting, don't you dare fucking lie to me, I know you were not with her as she had an early flight."

"Tell me did I do something wrong for which you are doing this to Me." he asked and I look at him dumbfound. How did he know I was not with granny that night?

I was still thinking when suddenly his phone rang and again it's the witch call. My mood becomes sour again.

And this time my patience broke;

"This..." I shout at him pointing my finger towards his phone. And smile bitterly.

"This... this is what you did wrong."

"You flirt with me, kiss me, hug me... and yet have the audacity to talk to this witch whom you can't even speak in front of me."

"Who is she? Friend? No, girlfriend? Right. That's why whenever she calls you, you just left me there, and as if you don't talk to her the earth will explode and will swallow your sweetheart right." I burst at him, with tears filled eyes which were at bay to flow any second and yet I am controlling them to not to flow, not to show any weakness.


But these tears are traitor, they flowed as I complete my sentence, and next second I was pulled in familiar embrace.

I start wiggling to back off from his embrace and he only tightens it.

"Babes, Radha is not my girlfriend or any other that matter, he is my pa. His complete name is Radha Krishna Murthy. He is 39 years old man, living happily with his wife and 2 children." He said, I was still in his embrace, after listening I was hell shocked that I froze, he loosen his arms around me, and look at me with amusement latched over his face. He was biting his inner lip to control himself from laughing.

"What??? He??? Is Radha not a girl???" I whispered but he heard and next minute he cracks in fit of laughter. He was laughing so much that he is clutching his stomach and tears were pouring out from his eyes.

And here I was standing in embarrassment, that I don't know why tears start flowing from my eyes and I ran out of the living room, to the first room which is open and lock the door behind. And start crying while sitting on the floor holding my knees to the chest.

Why I am like this?

How embarrassing it is.


Why I am so idiot...

"Ishu open the door." Ran yell from outside and continuously knocking the door.

"Sorry ishu I don't know what came in me, why I laugh so hysterically... shit... babes, please open the door."

"I am sorry."

He was continusly knocking the door and ask me to open it and forgive him but me being me didn't open the door the whole day. Last cried till sleep engulfs me.

Its 9 pm now and I am hungry, my tummy is growling with hunger.

What to do??

If I went out he will again try talking me.

You misunderstand him.

Of course it yours.

You didn't ask him about Radha and simply ignore him.

Uh... leave it dude.

I didn't listen to her and slowly open the door looks here and there to see if he is present there or not.

I see he is not here.

I move out of the room, walk without any voice and start the search for kitchen.

After long search I finally found the kitchen, entered and start looking for something to eat.

After 45 minutes, I was sitting in my room, and watching Netflix, while eating my food. I have already prepared food for him also; whenever he will be back, he will eat it.

It's already 11:45 pm, he is still not back.

Where is he???

Did he leave me alone here???

Many thoughts were running in my mind when suddenly the bell rang.

Who could be at this time?

I wait for few minutes, but the bell rang continuously.

Now I am scared.

Ranveer is not here, who could be at this hour.

I took a deep breath to calm my racing heartbeat.

I slowly make my way towards the entrance.

I look who is outside from the peep hole, but no one is here, but the bell is still ringing.

Now I am hell scared, my heartbeat is increasing.

You own imagine what will you do when, you were at new place, all alone and someone is at your door in midnight. How will you feel???

"Who is outside?" I yell from inside as, if someone is outside, he/she will call back. Right?

Wrong coz no one replied from outside and bell again rang.

God please save me.....

Ranveer where are you????

I made my way super-fast to the room, ignoring the one who is outside.

I search my phone, sweat beads were forming on my forehead, I am shivering, and shit scared of who might be outside.

Serial killer???




But I haven't done anything wrong with anyone.

So why??

You are overreacting.


Yes, you are...

I pick my phone and dialed Ranveer with shivering hands. But he didn't pick the call coz his phone was lying in living room.


Is he out of his mind...?

Why he has to be so careless??

The bell again rang...

I took few deep breaths. Yes ishu you can do it.

I pick the knife from fruit basket and made my way towards the door, again took a deep breath and slowly open the door, and...

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