《Always & Forever》chapter 19


chapter 19. Promise

To say that I was content would be an understanding.

The last couple of days spent getting to knew all three vampires were nothing but full of happiness. And our relationship took the next step.

But like all things in the world, nothing can last forever.

And when Rebekah marched into the room, with an angry frown on her pale face, I was snuggled comfortably between Kol and Niklaus.

Both of them were somehow touching me. Whenever they were softly stroking my bare legs or absentmindedly playing with my fingers.

It was really relaxing.

The female Original stood up in front of us with her arms crossed over her chest.

She covered half of the TV screen with her body. I frowned and tilted my head near Kol's side to get a better view on TV.

I wasn't in the mood for her drama, I just wanted peacefully to finish the movie.

"Sister, dear, remember that you aren't made of glass." The hybrid spoke with overly sweet tone while glaring at her.

Rebekah just mockingly smirked at him.

Sassy but classy

I was too occupied in watching Pirates of the Caribbean than participating in their siblings spat.

As I said, children, all of them.

"Rebekah, move!" Kol hollered and threw a pillow in her direction. She swiftly dodged.

"I saw Sage today." Rebekah simply stated and I stiffened.

Wait what?

"What? It's too soon." I exclaimed and sat up straighter. I could feel both vampires stares at me. Nik gripped my waist tighter.

"Where did you saw her?" I inquired seriously because it wasn't joking material.

First of all, I don't trust Sage.

She was an old, powerful and quite a vindictive vampire and I wasn't sure that she won't seek revenge on my boys. Especially on Klaus.


Hell, I didn't even trust Finn.

We may had an agreement when Esther was alive.

But now? We were even. And I wasn't sure that he won't join Sage side on getting revenge.

Like the smart woman said: Trust nobody, life is safer that way.

"Lette, are you alright?" Klaus' voice brought me back and I focused my attention on him. He was staring at me with a quite worried expression on his face.

Time for plan B.

"We need to burn Wickery Bridge." I declared and in my corner of an eye saw how Rebekah smirked. I believe she will take great joy in doing that.

Before she could say something Elijah walked in. He was like always in a pristine suit, looking perfect.

He caught my eyes and gods. His smile was breathtaking. I didn't feel how I beamed at him back.

After a few seconds I forcefully ripped my eyes from him and turned to Rebekah.

No need for more distractions, Kol and Klaus caresses were distracting enough.

I took a deep breath.

"Why we need to do that?" Kol questioned stroking my bare leg. I felt my body shivering.

"That bridge is made of a white oak tree," I told them and saw how they all tensed.


Niklaus quickly jumped to his feet, and dear, he looked furious, but behind that fury and rage, I could see the slivers of fear.

"Then why we are still here?! Why we not taking care of this bloody problem now? " he hissed venomously. I flinched at his tone.

"Calm down, let Letty explain." Elijah like always calmly but firmly spoke and I nodded at him in thanks. He just grabbed my hand and kissed.

" In the original story, you managed to burn bridge successfully, but you forgot one thing, " I started going with my eyes to everyone. "The sign. So 12 stakes were made by Alaric and Damon."


"Like every single time." Niklaus huffed running a hand over his eyes as if he suffered from headache. "Bloody Salvatores,"

" I knew it! I should have killed that hunter when I have a chance, " Kol huffed.

I just rolled my eyes.

Killing, maiming, torturing.

"And... are they were successful? I mean, to kill one of us? " Rebekah, who was silent for a long time asked cautiously and I turned to her.

Behind all that tough front she was scared. I could see that.

And I lowered my eyes to the ground and nodded. I heard how she gasped and covered her mouth.

The question was left unsaid.

I took a deep breath

"Firstly, they killed Finn," I silently answered them. I lifted my eyes at Kol and just could feel my heart clenching at the thought of Kol dying.

Of any of them being killed.

"Then they killed Kol, right in front of Nik while he was trapped in the house."

The deafening silence filled the room. All of the Originals were too shocked to say anything. Silent promises of revenge were left unsaid.

But the anger was thick in the air.

But it won't happen.

Not while I am here.

I will burn the world down, I will raise hell in here before they could lay a finger of any of you.

The death won't save them.

I promise

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