《Always & Forever》chapter 12


chapter 12

After 20 minutes of running, I started to feel something weird.

James was a funny guy, but the longer and farther we run from the mansion I started to feel something different.

It wasn't a good feeling. I abruptly stopped.

James was few steps in front of me, his back still turned to me. I looked around and snorted.

We were near the Mystic Falls Cemetery. Suddenly I realized why I was here. Why James was with me. And I couldn't do shit about that.

I'm doomed.

Amen to me.

"That's Esther plan?" I silently asked him even I already knew the answer. He stayed silent. I knew that I couldn't outrun or kill him. I was just a simple human. A simple stupid human who is going to be killed by half werewolf half vampire in the freaking graveyard.

I shook my head.

Stop it.

Thought like that not going to help you. Remember what you learned from Tony.

Mess with your opponent.

"Well, it is quite unoriginal. But you know James, that you don't have to do this. My mates are going to be pissed about you hurting me. " I said to him while looking around for something to defend myself.

"If you want to be free, I know the way. I can help you." My eyes found glass bottle just a few feet away. Even

If I am going to die I will try to bring that asshole as much pain as I can.

James quickly turned to me and I felt my body stilling in fear. His eyes were not red or yellow. His eyes were pure black. No white, just black. He was clearly possessed.

You need Jesus my boy.

My hands curled into a fist and I took a defensive posture.


Just like Tony taught you, Letty.

Evade and strike.

Aim to the sensitive areas like eyes, nose, neck, throat.

He bared his fangs at me and lunged.

With agility, I never knew I had I sidestepped him and quickly grabbed the bottle from the ground and with all my strength I smacked him to his left side of the head. The bottle broke, and he staggered after losing his footing. Without letting him catch his balance I swiftly strike him with the sharp end of the bottle across his face. He cried and grabbed his face in pain. I hit him again and started to run towards the nearest house.

I knew I wouldn't make it but damn.

I hit a hybrid.

Tony would be proud.

Suddenly I was thrown back and felt my back colliding with the ground. It hurt. That hit knocked the wind out my lungs. I felt a hand on my throat starting to strangle me. Tears started coming to my eyes from lack of oxygen, and I fruitlessly scratched his hand. Suddenly he was thrown away and I started to cough.

I saw how James' heart was ripped out and how his lifeless body fell to the ground. The man turned to me and I felt my eyes widen.

It was Stefan.

Stefan freaking Salvatore

"Hey, it's alright now. Are you hurt?" he kind of softly asked me while squatting next to me. I grabbed my throat and winced. He nodded and bit his wrist. I shook my head. He looked at me understandingly.

"You are alone here?" he asked me and I nodded my head. "Where do you want me to take you? Obviously, I can't leave you here." I weakly smiled at him. I just wanted back to my mates, back to the safety and calmness.


I was so stupid.

So stupid to go out without any of them.

"To my mates," I mumbled, but he still heard me. I saw his body stiffening. I felt fear in my body the second time today. What have I done? What if he will use me to hurt them? I started to make my way away from him. He quickly stood up and put his hands in surrender.

"You are the mate of Klaus, Kol, and Elijah?" he asked and I nodded. It was too late to lie.

"Then why you here alone?" he inquired, and I lowered my head in shame.

"I wanted to go to running, and they were sleeping" I whispered. He just extended his arm to me.

"Then let get you back to them before they started killing spree," he answered my silent question. I felt my eyes widening in surprise.

He obviously understood me and chuckled.

"I am not that kind of idiot who kidnaps or hurts Originals mate." he just told me and I took his hand. This is Stefan Salvatore we talking about.

He is a good guy? Yeah?

He lifted me bridal style and I burrowed my face into his neck when he started to vamp speed back to Mikealson Mansion.

After few minutes we were near the Mansion, and he was letting me down when the front door opened with a loud thud and three figures emerged from them. Kol grabbed me from Stefan's arms into his, Nik pinned Stefan near the wall by his throat. Elijah was standing protectively in front Kol and me.

"Nik let go of Stefan. He saved me." I yelled, and the hybrid turned his head to me. He looked at me warmly and let go of the youngest Salvatore.

"It is true, Salvatore?" Elijah hissed and Stefan nodded. "Then we are expressing our gratitude." he slightly bowed his head in thanks. Kol just hugged me tighter.

"Well, old friend. You can go now." Nik waved off him, Stefan one last time glanced at me and vamped 's departure Nik turned his attention to me. I saw fury and bits of fear in his eyes when he scanned my body. I ashamed looked down.

It was my fault.

"I'm so sorry. So sorry"

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