《Always & Forever》Chapter 7



I smiled and stroked his cheek. He sighed and closed his eyes.

He was so tender with me, he may be monster in others people eyes but he was caring man in mine.

And I won't let anybody take you from me.

Any of you

I silently vowed and retracted my arm. If I wanted to stop Esther from linking Originals I must be in the ball, and in order to be in celebration, I must have a dress.

And I think there are some dress shops in Mystic Falls.

I hope.

"Can anybody accompany me in the last minute hunt for the dress?" I hopefully asked because I have no wish to be attacked by any supernatural creature.

And with my luck that could happen to me without a problem.

" I can show her shop, still, I need to go to the Mystic Grill." Rebekah proposed the idea while watching her newly polished fingernails.

Kol silently growled clearly remembering our first meeting. It wasn't so bad just a little be oxygen-less.

And breathless.

"Oh please, Kol. I am not that stupid to attack her when I know what she is"

Blondie Original just rolled her eyes while looking bored as dirt.

Elijah opened his mouth to say something but Rebekah interrupted with scoff.

"Honestly, brother have little faith. I just want to know her."

Why did it sounded somewhat like threat? Anyone?

But oh well, beggars can't be choosers.

"You serious Rebekah? Give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready" I eagerly cheered while running to my room.

I silently thanked whoever listened to me of my back up clothes bag.

I quickly changed into the fresh grey sweater and skinny black jeans. After that, I tied up my ash blond hair into the high ponytail and put some mascara on my eyelashes. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.


Well, not the worst that's for sure.

"Well love, what can I say, you look gorgeous." I spooked like a wild animal from fright and grabbed my heart when I heard Nik voice behind me.

Oh my sugar honey iced tea. I will by the end of this week.

"For fuck's sake Niklaus!" I shouted deeply breathing

"You want me dead, that's for sure."

I breathlessly laughed

I saw how Nik smirk dropped at my words. Without any words he flashed near me and grabbed firmly but softly my forearms. He stared at me with his eyes full of worry.


"Don't say that my love. Don't joke about that," he seriously stated. I quickly pulled him into a hug.

He for a moment stiffened but then tightly hugged me back. I took a deep breath of his scent and sighed contently.

"Rebekah is taking me to find me a dress" I muttered in his neck I felt how he tensed.

"Don't worry Nik, 'Lijah and Kol talked to her." I softly said and he hugged me even tighter.

" I always going to worry about you. You are my mate." he told me and I let go of him.

"Like me about all of you." I said to him and with the last smile walked away

"Wish me luck!" and ran back to the main hall. When I was at last steps of stairs I accidentally tripped and would have probably cracked my skull if not Elijah.

Good bless him.

He caught me and I wrapped tightly my arms around his neck.

"Well well astin you already falling for me" he joked and circled his arms around my midsection tighter. I just giggled and kissed his cheek.

It's good life.

"For you all" I silently murmured without thought he would still hear me.


"Sorry 'Lijah I must go" I softly told him while stroking his jawline.

He sighed and let me go.

'Thank you for catching me." I smirked and he smiled back at me.

"Always elskan, always" he assured me kissing my hand.

Breath Lette. Breathe.

"Oh gods, let's go" Rebekah's whining interrupted us and I glanced at her work mild annoyance.

Her arms were crossed over her chest, lips pursed.

"You all act like you will separated for hundred of years."

With Nik anything it's possible.

"Jealous much, dear sister?" Kol mocked his sister and pulled me into his arms.


She just fake smiled.

"Good luck angel" he told me in my ear and kissed my cheek.

Breathing not dying.

We have been driving in comfortable silence for few minutes until Rebekah opened her mouth.

"I'm not going apologize for pinning you near the wall."

She bluntly stated and I turned to her.

"I don't expect you to apologize." I simply told her back and saw how she raised one her perfectly arched eyebrow.

It was almost good as mine.

"What do you expect then, oh miss Nicolette?" she inquired.

Oh many things : dead Elena, Esther and cupcake.

"While it wasn't extremely joyful and pleasant experience I understand you." I told her and she glanced at me with a curious look.

"You do?'" she smiled at me but the disbelieve was in her tone.

"I know you were pissed from unsuccessful operation to kill dull as dishwasher backstabbing doppelganger cow."

I said simply and jerked forward when she suddenly hit the brakes.

Frag you woman. Learn how to drive.

"How did you know?" she hissed and turned the full body to me.

Her eyes were narrowed and veins slightly visible.

I felt a spike of fear in me.

Well done Letty, always speaking without thinking.

I mentally scolded myself.

"Rebekah, let's be clear. I know a lot of shit." bluntness was my forte. "Seriously, I know a lot of things from past and even future about you all and more. I know things lot of people don't know. That's my blessing and curse because most of the things I know I can't tell sucks, I know."

I told her honestly.

Like my auntie always told me: Honesty is the best policy.

Except when you need something.

"And, yes I know what Elena did. And I'm not her fan number one. That's for sure."

The Original vampire looked at me with surprise and suspicion.

"I know you don't have any reason to trust me. But three of your brothers are my mates, and what they care about, I care about. And I'm going give all my knowledge and strength to protect what I care. You are one of these people. Team Original for life." I told her seriously and saw how her eyes softened. She laughed and I smiled a little bit.

"It's nice to hear that. But if you will divide even more my family, I'm going pull your intestines through your skull" she told me with promise in her eyes and I gulped.

Well, let's not disappoint her

"Duly noted captain" I mockingly saluted her and she smirked.

" Well I believe, its start o a beautiful friendship." I told her and she looked at me wide-eyed, and for a millisecond I saw in her eyes hope.

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