《Solace Curse: Part I》17
I threaded gracefully through surprised travelers on the road, leading the way as we tore down the north road. Lylisia never would have run at a time like this...
...but she's not here, is she?
I nearly tripped and went sprawling.
"We're gaining ground fast!" Andrin gasped from somewhere behind me. He and Maeldok had a harder time keeping from barreling into passersby who didn't leave room on the narrowing path for fleeing fugitives.
"Great, keep it up then!" A few steps behind me, Koren shouted to clear the way as we ran.
I glanced behind me for a moment—wham!
I collided head on with someone and he went flying. He was a short little man, and though I was slim myself, I barely even stumbled. "Sorry!" I shouted as I regained my balance, making to speed off again.
In the brief pause, I heard it—hoof beats.
Koren snatched at the edge of my cloak and shouted something, but I didn't hear him. My legs had a mind of their own, sent almost into a frenzy, tripping over myself to get moving again.
They were coming.
I didn't make it three steps before I was on the ground too, grappling with Andrin, who took me down with him. My deep, ragged breaths had turned suddenly to short, shallow ones, and I stared with wide eyes.
"Sed we need a plan." Koren strode calmly up and put a heavy hand on my shoulder.
I froze in the middle of scrambling to my feet and tried to take a deep breath. What's gotten into me?
It was the magic. The moment I heard hoof beats it swelled up like a flood, filling my lungs and throat and soul.
"E'suze me, but do you need helping?" It was the man I knocked over. "I take you to safe place." He dusted off his hat—a strange cloth piece, one like I'd never seen before—and continued in a thick accent. "I take it they are coming for you?" The little man cocked a black eyebrow and tilted his head down the road. I suddenly noticed his very fine mustache.
"Yes, yes they are, and we could use your help... fast." Koren's tone remained even, somehow, even though my heart was still pounding.
Still jittery, I must've looked over my shoulder a dozen times as we stepped off the road and between the trees, dodging soaring, jagged rocks rising to reach the treetops. The rumbling of horses was growing louder, so much that I could've sworn they sent a whole army after us.
Koren conversed in a hushed tones with the stranger. It was like he had barely broken a sweat, and he moved with such confidence I might've doubted he understood the seriousness of the situation.
"So Maeldok," Andrin was saying behind me.
I tried to listen in, if only to stop my ears straining for signs of pursuit.
"...how are you in a fight?"
I snorted. Little as I knew about the Channeler, I could just imagine his expression.
Fair enough. Maybe even modest, I thought to myself.
"See I only ask because, you know, if it really comes down it, we have to know who's in and who's out you know?"
Peeking behind me, I cracked a nervous grin at Maeldok, whose eyebrows were raised to his hairline.
"I see," was all he replied.
"So?" Andrin eyed him expectantly, casually ducking underneath a low hanging branch.
Maeldok eyebrows, if possible, rose even higher.
"Are you in or are you out?" Andrin pressed.
I couldn't stay silent any longer. "Andrin, I think he can handle himself. That broadsword has had some use, let's just say that." I tried to laugh, but it came as out as a nervous sort of breath instead.
Andrin did laugh, somehow, and turned to peer behind us.
Maeldok, on the other hand, fixed me with a stare, now with furrowed brows. "It surges forward with signs of danger?" He asked it like a question, but I knew it wasn't. The magic was indeed threatening to drown me, and I prayed with every step we took that it would recede the further we fled from the road.
"Yes. I guess I'll be good if it comes to a fight at least." I wasn't sure I felt good about the fact, but at least I wasn't useless.
"You sure handled that monster from the sound of it," Andrin said. "And that Ska'al that stabbed me, although I only heard about that too... am I always unconscious when you do something heroic?" He was trying to put me at ease, I could tell.
It helped.
Maeldok interrupted gravely. "You would be wise to stay out of a conflict. Your power can easily overwhelm you... perhaps overwhelm us all." He rested a hand on the hilt of his own weapon. "Three is plenty to subdue simple foot soldiers."
That didn't help.
"I'm sure Sedris can handle himself Maeldok," Andrin responded somewhat testily.
"A simple word of warning, Sedris."
I scowled and turned to Koren, no longer interested in the Baldük behind me. I'm not helpless.
"Shhh!" Koren held up a fist suddenly. We all stopped dead. Faint echoes from the direction of the road, but otherwise quiet. I strained to gather the currents again. It had been so easy with the creature near the Crossroads—why not now?
I barely had time to register a blur of motion before both Animaré launched into action, Koren bringing his knife up to parry, Andrin diving to snatch a sudden attacker's heel.
Our new friend was yelling. "Amelio, Amelio, friends! Alatan!" The last word was a language I didn't recognize, but the message was clear enough.
Andrin and Koren made no move toward the downed assailant, but kept their weapons raised. My knife was out too, but I hurriedly put it away.
"Ah Teocin, Teocin, you must not look so helpless, yes?" The newcomer was grinning ear to ear. For this man it meant a huge smile, lips stretched across a wide, olive-skinned face just like our friend. His teeth were dazzling white, and dark eyes sparkled beneath darker eyebrows as our guide, Teocin, helped the man to his feet.
"What's all this about?" Koren had relaxed his defensive stance, but channeled the fight to his tone instead. "Take us out here for an ambush, Teocin?" He stumbled over the unfamiliar syllables.
"No friends, no!" The wide man, Amelio, interjected with the same accent as his friend. "I see poor helpless Teocin in trouble, I leap to his defense! You see I am no match for four men though, you see this well!"
"Indeed," I heard Maeldok mumble. I wanted to laugh, but still didn't want to look at him.
"Come friends, come alatan!" Amelio waved us forward, a large arm slung across Teocin's small shoulders.
Andrin looked at Koren, and Koren looked at me. I shrugged and started forward. My magic didn't seem bothered by the two strangers, so I didn't see why we shouldn't follow.
"For once, I'd like to make a quiet friend." Koren trudged into line beside me. "Next time I'll slice him in half instead."
Andrin rolled his eyes to me. It was smart, I thought, not bringing out their Naem-shul. No need to tip our hand quite yet. Plus, it'd be hard to tell which was the Animaré pair in our group. The thought occurred to me that I might not look much like an Animaré anymore—although, what did an Animaré really look like?
It wasn't long before we entered a small clearing, and quite a busy campsite. Three fires burned at the same time, two roasting wild game, the other boiling a pot of something I couldn't see. Half a dozen tents were packed into the small space, and a mule stamped nervously at us from where it was tethered beside a rickety wooden cart. There couldn't have been more than six or seven people there, with tents and gear enough for all, but crammed into the tight space it was like happening upon a small army.
"Teocin, Amelio, what have we here! Alatan I hope!"
A man in vibrant colors stood, arms opened wide, sporting a floppy hat and a large smile. He was young—thirty, perhaps—and flashed perfect teeth to go with his pristine shirt and cloak. The cloak was bright, shiny red, with a deep blue overshirt and forest green pants, giving him the look of a mismatched court jester.
He certainly acted the friendly part. "Friends, what brings you here! Not from Lower Corvelen, are we?" The man laughed and draped an arm across Koren's shoulders, guiding us into the camp and showing us to a few boxes to sit.
I sat, and so did Maeldok—stiffly—and Andrin. Koren remained standing for a moment to clasp hands with the brightly dressed man.
"Stuil, grab these travelers a bite while we make some introductions!" The man leaned in close and gestured behind him. "Not the sharpest knife in the sheath but he keeps us eating like kings." Andrin's cocked eyebrow prompted him to continue. "Fine, fine, not quite kings, but certainly not like most other scum on the North Road, I'll tell you that!" He held up his hands in surrender.
There was something about this man—the smile was real, the casual, familiar movements convincing, but the eyes were sharp and the tongue sharper.
"We get along nicely as well, for the most part," Koren responded, straight-faced. "Although without the help of your friend Teocin, we may have been in a bit of trouble."
"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" A girl with a long red braid spoke up. She stared Koren down with a withering glare. "Dres..."
The colorful man waved a hand and laughed. "Give them a moment to breathe, Tally, I'm sure they can explain!"
The girl's fierce eyes swiveled to the man now. She flipped the braid over her other shoulder and I caught a glimpse of a long scar tracing down her neck and disappearing behind her shoulder under her own blue overshirt. "We have only two j..." She trailed off and cocked her head.
So did the Animaré.
First, nothing, then I heard it: Clip clop clip clop.
My ears perked up and a stab of pain in my chest followed—the magic, as usual. I saw the Animaré tense up too. The Corvel riders hadn't given up. Perhaps Koren and I could pass for travelers in this new group, but the Baldük were a different story.
All eyes turned to the man in the red cloak. "I suppose from the looks on your faces we know what kind of trouble you're in."
Koren nodded.
"Dresdin." The girl wasn't having it.
I was ready to run, the toe of my boot already dug into the ground. Andrin shifted from foot to foot as well, but Koren was stock still.
Dresdin looked at us one more time, then down the thin trail. Hoofbeats floated lazily into the camp. "Hide them." He glanced around at his crew. "Hide them!" he hissed again, and everyone jumped into action, even Tally. "And stow the Andola glassware, they'll go for a small fortune on the market!"
Teocin and Amelio were on us immediately and dragged us with surprising strength to a nearby tent. We all crammed inside, laying perfectly still the moment we heard a solider shout a greeting.
A muffled Dresdin called greetings back. He was more jovial than ever before. I could almost hear his smile.
"To what does our humble band owe the pleasure? Stuil, bowl some stew for these men!"
"He lays it on thick, doesn't he?" Andrin elbowed me on accident. "Sorry Sed. I mean—gosh sorry Koren—ouch—does it look like this group really bought all those Andola bowls? They go for fifteen plat demtre easy! Each!"
Koren shushed him.
"...and their two Baldük companions. Any chance you've seen them?" A gruff voice was speaking.
"Can't say that we have, gentlemen, can't say." Dresdin didn't skip a beat. "Are these men dangerous?"
The guard started to answer but a high voice cut him off. "Dangerous! They could be anywhere now, what if it isn't safe to travel anymore?"
Andrin, Koren and I exchanged shocked expressions. Maeldok chuckled to himself.
"Dres, what if they came here, what would we do!" Tally's voice was suddenly breathy and stuttering. She played the part every bit as much as Dresdin.
Although Dresdin may actually be that lively.
He piped up again, right on cue. "Now please excuse my wife, gentlemen, always the timid type she is!"
Koren snorted.
The guards stammered some reassurances, and after a few more pleasantries, they were on their way again, leaving the "couple" and their companions with a nice "Good day, no need for alarm, really."
Eventually we were told the coast was clear and were let back out into the noonday sun, squinting and stretching sore limbs.
We agreed it wasn't safe yet to resume our travel, and although Koren and I tried to insist it was unnecessary, Dresdin decided to stay with us until evening. His crew wasn't bothered by the decision, apart from perhaps Tally, and they spent the afternoon gathering supplies, preparing meals, and packing chests of goods onto their cart.
Excusing ourselves from Dresdin's cheery smile and Tally's shrewd eyes, Andrin, Koren, and I set up our own little camp a little ways away from the clearing.
"What's he doing do you think?" Andrin whispered.
"You're the Baldük, aren't you supposed to know that?"
Maeldok was on one knee thirty feet away, his back toward us. One hand, propped up on his knee, was touched to his forehead. The other was folded into his dark cloak.
I rolled my eyes. "Guys, he's a Channeler, remember? I'm sure it's got something to do with that." I didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about, but I was sure I was at least partially right. "Those Baldük are strange ones, aren't they Koren?" I kept a serious tone. "It's always an adventure with their antics."
"Sometimes..." Koren said absentmindedly. He was reclined with his back against his pack. "Why do you think these people are really going to Aelridia?" It had clearly been bothering him.
Andrin shrugged. He fiddled with a little knife, sharpening a twig he'd plucked from the leafy ground. "They might be all they seem. They steal expensive stuff and sell it."
"Well of course I'd like to believe that, but we've got to keep our minds open. I mean, can they really be trusted?"
"Can we?" I wondered more to myself than anyone else.
"Sure we can! We're allowed to tell lies. We'd only tell necessary ones anyway."
"Andrin I'm serious!" Koren interjected. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "We can't just go blindly trusting everyone we meet. We're already doing that enough." He jerked his head to Maeldok's still form. He hadn't moved in so long, I thought maybe he had fallen asleep.
My thoughts went back to Koren. "Now that's a little unfair, don't you think? He's proved himself to me, Koren." I was afraid Koren would respond that Maeldok hadn't proved anything to him yet, but he didn't.
"I know, I know. I'd just like to have a better grasp on the situation."
"Ready to move, alatan?" Teocin called from the other campsite. "Quickly!"
We grabbed our gear and trudged over to our new travel companions. They had everything loaded onto the little cart, and an older man held the mule's rope, already leading it down the narrow trail out of the clearing.
As we walked, I couldn't help but inwardly agree with Koren. While Andrin had shrugged off the comment as one of Koren's worries, it had struck a chord with me. As an Animaré, I had never felt like the four of us had ever been in control of our lives, not really. We took every challenge as it came and didn't always go with Koren's plan B when a job went south.
But now, strangely, it bothered me. I knew I trusted Maeldok, inscrutable as he was—but I still wanted answers. I was still brimming with questions there had been no good time for the night before, and wanted to discuss things that couldn't be revealed with Dresdin's group around. However fascinated with the four of us Dresdin was, he certainly wouldn't stick around if he knew who I was—and who I used to be.
Ultimately, Koren's wish resonated with me: I'd kill for a bit more control over my life.
* * *
It was well past midnight when we finally stopped for the night, and Dresdin insisted we make proper introductions with his friends.
There was Teocin and Amelio, who turned out to be brothers. Not surprising given their looks, although Teocin was a good deal smaller than his younger sibling. Stuil, the cook, gave us a toothy grin, his wrinkled hands trembling as he served us stew in what must have been fine Andola bowls, although only Andrin really cared about them. Laff and her husband Lan—I had to swallow a giggle at those two—were from a fishing town in lower Corvelen, and both slung bows across their backs. Lastly, Dresdin turned to Tally, whose real name turned out to be Tallion. It hadn't taken this long for me to notice that she was quite pretty. At the same time, we all got the impression that we'd be in serious danger if we ever got on her bad side—which, after delaying the group's start for the day, we all probably were.
We settled around a fire and had a delicious, if somewhat oddly colored soup from Stuil's cauldron-sized cooking pot. We hadn't talked much on the road—my chest was tight with apprehension that Corvel guards were around every bend—but now everyone seemed more relaxed. The night was getting chilly, and the chirping crickets mingled with the crackle of the fire.
The others made idle chatter until Dresdin broke in.
"Now gentlemen, I must ask, and I believe we all want to know the same thing." A round of nods followed Dresdin's statement. "What exactly makes the Corvel so desperate to find you?"
We looked at each other for an awkward moment. How much to tell them? I had tried earlier to get a word in with Koren when the question came up, but Teocin and Amelio had stuck too close.
Koren took a moment to swallow a gulp of the drink he was nursing. He was careful choosing his words. "Well... we've been smugglers for a long time now. We move valuable goods discretely in and out of Corvelen."
"Much like yourselves, although no one would hear word of it from us." Maeldok took a moment from smoking a pipe to add in what we'd already realized. These people were peddling wares they definitely didn't buy.
Tallion's mouth opened for a second, but Dresdin just laughed.
He spread his hands and shrugged, grinning. "A humble trade for humble men and women. But go on, don't let me interrupt!"
Andrin picked up the story. "We planned to meet Maeldok in Yeandol and make our way to Aelridia. Always jobs to find in a city like that, right!" He grinned.
I grimaced.
Not the most convincing bunch, are we. Tallion seemed to agree. She fixed me with a stare and refused to look away. I wished for all the world Lylisia could be there to do the quick talking.
"Anyway." Koren fiddled with the hilt of his knife, eyes fixed on the flickering fire. "It's a long story, but two Baldük are easy to blame for bodies turning up." He shrugged, and finally looked up at everyone else. "What with rumors of Ska'al running loose, there's no abundance of trust for the Baldük."
Across the fire, Maeldok spat. It crinkled into some dry leaves.
"Ah, Kelekolo. We hear the rumors—we know they are out there." Amelio puffed up his chest, the tight straps on his overshirt straining. "Kelekolo viglio." He and his brother spat too.
Maeldok's bushy eyebrows knit together in a scowl. He took a long draw on his pipe and blew out with force.
"What he means is that we have no love of the Ska'al in particular." Dresdin jumped in before Maeldok had a chance to speak. "We've been to Baldük-kre briefly, and, well—there was only one reason it was brief!"
- In Serial67 Chapters
Quod Olim Erat
The stars were home. Decades ago, Elcy was a battleship, until her recklessness brought her out of the front lines and to forced retirement in a human body. Now she lives a quiet life on a rural backwater planet, keeping the promise made to her last captain, until one day a letter takes her to the stars once more. Available on Amazon under the title "The Elcy Protocol" using this link: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B097CVPBBH Listed on Top Web Fiction HERE The story is continued in: The Scuu Paradox and The Cassandrian Theory Cover by ssddx Edited by Aziraphael and Floydien
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Sweetleaf Cultivation
If you’re reading this. Not cool Dude! Or Dudette. Hashtag Resist. Seriously though, it’s not nice to read other people's diaries. Yes, it's a diary, kind of. The only men who call their diaries journals have an issue with their own masculinity I think. Well, I guess I can’t be too angry, considering if this is in anyone else’s hands I’m probably dead. Or I lost it. I lose stuff a lot. Since you’re here, regardless of the reason, I guess I’ll tell my story, such as it is. I know, why tell my story when I could tell you about the Fall of Killianor, or the story of when Micha the Bold banded together with his underdog group of misfits to destroy the Pallantine Regime. Hell, even the tale of Tulsa and Gran’s star crossed love affair would probably be better. If you don’t think so after finishing this you more than likely have poor taste. Weird taste, at any rate. Hello RR! Welcome to the greatest work of fiction you will ever read! ... .... Did you believe that? Cause its not. At all. This is my first work that I will have published in any fashion, and to be completely honest is more to gain practice for my real story. That is not to say I do not care about it. I do. I will do my best to finish it in, if not satisying, at least a conclusive manner. I will warn you however that updates will be infrequent at best though chapter length will not be under 2000 words. I work third shift currently, and at over 40 hours a week I do not have much time to really devote to this at the moment. I DO have an outline for the novel complete, but currently only about 5 actual chapters written and edited. There will be mistakes, including grammar and continuity, plot holes, etc.. If you see these please either comment or feel free to message me directly, and I will get it updated asap. Aside from a fledgeling authors mishaps, expect to find a somewhat comedic slice of life, with a mish mash of xianxia and western fantasy themes, tropes and the like. There will be some gore, network tv levels of sexuality, and absolutely no harems. There will also be COPIUS amount of swearing and drug use and while I said there would be no harems already he may find people in polyamorous situations. I hope you enjoy this, and as a last aside I beg of you not to rate it super low without justification, and if you give a bad rating please leave an actual review so that i know what I need to work on. *Original cover as of 09/01/20. Mishmash of stock photos and edits. HAVE FUN!
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