《The Demon And The Siren [Completed]》|Epilogue|
▪︎ A few months later ▪︎
"I told your husband the very first time I met him that he should be thankful you're not into girls or else he wouldn't have stood a chance against me." Laira's voice bounced through the hallways as she spoke into her phone with Layla.
Even in my room, dressed up as the bride from head-to-toe, I could hear her cheery voice, her approaching footsteps accompanied by another who I'm sure is Avyanna's.
Turns out, Layla, Avyanna and Laira were best friends until Avyanna left the Black Sea.
Layla had abducted Avyanna along with Ursula only because Laira wanted to ask Avyanna why she'd left when everything was good with them.
Which later on, Layla answered when she came to know what Laira's question was. Layla had found out that Avyanna wanted to become a guard of one of the five kingdoms. So for her friend's sake and since she knew Avyanna couldn't fulfill her dream by staying in the Black Sea, Layla had glamoured Avyanna into believing she'd treated the nymph horribly and let her escape into Seagill. Where I took Avyanna to Valerian.
In the end, Avyanna had fulfilled her wish, become the head guard of the capital kingdom while Layla was a guide to her path in the disguise of a villian. Avyanna had been furious when she found out but then she'd thanked Layla to no end. Now the three of them are back to friends.
I took a look of myself in the mirror. The gown I wore was a pure ivory silk, crystals diamanté decorated the material from my waist upto my chest where the sparkly stones splattered over my décolletage as if the skin of my cleavage was woven with diamonds. The lower half flared into a wide skirt that of a ball gown, crystal studs and pearls adorning the bottom of it.
A tulle veil rested at the crown of my head beaded with pearls that sat like a headband over my head and flared in tulle nets down the length of my blue hair that was left open in waves at the back.
My makeup is minimal, to accentuate my natural beauty as per the words of the stylist, but it is done so beautiful it seemed as if I were glowing. My cheeks were flushed with a peach tint and so were my lips. The mascara did a fair job at volumizing the eyelashes making my eyes look vibrant.
As I admire how everything fit so well and how it made me feel so pretty, the door slid open and Laira gasps, Avyanna no where in sight.
"Oh my goodness! Marilla, you look like an ultimate fantasy! I could kidnap you right now!" She squeals, dressed in a coffee coloured gown herself that hug her like a glove with a thigh high split.
Laira turns the phone's camera in her hand towards me, "Layla, look!"
My gaze lands on the phone's screen as Layla stares back with those silver eyes. She is seated in front of what I'm assuming is the dressing table, her room's gold and ivory interior is displayed as the background. She's in a silk night gown, her hair a bit messy and the strands wet.
Layla and Apollo got married a few months back in Mount Olympus. I and Zander were there for their wedding, both of us disguised so that Zeus doesn't recognize us.
It was a cheerful event and I'd never seen Layla more happier. Don't even ask about Apollo, the man is smitten by her to the point where all that exists in his world is her. Even Layla loves him equally fiercely, it's clear in her eyes. It's cute. Because I know the lengths Apollo had gone to make Layla feel loved and how it'd worked so well for the both of them.
Apollo had wanted Layla and me to interact in some way since she couldn't ever come back to this realm and he wanted her to have some family to talk to. So he'd set the video call routine. Video calls weren't allowed in Mount Olympus but Apollo had stated as long as it makes Layla happy, he didn't mind the consequences. Either ways as long as dumb Zeus didn't know, everything was fine.
Layla stared for a long moment before her whole face pulls into a warm expression and a bright smile lit her lips as she breathes out, "You look stunning, Sea doll!"
I couldn't help my cheeks from flushing at the complement, especially when she had that mother-hen sort of gleeful expression on her face.
I was going to say 'thank you' when Apollo appears out of nowhere, half-naked and wraps his arms around Layla's waist before kissing her cheek, "You always look too."
Layla rolled her eyes just as Laira muttered not-so-loudly, "He's obsessed."
Layla nods in agreement from across the screen but Apollo seems unfazed. He just rests his chin on Layla's shoulder and mumbles, "Why shouldn't I be? My wife is beautiful."
Layla's lips quirked as if fighting back a smile before she grabs Apollo's face and turns his head towards her phone screen so that he could see me, "Mari is the bride here. See how gorgeous she looks."
Apollo stares as if seeing an alien before pointing his finger towards the screen, towards me, "You look like my cousin."
I wanted to kick him in his balls but he was across screen, in Mount Olympus. So I just gave him a bland look right when Layla elbowed his stomach almost brutally.
"Ouch!" Apollo yelped before explaining, "It was a compliment! She looks like a goddess. Aka my cousin. You people just take my innocent self's compliments wrong all the time." He feigns hurt.
Layla shakes her head at him before fixing her gaze back to me, "Congratulations! I wish you and Zander a wonderful married life. I'm so happy for the both of you, Mari. Truly. I'm sorry I wouldn't be able to attend the wedding though." A sad look crosses her face and Apollo's hold tightens around her.
"I'll video call you from the ceremony, love." He tells sincerely, "You won't miss a thing."
Layla smiles resting her hands over his that are wound around her waist, "Yes, and for that you need to get your ass out of here and get ready. Even the bride is ready. You better get dressed and do that teleport thing to the venue. Or I'll kick you out of the house." She turns to warn him.
Kissing her temple, Apollo pulls back from her with a groan acting like a lost puppy as he grumbles, "Fine."
Then he is walking towards maybe a bathroom door as Layla shifts her focus back to me with a mischievous glint, "What did you plan for the honeymoon?"
I blink at that before laughing and passing her a cunning look, "A lot."
Layla's brows wiggle at me suggestively just as Apollo shrieks from afar,
"Agh!! Who left the soap on the bathroom floor?!"
Layla rolls her eyes and turns her head towards the voice, "You threw it on the floor earlier when we-" She pauses abruptly before turning to me with bright cheeks and wide eyes as if suddenly realizing I was still listening.
"Freaky, you two." I wiggle my brows just the way she did earlier.
Layla laughs before rising from her seat as Apollo whines about how he can't get his bottom off the floor.
"I'll see you during the wedding on call. I'll make sure Apollo is there on time. Also, I hope you and Zander make beautiful babies." She winks before a warm smile lits her lips, "Love you, Mari."
"Love you too, Ly Ly." I chime just before she cut the call.
Laira is staring while my smile remains even after the call ended as I process what was awaiting me now. More like who.
"Happiness looks good on you." Laira says, smiling herself.
Then she jostles me to my feet, "Kaitlyn, Carla and everyone are waiting to have a glimpse of you downstairs. Your father is here outside the room to take you to the aisle."
Just then, the door swings open again and Poseidon stands there.
His vibrant blue eyes accesses me for a long while before barely contained tears well them as he opens his arms wide, "Come here, my daughter."
I rush into his open arms and he pats my head affectionately, "I'm so happy for you." He kisses the top of my head.
Pulling back, I spot a soft smile on his lips, "Your mother would be so happy to see you right now."
I didn't want him to feel sad at the absence of her presence so I say, "I'm sure she's watching me and blessing me."
My father smiles before his smile turns rogue as he conveys, "If your mother was here, she'd definitely say, 'My daughter, if that man ever doesn't treat you well, kick his ass across seven seas and show him who's the goddess.'"
I laugh, "Zander would be acutely offended at that."
Poseidon's smile widens as he passes me a wink, "Your mother wouldn't have cared, Easter."
Then he hooks his arm with mine, "Now let's take you to the restless guy on the altar. Shall we?"
I nod and my father leads me down the stairs to the front yard of the Crystal Sea Isle where the aisle was.
Where my mate waited.
"Dude, you look like you'll faint from the nerves." My best friend was laughing beside me, brisking in my misery.
"Keep the water ready in case he does really faint." Valerian states in all seriousness.
"Holy water?" Kane enquires, "I don't think any amount of holy water will be able to cleanse his unholy thoughts tonight." He smirks showing his pearly vampire fangs.
"Bet on that, friend. It never works." Anthony agrees rocking one of his twin baby girls dressed in a white frily frock in his arms. Seven-year-old Cassian blinks up at his father in confusion at what we adults are on about.
"Even the priest can't help us to be pious men. Poor lover boy has to suffer fainting it seems." Apollo hums tapping down on his phone probably calling Layla so that he can show her the whole ceremony.
"Agreed." Evan and Daniel chide in just as they all glanced towards their respective partners standing down the dais with flowers in their hands.
I passed them all a lethal glare, "I'll dismember y'all if you speak one more word."
My hands were shaking with the thrilling excitement. My insides felt like jelly and it must've been a thousand times I'd glanced at the carpet leading to the altar.
It was an outdoor wedding in the castle gardens that stretched to the view of the sea shore. Lilies decorated each inch of the garden in a beautiful decor enchanted by Valerian's royal sorceress, Dulcamara.
Here I was dressed in an ivory tuxedo with crystal and silver patterns, a black tie that seemed to choke me at the moment was wound around my neck, fully ready to get married but all I could think was. . .
Where is she?
"Do you think she ditched you? I mean I wouldn't blame Marilla." Derek went on, pressing on my buttons.
"I'll make sure I repeat those exact words on your wedding with Avyanna." I gritted out stomping his foot. It did calm my nerves.
Derek stopped for a milli second seeming horrified at the prospect before laughing louder enough for the priest to glance at him in question and gesture him to stay quite.
I wanted to pass my friend a 'serves you right' smile but then the music echoed through the place. The starting chords of the music plays, my head snapping towards the carpet as the flower girls flooded ahead.
You say you'll be down in five
The smell of your perfume
Is floatin' down the stairs
You're fixin' up your hair like you do
I know that I'll be a mess
The second that I see you
You won't be surprised
It happens every time, It's nothin' new
My eyes settled on my mate, her arm hooked with her father's.
Marilla passed me a smile as she approached and I lost my ability to speak instantly.
She's beautiful. She's gorgeous. She's stunning. And she's all mine.
It's always on a night like tonight
I thank God you can read my mind
'Cause when you look at me with those eyes
I'm speechless
Starin' at you, standin' there, in that dress
What it's doin' to me, ain't a secret
'Cause watchin' you is all that I can do
And I'm speechless
It was ironic how the song described just how I felt. I blinked like the fool I felt as Poseidon stepped onto the altar with Marilla and glanced at me expectantly.
My mother's laughter snapped me out of my trance as she stepped ahead from behind me and forwarded my hand.
That was when I came to my senses.
Clearing my throat, I flushed bright and took Marilla's hand into mine, a wide smile pulling at my lips.
Marilla seemed amused but when she was at my side, she leaned in to whisper, "I don't think I'd ever seen you so speechless." Then she added, "You look hot, Zaddy."
My smile widened and I turn to look at my siren, not paying heed to the priest approaching us.
I lean forward until my lips brush her earlobe, "I can't wait to take that dress off you, Fish."
Marilla's breath hitches but she grabs the lapels of my tux and whispers back, "You better keep your promise, Devil incarnate."
Then the priest was clearing his throat and we both turn to him with bright cheeky smiles, our hearts souring as we prepare ourselves for the vows.
This felt like a dream.
Because we couldn't be any more happier.
Because we love each other.
Because after every hurdle we went through, we are finally here.
Because this marked our new beginning.
A new beginning as the united rulers of Helvon and Seagill.
As husband and wife. As king and queen.
As lovers. As mates.
And everything began with that mission Mellisa gave us. The mission for. . .
The Demon and The Siren.
I'll miss my Fish and Devil incarnate so much🥲
For those who are curious about their kids, I'll either put a bonus chapter here with their kids or add a chapter in the 'Royal Heirs' about their children >.<
n regards to what I'll write next. For now, I'll be taking a leave till April end since I have exams from March end haven't learned a penny and I have 5 textbooks whole to memorize. Y'all pray I make it alive and pass my papers💀👍
After that, I'll either start with Apollo and Layla's book, Mellisa's book or something entirely new. It really depends which one I'm able to plot down first😭💀😂
I won't completely ditch writing after this till April since I dont wanna go out of writing touch, so I'll update THE DEMON PRINCE'S BETROTHED once in a blue moon whenever I get time through the learning (which I rarely do btw). a standalone book and is a different series, in case you're wondering.
I hope that answers all of your questions. If anything else, feel free to hound me! ;)
Tata bye bye for now.
Hope y'all have a nice day!
The Mysterious Black Magician
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