《Trolls World Tour: Forever My Queen》Ch. 12: Be with me
(Cover art is by )
Our relationship soon took off to new heights after that night. Full speed ahead for just a little under a year!
Even though we were perfectly comfortable around each other and didn't care what any other trolls thought about us, we still kept our relationship a secret. It was for the best, in order to keep the two of us safe. We didn't know what would happen if either of our tribes found out, not that mine would do anything too threatening; I wasn't their queen. Katheryn was.
I thought about her sometimes and wondered how she was doing. Was that wrong? I shouldn't miss her, but I do. I sometimes wondered if she ever thought about me from time to time, or if she had straight up forgotten about me. I haven't seen any sign of her trying to find me. Not yet, at least.
But that didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that I felt accepted and loved for the first time in years. I was finally with someone who would listen to my music, no matter what type of genre it was.
I think Titus was starting to become just as obsessed with the different music genres as I was. Unfortunately, I could only teach him so much about them since all of my books had been destroyed, but he didn't mind.
I would teach him whatever songs I knew off the top of my head, and he would sing them back to me. These became our typical date nights, but my favorite kind of date nights were when he'd serenade me. He'd go searching for a song he'd think I'd like, memorize it front to back, then sing it to me later that night. He'd go out of his way just for me, and that only made me fall for him even more.
I could always tell what days he was planning on serenading me, too. Just like the night we first kissed, he'd deliver a package to my door with a note attached to it. The package always contained a new dress he wanted me to wear, and the note always told me what time he'd come and get me. The routine never changed.
On one particular morning, I heard a knock on my door. I smiled, already knowing what it meant. When I picked up the package and opened it, though, I was surprised to see more than just a dress in there.
I hung up the dress to smooth the wrinkles out and stare at it from afar. Unlike the other dresses, which were usually all sorts of colors, this one didn't have any color. It was white.
I reached back into the box and pulled out the two other objects that were in there. One of the objects was a flower crown that was adorn with daisies, and the other object was a white and grey hair tie that looked almost identical to the one Titus always wore.
I reached back into the box one last time to pull out the note, which would've normally been attached to the outside of the box. I ripped it open and read it aloud.
"My dearest Roxanne, tonight is a full moon! I thought we should celebrate our 1 year dating anniversary in style, so I packed you something extra special! If you could, I would like you to put your hair up with this special hair tie. It belonged to my mother before she passed a few years back. Oh! And one other thing! I won't be coming to get you tonight. Instead, one of my closest friends will be accompanying you down to the beach around 8. I'll see you soon, my love!"
Nothing but confusion was filling my head. This was so unlike him. Also, a friend of his was going to come and get me? I thought we were keeping our relationship a secret from everyone. I guess this friend must be really trustworthy if Titus ended up telling him about us, because then they'd have to keep it a secret as well.
Around 7 o'clock, I put the dress on. Just like all the other dresses he has gifted me, this dress was just long enough to reach my knees, if not a little bit longer, and the sleeves were cold-shouldered. I hadn't noticed before, but there were also a few white ribbons that were dangling from the sides of the dress. It made me look like a fairy. I twirled around in the mirror, watching my hair swish back and forth.
By this time, my hair had grown so much that it was nearly halfway down my back. It cascaded down my back like a rainbow waterfall, and there wasn't a single speck of black in sight. Once it was long enough, I had cut all of the black hair off in order to bring more attention to my natural hair colors. Actually, the white dress made my hair stand out even more than usual, which only made it look even more beautiful.
I sighed happily and quickly pulled my hair up into a high ponytail with the hair tie that Titus had gifted me. I was just about to pick up the flower crown and put it in my hair as well when I heard-
I jumped! What the heck was that? It sounded like it was coming from outside, almost like someone was throwing something at my door.
There it was again! I rushed to the door and threw it open to find...nobody standing there.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Down here," I heard a voice groan. I looked down to see a glowing, green, square-like creature lying face first on the ground. It didn't appear to have any legs, or arms, but there was a small brown bag next to it.
"I never thought I would hate not having any limbs," it said as it slowly started to float up to my eyes level. "But man, does knocking on a door with your face hurt."
"Are you alright?" I asked nicely.
"Yeah, I'll be okay," it said groggily. "You must be Roxy! I've heard a lot about you! I'm so excited to finally meet you in person!"
I looked at him closer. He was entirely green with yellow eyes and a blue goofy smile. He wasn't very big, probably about the same size as my entire hand, if not a bit bigger.
"Yes, I'm Roxy. And you are?"
"Oh, how silly of me! I was so excited that I forgot to introduce myself!" he said happily as he bobbed in place. "I'm the Techno Beat Drop Button, but you can call me Beat if that's too complex! I'm King Titus's closest friend and companion, here to walk with you down to the beach for a special surprise!"
"Oh!" I was surprised. When I had thought about who Titus's closest friend would be, I thought it would be another techno troll, but it wasn't. I mean, I guess it made sense, though. The Beat Drop Button was the second most important part of the DJ booth, with the first being the DJ themselves. That, and I had always wanted to meet the creature who helped introduce techno music to me all those years ago.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you too, Beat, but I thought you were coming to get me at 8?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.
"That was the original plan, yes," Beat said as he picked up the little brown bag with his teeth and scooted past me into my house. "But I couldn't help myself! I was too excited, so I decided to come a little early! Plus, I have short term memory loss, so I would've forgotten if I didn't come sooner."
"Okay?..." I said slowly, completely puzzled. I closed the door as Beat dropped the bag onto my bed. "What's in the bag?"
He spun around. "Just some stuff to help me get you ready for tonight!"
"But...I'm already-"
"No you're not!" He interrupted. "This is a very special day for the two of you, right? So, I'm going to do your hair! You need to look spectacular! Because girl, when I'm done with you, you're going to look SO good that King Titus will take one look at you and pass out!"
"How are you going to do my hair if you don't have any arms?" I asked nervously. Beat smiled widely and giggled.
"Magic!" he said excitedly as he flipped around in the air.
I laughed at his excitement and looked at the clock. We had about 45 minutes until I was supposed to meet Titus down at the beach.
"Don't worry," Beat said as he floated over to me. "This isn't the first time I've done this! Besides, we have plenty of time! Now come on! I need to get started right away." He nudged me over to my bed and motioned for me to sit down, so I did. I sat there for about 40 minutes as Beat tugged and pulled at my hair. When he had finally finished, he floated to where I had set down the flower crown earlier.
"Can you put that on? I don't want to ruin it," he asked nervously. I smiled and stood up.
"Sure!" I said as I walked over and picked it up. When I turned to look at myself in the mirror, I was stunned. Beat had successfully turned my high ponytail into a single rainbow colored braid. I gently placed the flower crown on top of my head and stared at myself. Beat hovered in front of me as he looked me over and smiled.
"Yep!" He squealed. "I've still got it!"
Without a second of hesitation, Beat started pushing me towards the door.
"Now let's go! It's almost time!"
I started walking towards the beach in complete silence as Beat floated beside me.
"So," Beat said out of the blue. "Did he ever tell you who the wooden dock down by the beach was built for?"
"No, he hasn't," I responded slowly. Now, that he had brought it up, I had often wondered when and why the docks had been built in the first place. There was a sign next to it that said "For a friend," but nothing else.
"It was built for you!"
I stopped walking. "Really?" I asked, completely surprised.
"Yes!" Beat squealed. "When you first came here, King Marin noticed that you had grown a special love for techno! So, in case if you were ever to come back, he had the docks built in your honor so you could be closer to our music! Without nearly drowning yourself, of course."
"Wow," I whispered. I had no idea that King Marin would do that for a troll he barely knew. I mean, he did say that I was a very special troll when I first met him, but I never thought he'd do that for a troll outside of his tribe.
"That's amazing!" I said as I continued walking towards the beach with Beat.
"I know! That just proves to show how much our former king cared about not just his trolls, but all trolls!"
When we finally made it to the beach, I gasped. It looked just like the night he had first kissed me, except instead of it just being the dock that was decorated with lights, it was the entire beach. Thousands of lights hung from metal frames that had been hammered into the ground, making the beach look like a scene out of a fairy tale.
"I've got her, King Titus! Just like you asked!" Beat shouted. "Doesn't she look great?"
Titus was standing near the water with his back to us. When he turned around to look at me, he froze and his jaw dropped. I noticed that he was wearing a bow tie around his neck.
"S-She looks...as beautiful as ever," he said as a single bead of sweat made its way down the side of his face. He started hovering towards me.
"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone for a bit," Beat whispered in my ear. I watched him zoom past me and dive into the water.
"What's with the bow tie?" I giggled as Titus stood in front of me. He blushed.
"O-Oh...no reason...I-I just w-wanted to look nice for you t-tonight..." he stuttered nervously.
I raised an eyebrow at him. Something was up. He was acting very suspicious.
"Why are you acting so weird?" I asked as I took a step closer to him.
"M-Me? Weird? What? No!" He cleared his throat. "Sorry about that. Got something stuck in my throat."
"Oh okay," I said while smiling. I didn't believe him for one second.
"So," I said. "What song are you going to serenade me with tonight?"
Titus's eyes lit up. "Oh right! The serenade! One second." He quickly rushed over to a table that had a wicker basket and a radio on top of it. "I-It's more of a half-serenade. I found this song the other day, and I thought you'd like it. It had a really nice tune and it made me think of you." With shaking hands, he pressed the play button on the radio as a somber love song began to play from its speakers. He rushed back over and held his hand out to me as his cheeks started to turn bright red.
"W-Won't you dance with me, my love?"
I laughed at his cute expression and took his hand. "Always and forever, my dear." He led me over to the center of the lights as the lyrics started:
105 is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I want to be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
That's precisely what I plan to do
Titus started to twirl me around with a peaceful look on his face as the music continued to play.
And you know one of these days, when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough.
I'll say-
The song skipped over the chorus and moved on to the next verse. I was confused. Why would he cut out the chorus? Titus noticed my puzzled expression.
"Don't worry. That radio is just really old. It does that sometimes. Sorry." he said as he continued to dance with me.
How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby I don't ever plan to find out
The more I look, the more I find the reasons why
You're the love of my life
I felt my face start to heat up when that last lyric played. "Oh really?" I asked Titus like he had said that to me himself. He looked down at me and smiled.
"Yes, I believe you are," he said confidently. He pulled me closer and closed his eyes as the song repeated the same lyrics from the first verse. I closed my eyes as well and just let the music control our movements.
And you know one of these days, when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough
I'll say-
The song started to skip over the chorus again as Titus let go of me and hovered back over to the table with the radio on it. I thought he was going to start hitting it to make it stop skipping, but instead he picked up the wicker basket. I couldn't see his face, but it looked like he was mentally preparing himself for something. I kept dancing by myself as he made his way back over to me and began to sing over the music.
And if I lost everything
In my heart it means nothing
'Cause I have you, girl I have you
He placed the basket on the ground next to him, took my hands in his, and stared longingly into my eyes.
So get right down on bended knee
My heart skipped a beat as I watched Titus kneel down on his tail to the best of his abilities without breaking eye contact with me. He slowly opened the basket.
Nothing else would ever be
Better, better
He reached into the basket and pulled out a clam shell box. My heart was racing in my chest at a million miles per hour. No...he couldn't possibly be...
The day when I say
As he opened the box, I could hear the chorus, and now I understood why he cut it out. It was because he was waiting until the very end to ask me one simple question.
Will you marry me?
I swear that I will mean it
Tears began to fill my eyes when I saw the ring inside. I clasped a hand over my mouth. The ring had a gold band with a beautiful, glossy white pearl on the top of it. I couldn't believe it...I was speechless. I tried to answer him, but no sound came out.
I'll say will you marry me?
I slowly removed my hand from my mouth as I finally realized that I was not dreaming. A smile slowly crept its way across my face as waterfalls of happy tears poured down it.
Would you marry me baby?
"Yes," I screamed as I tackled him to the ground. The song kept playing, but for the very first time in my life, I wasn't listening. I was too busy kissing him. As we laid there kissing each other, he slowly slipped the ring onto my finger. My pixelated heart started glowing brighter and brighter as he continued to kiss me so passionately. I was so happy! I was finally going to spend the rest of my life with the one troll I couldn't imagine living without.
"Yuck! Get a room, you two!"
I jerked my head up to see Beat bobbing up and down in the water. A flash of heat washed over me as I quickly got off of Titus and stood up, completely embarrassed. Had he been watching us this whole time?
"You get a room!" Titus laughed as he shouted back at him. Beat hopped out of the water and hovered over to Titus.
"So..." Beat said with a smirk on his face. "What did she say, man?"
I smiled and showed him the ring as his eyes widened. Then, he started laughing gleefully as Titus pulled him in for a hug.
"Congratulations, King Titus! You truly are the luckiest troll I know!"
"You know it, buddy!" Titus said as he started dancing around with him in his arms. I just started laughing at how childish they were acting.
"Stop spinning! You're making me dizzy!" I heard Beat screech. Titus stopped dancing and let go of him. "Thanks, man."
Beat quickly hovered over to me and gave me a gentle nudge. "I told you today was a special day." He winked at me, then turned back to Titus and froze in place.
"Wait...what am i doing here?...Who is she?" Beat looked down at the sand in shame at his sudden memory loss.
Titus smiled sweetly as he walked over to me and gently tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"She is my Queen."
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