《Trolls World Tour: Forever My Queen》Ch. 1: Bored of Rock n' Roll


Hi there! My name is Princess Roxanne of the Hard Rock trolls! You seem to be a bit confused. Don't worry. I'll explain everything.

Since the moment I hatched from my egg, my parents knew I was different. I mean, I had technicolor hair for crying out loud!

My mother, Queen Renee, was ecstatic! "She's so beautiful! She is truly going to make a difference in our kingdom some day, I can feel it," she said as she picked me up and cradled me in her arms.

However, my father, King Flash, was not as pleased. "Seriously?" He said. "No one is going to listen to someone like her. She looks nothing like us."

"The only thing different about her is her hair, sweetie. And that can be easily fixed with a little hair dye. No big deal," my mother replied.

My father never liked me, and purposely tried to make my life miserable. But my mother would always stop him...

I miss her...

I ended up getting my hair dyed black at a young age so I would fit in with the other rock trolls. At a young age, I thought this was normal and that everyone did it. It wasn't until I was older when I finally realized why my hair made me different, but that's a different story.

Growing up, I had an older sister, Princess Katheryn. She, of course, was the heir to the throne and would become Queen someday.We would play games together and play music together and have a great time as kids. We even used to perform on stage for the entire kingdom!

Other than her, I didn't have any friends. Again, I thought this was normal. Friendship takes time and we were always too busy hanging out with each other to consider others.

Whenever Katie was off doing princess stuff with dad, mom often took me to our castle library to read. We would read about the history of rock n' roll and we would read about how to play different instruments and lots of other things.

However, after reading every single book in that library for the third time, I started to get bored. I couldn't believe it. I was getting tired of hearing our music and reading about it.


"Mom?" I asked one day. "Do we have any...other books?"

My mother raised an eyebrow at me. "No we don't. Why do you ask?"

I hung my head sadly. "No reason. It's not important."

I believed everything my mom told me. She was very smart and was mostly very honest! However...I couldn't help but feel like this was one of the rare occasions when she was lying to me.


"You can't catch me!"

"Oh yes I can!"

Katie and I were playing tag in our castle garden. I mean, I wouldn't really call it a garden. It's just a few rocks, but we called it our garden nonetheless.

"I'm gonna get you!" Katie said with her arm outstretched.

"Nuh-uh!" I said as I jumped up on one of the taller rocks in the garden.

"Roxy, get down from there! That's cheating!" Katie said with a worried look on her face.

"No it's not. It's called using my resources to win!" I said happily as I climbed onto an even taller rock.

"Roxy, please," Katie said. "You're gonna fall and get hurt! I don't want to play this game anymore."

I scoffed as I stood up on the rock with confidence. "Katie, puh-lease, I'm not stupid. I know you'll just tag me the moment I get down from here. Besides, this rock is actually very sturdy, so there is no way I'm gonna fa-"

Suddenly, I fell backwards towards the ground. "Roxy!" Katie screamed as she ran to catch me. However, instead of falling on the ground like I thought was going to happen, we fell through it. For some reason, there was a giant hole that had been covered up and then hidden from view with the rock I was just standing on.

We screamed as we tumbled down the hole until we crashed into something in the darkness.

"I'm sorry sister, I-"

"Just get off of me," my sister said. It was obvious that she was not happy.

"Ok." I stood up and brushed myself off as I fumbled around the darkness for anything that we might be able to use as a light source. I finally found a flashlight and turned it on. My eyes immediately widened with excitement.


So many dusty books! And they were categorized by genre! These weren't just rock music books. I picked one up and dusted off the cover.

The History of Classical Music

I quickly opened the book and started flipping through the pages like a kid in a candy store. It was so fascinating! Sheets after sheets of music for instruments that I have never heard of before.

"Roxy, now is not the time to start reading. We need to get out of here," Katie said as she started to climb up the same way we came in.

"Oh yeah, right. Sorry. Let me just grab a few things." I grabbed a nearby bag and started to stuff three books from each genre in there.

"Now, Roxy!" My sister was getting impatient.

"I'm coming!" I said as I climbed up the hole behind her. I couldn't wait to start reading!


I stayed in my room for 2 days straight reading those books I had found. I couldn't stop reading them! I read about Classical, Country, Funk, and Pop! So much music in so many different formats! It was almost too much for my brain to handle.

I squealed with excitement as I closed the pop music book and moved on to the very last one. Techno.

That one book alone was enough to get me dancing around my room. I couldn't help it. I think this was my favorite genre so far. This book talked about a place called techno reef where the techno trolls lived and partied all day and all night. I wanted more than anything to hear their music. I was only getting half of the experience just by reading about it. But I wanted to hear it and feel the vibrations of the beat thumping beneath my feet.

I was about halfway through the book when an old piece of paper fell out and fluttered to the ground. I picked it up and opened it. It was a map. A map to the other troll kingdoms! I held it to my chest and smiled.

I was so lost in thought that I almost barely noticed the knock on my door. I quickly pushed all of my new books under my bed and shoved the map down my shirt...

What? I didn't have any pockets! Where else was I supposed to put it?!

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Your mother. Are you ok? You haven't left your room in days," my mother asked as she let herself in the room.

"I'm more than alright!" I said. "I've been learning!"

"About what?" She asked with a smile on her face.


"Ok. Well I'll leave you to your learning then." She said as she was about to leave the room. I thought about the map. If I couldn't listen to their music here...then...

"Hey mom?" I asked sheepishly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, pumpkin," my mom said as she re-entered my room and closed the door. "What's up?"

I pulled the map out of my shirt and showed it to her. Her eyes widened with surprise.

"Roxy, where did you get that?"

"I found it in a book while I was reading. Can we go to these other kingdoms? And listen to their music? Pretty please?"

"Absolutely not! We don't associate our kingdom with any others. Our music is too different!" She said.

"Please, mom! I want to learn about these other trolls. You once told me that I should face new knowledge head-on and to never back-down. Therefore, I want to learn more about the other troll kingdoms. Just one trip, and I'll never ask to go there again. I promise!"

My mother sighed and put her head in her hands. " Your father is not going to like this,"

she mumbled into her hands.

"I know..."

"Ok. We'll go. But it'll have to wait a few days. I need to write letters to the current leaders of the other tribes to let them know we are coming."

I hugged my mom. "Thank you!"

She smiled. "Anything for you, my little ray of sunshine."

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