《OurSecondLife with O2L》Chapter 23


Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Hays

Annabelle's POV

Today is in fact the big day. The day we get to meet our favorite boys of all time.

I hop out of bed looking like and idiot with a huge grin spread across my face. I immediately run to the shower, pulling the nosel, turning on the water. I can't help but sing to all the songs that come on my phone.

Once I'm out, I continue jumping around a singing as I put on some lazy clothes. I glance at the clock. 6:30. Perfect, I'll have plenty of time to get ready.

Now, I know what you are thinking; "What the frick frack are you doing up at 6:30?" Well, our interview with the 1D guys is it 1:00 and we all wanted to allow ourselves plenty of time to get ready. We had to look perfect.

I take the towel out of my hair and dry it upside down for extra volume. After it's completely dry, I turn my head upside down and spray some dry shampoo to give it texture.

I do a cute messy French Dutch fishtail on my scalp that leads to a perfectly textured messy braid. I glance in the mirror and smile. It looks perfect. I look at the clock, 6:56. Wow that's a new record!

I walk over to my dresser were my carefully planed outfit is sitting out. (A/N Normally I wouldn't describe their outfits cause I know when I'm reading, it gets rather annoying but I'm super proud of the outfit I made so ha-ha sorry)

The shirt I'm wearing is a navy blue and red tie-dye jersey that says NY on the front on it. Over it I'm wearing a grey and black plaid flannel.

For my pants, I'm wearing my favorite super duty ripped jeans that I absolutely adore! And for my shoes, I'm wearing heeled ankle boots, figuring Harry will like them.

Lastly for my makeup, I do a super pretty and dramatic smoky eye and some blush and winged eyeliner. I grab my leather Michael Kors bag and put my vlogging and my Cannon camera and my phone and chargers into it.

I grab my sunglasses and put them on top of my forehead so I can easily slip them down when I get outside. I happily skip downstairs and right as I do, James walks in struggling to close the door with his hands, as they are full of grocery bags.


I laugh and run over to help him. I take a few of the bags and set them down on the counter and so does James. As I help unload them, I jump and skip around, reminding myself of a fairy who's on a sugar high.

James laughs and smiles at me. "Someone is excited today, huh?" he asks as I jump to put the cereal onto the shelf. I giggle.

I giggle?

"You could say that, yeah." I say smiling to myself. He kisses my cheek as he leans past me to set something onto the counter behind me.

"Well you have fun, okay? And if one of those... One dimension guys or whatever try's to hit on my girl, tell them that you're already someone's shortcake." He says arching his eyebrows at me.

I punch him in the shoulder. "It's One Direction stupid." I say laughing. He just rolls his eyes and heads off somewhere, leaving me to my jumbled thoughts.

Carson walks in, skipping and looking cute as ever in her outfit. "Hey girl! Ready to meet our future husbands?" She asks shaking her butt as she searches for something to drink in the fridge.

I Laugh, "What about our boyfriends?" She stops and taps her pointer finger on her chin then waves her hand dismissively.

"Well, they can be our side bae's , then we will have our husbands." She says and I laugh and roll my eyes at her. Eventually, everyone is in the kitchen eating the brunch that Sam and Kian made.

Ricky and Tyler sit down with us as we all scarf down the amazingly delicious food. "Where did you guys learn to cook like that?" Scout says with food in her mouth and Kian laughs. "Secret bro recipe.." He says mysteriously.

Sam just rolls his eyes at him and flings egg and sausage at him. Pretty soon they are making a mess of our kitchen and I have to break up the Great Egg and Sausage war of 2015.

Once we all finish eating our brunch it's about 10:30 which is perfect because the ride to the venue is an hour and forty five minutes.

We say goodbye to everyone and get into Scouts car and load our suitcases since we are staying there an extra day after the interview.


Once we are on the road we all scream and yell. "Yass road trip!" Tyler shouts over the loud music playing. Once our mini celebration is over, we all settle down and do our own thing. I decide to curl up and read my book.

For lunch we make a quick stop at Taco Bell and as soon as we are done, we are back on the road again. After about another forty minutes of driving we finally arrive to the venue.

We make our way to the parking lot and have to go through security. "Name please?" I macho man says in a gruff voice. "Tyler Oakley plus 5." Tyler says and we all get out so they can search for any stow-a-way's.

Lastly they check our luggage for any violent things and once we are clear, they let us through. I jump out of the car and nearly fall on my numb legs from the long car ride.

"Whoa doggy, easy there." Augusta says holding her arms out warily just in case my legs decide to fail me again. Once we are all stable, we all skip to the lobby of the hotel which is in fact, attached to the venue.

It's small but very fancy. Only the best of the best get to stay here. Heehee, that us.

The uptight lady at the front desk looks highly unpleased with our hyperness. Listen lady, if you were going to meet One Direction, you'd look like us too.

"May I help you all today?" She says with a fake smile on her face. "Yes, two connecting rooms under the name Tyler Oakley." Tyler says setting his hand on the lady's desk. She looks down at it with disgust as if Tyler had diarrhea on his hands.

She looks back at us with a fake smile again and clicks and types on her little special computer. "Ah yes, here you are. You are on the top floor. Here are your room keys. Enjoy your stay!" She says a little too enthusiastically.

We all just slowly back away and into the elevator. Once the doors close, we all burst out laughing.

"Oh my god she is so scary!" Scout says doubling over with the rest of us. "So help me God she doesn't show up in my dreams tonight." I say and everyone laughs even more.

Once we reach the top floor, the doors slide open and we search for our room. "Ah! Here we are!" Tyler says handing one of the keys to Augusta. She and Lily and Scout go to their room and Tyler and Carson and I go to ours.

We all gasp when we enter our rooms. They are huge and luxurious! We immediately unload our luggage so we can mess around our rooms.

Once our luggage is unloaded, We open the sliding, connecting doors that connect our room to Gussie , Scout and Lily's room so it's like it's one big room.

We jump up and down on all the beds and it's a blast. After our crazy mini party, we fix our hair and makeup and by the time we are done, its 12:45. Perfect!

We all look hot and we work it all the way to the elevator. Once we are in the lobby, we link arms and skip all the way to the Venue.

We finally find our way to the interview rooms and find ours. It says "Tyler Oakley and Teenage Dirtbags." and being honest here, we all fangirled while Tyler laughed at us.

We all go in and there are six seats for us and right across are five chairs, three in the back and two in the front and we all know exactly who they are for.

We set up our cameras so we can edit and upload the footage to our channel later. We all sit in our chairs so the order is Scout, Lily, Augusta, Carson, me, and Tyler and we are all sitting in one row.

Carson and I are squeezing the ever living life out of each others hands. We are all talking excitedly for about five minutes and then we hear the door click open.

Oh god, here we go...

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