《Sunday // Earl Sweatshirt》X


Thebe was walking his way over to the park but was slowly taking his time. He was still debating whether to go or not. Skylar was already mad at him and he knows she will definitely be even more mad at Thebe if he came and ruined her day at the park. Hey Gerard was his friend too Thebe thought to himself. He should be able to spend some time with him too.

He continued his way to park and when he arrived he saw Skylar was pushing Trenton on the swing with Hodgy standing beside her just laughing at how Trenton let out screams of laughter every time she pushed him.

Thebe swallowed a lump in his throat that he didn't even know he had and walked up to them. Skylar looked up first and stopped smiling. Her face softened but then immediately clenched when she remembered what Thebe did. Thebe said hi to Hodgy first and they dapped each other. Trenton then turned around and got off the swing to give Thebe a hug.

"Thebeee." Trenton said while hugging Thebe.

Thebe bent down a bit and hugged Trenton back since he was literally as tall as Thebe knee to his foot.

"Hey little buddy how's it going." Thebe replied letting go off him.

Skylar smiled a bit when she saw that but she quickly wiped it off before Thebe can see.

"Good." Trenton replied while running away to the slide.

Thebe then awkwardly looked at Skylar and didn't know what to do next. Should he just be like, hey I completely crashed your day here at the park but what's up.

Skylar awkwardly stared at him back because she also didn't know what to do. Hodgy looked between the two of them and knew something was up so he spoke up.


"Well Ima go check on Trenton." Hodgy said taking it as his que to leave.

"Hey hey um nah I just wanted to give Sky her phone back." Thebe said stopping Hodgy from leaving.

He decided to leave cause he could clearly see Skylar didn't want him there. So he quickly made up an excuse to leave so he didn't look like an idiot just showing up then leaving.

"You left it back there." Thebe said to Skylar now, digging into his pocket and took out her phone.

He handed it to her and Skylar slowly grabbed it out of his hand.

Skylar opened her mouth but then closed it quickly. She wanted to say thank you but she just couldn't come to it.

Thebe saw that and knew she wanted to say something but her stubborn ways were getting to her so he just smiled. He smiled and gave a quick nod at Hodgy next and slowly walked away.

Hodgy turned to look at Skylar and Skylar looked away from Thebe to Hodgy.

He gave her a look that Skylar immediately knew.

"What?" She asked back.

He gave her another look and Skylar sighed. She knew she was being stubborn but how was Thebe gonna be mad at her when all she wanted to do was help.

Skylar looked back at Thebe who was walking, almost already out of the park area. She looked back at Hodgy and sighed again knowing he was right.

"Go." Hodgy said chuckling.

Skylar smiled at him one more time before shaking her head and running after Thebe.

"Thebe!" Skylar screamed when she was almost close to reaching him.

Thebe turned around only to be tackled right when he did. Skylar landed on him and laughed making Thebe chuckle as well. Skylar sat on him while he still laid underneath her and she smiled at him.


"I'm sorry." She finally said.

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who should be sorry."

"No no. You needed your space and I kept invading it. I get it."

"No no you did nothing wrong okay. It was completely my fault. I snapped when all you did was ask what's wrong."

"Well I guess we're both gonna have to agree to disagree."

Thebe put both his hands on the back of his head for support and smiled at her. He wanted to kiss her so badly. She looked beautiful just sitting there on him with her cute ponytail and the beautiful blue clear sky behind her. It was the type of shit you see when you buy a photo frame and they have that paper on it with a random person or family, together smiling looking all happy.

They stared at each other for a while just studying each other. They both wouldn't know what to do with out the other one. They were a duo. They didn't know where they would be at right now if it weren't for the other one. They were both grateful to have each other.

Thebe suddenly grabbed Skylar's face and pulled it down just to leave a big sloppy kiss on her cheek making Skylar pull back and get off Thebe.

"Ew Thebe you're so gross. You have to stop kissing me with your big ole sloppy lips. You practically leave my entire cheek wet." Skylar said jokingly while wiping her cheek.

Thebe laughed and got up also, wiping some pieces of grass off him.

"Stop denying it. I know you love my lips."

Skylar laughed and shook her head.

They didn't say anything after and Skylar finally went up to Thebe to hug him.

"Thank you. For everything. For being my best friend. I wouldn't know what to do without you."

Thebe took this by surprise but hugged her back.

"Thank you for everything also." Thebe simply said but Skylar knew Thebe didn't need to say anything more.

Because she knew that he loved her already.

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