《Fearless?》Fearless? - Chapter Eleven
‘Where fear is, happiness is not,’
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Chapter Eleven
The noise that echoed around the stadium was immense, but it didn’t surprise Azelie one bit. A stadium full of teenagers desperate for their school’s football team to win, cheering different chants in the hope of raising their team’s moral, of course the noise level would be through the roof. The stadium was packed and it had taken Kelly and Azelie almost a good ten minuets to track down two spare seats to sit on. But after battering their way through crowds and pushing themselves across rows of people, they finally managed to find the perfect seats, giving them a clear view of the entire field.
“Jesus Christ! This is busier that I remember it!” Kelly complained as they sat down in the seats while Azelie scanned around the crowd, soaking up the atmosphere. She hadn’t usually gone to the football games when she was down in Florida. It wasn’t that they weren’t big events; it was just that Azelie usually preferred to be alone, rather than trapped in crowds of strangers who supported a team she couldn’t care less about.
“How long until the game begins?” Azelie questioned, turning to face Kelly. Kelly’s bright pink hair was wavy, flowing down to her shoulders while her face only had a little make-up on it. While Azelie was dressed in a plain t-shirt and a pair of shorts, Kelly was wearing a simple short dress. Both looked casual enough so they didn’t stand out from the crowd at the stadium, but nice enough to be able to go to party afterwords and not feel self-conscience about being underdressed.
“Should be any minute now! But it really depends on when the boys decided that they want to emerge out of their dressing rooms,” Kelly smiled, glancing over at Azelie. Azelie nodded, smiling slightly at her friend before looking back to the crowd, a smile creeping onto her face when she saw how excited everyone was for the game. It seemed that everyone in Bellingham High School had turned up to the game, not wanting to miss the first game of the season. Suddenly, whistles started to ring loudly, and the crowd immediately jumped to their feet, Azelie and Kelly hastily copying them as the football team ran quickly on to the pitch, each wearing a a bright red top, with white shorts and a white helmet. The crowd went crazy as the players walked onto the field. Azelie hadn’t thought that the noise level could increase any more when she had arrived, and now she was positive that their cheers could be heard across the country in New York!
On the back of their red shirts, there was their last name was printed in white bold letters. The word ‘GREY’ stuck out to Azelie, catching her attention as soon as she spotted it. She watched him as he ran next to Alex, the two of them talking to each other about something.
“There they are!” Kelly shouted at the top of her lungs but Azelie could barely hear her over the shouting. She pointed down at the field, unaware that Azelie had spotted the two boys a long time ago. She quickly sent a smile in Kelly’s direction, nodding her head slightly before turning back to the pitch, watching as the team organized themselves around the field, preparing themselves for the game. It was a few minutes later before the game began, the starting whistle blowing as the two teams crushed into one. A surge of excitement filled Azelie as the game began, enjoying being at the game and watching the football. Kelly was stood beside her, yelling at the boys to kick the other teams asses and screaming out directions for the team, even though they couldn’t hear her. One thing was for sure, Kelly would have made a terrible cheerleader, as she would have probably ended up shouting at the team rather than cheering for team.
After three long hours, the final whistle blew, signaling that the game was over. Cole and Alex’s team had won by miles which had caused the crowd to go wild with cheers. Azelie and Kelly had to battle through the crowds to get to Kelly’s car, which was parked in the school car park. There they sat and waited for Alex and Cole while Kelly played Nirvana’s ‘Never-mind’. Azelie sat there, letting the music flow while the buzz from watching the game began to wear off. She felt normal for once. No longer an outsider tainted by her past. But how long would it last?
After ten minutes of waiting, the guys finally emerged from the locker-room, practically running over to the car, giant grins spread wide across their faces. They both quickly opened the doors of the car, sliding into the backseat while slamming the doors shut.
“I swear to god Kelly, if you say just one thing about how I should have done this, or passed the ball to whoever, I will kill you,” Alex warned, his voice light as he spoke. Obviously, Kelly had a habit of giving the guys feedback on how they played, something they weren’t fond of.
“I wasn’t going to say anything guys! You played perfectly!” Kelly grinned, turning around to face the guys.
“Really?” Cole questioned, raising his eyebrows up at Kelly.
“Oh god no! Cole you should have passed the ball the ball earlier for about half the game and Alex, stop running in the wrong damn direction!” She ranted, smirking slightly. The guys just rolled their eyes at Kelly, shaking their heads slightly as they began to wonder why they were best friends with her. “Enough about football! Let’s get this damn friday night started!” She smiled as she started the engine of her car. Azelie really didn’t have a clue about what was happening, but she decided that it would probably be best if she just went along with whatever Kelly had planned.
“Are we going to Duke’s party?” Cole questioned, feeling as clueless as Azelie was about how the night was going to play out.
“Yeah, but food first! Pizza anyone?” Kelly asked as she began to pull out of the car park. Everyone quickly agreed as Kelly began to drive, turning the radio up loud as the feeling of being normal washed over Azelie once again. She never wanted this feeling to end. Azelie felt as if she could do anything she wished. But it couldn’t last. Nothing ever does.
It was about 10:30 when the group pulled up at the party, dance music playing loudly in the air. The grass in front of the huge house was filled with cars, many more than there had been at the party the week before. Kelly parked the car, killing the engine before everyone climbed out of the car and began to walk over to the house. The group decided that Alex was the designated driver for the night before making their way into the house.
The inside of the house was just as luxurious as the outside. The hall itself was filled with drunk teenagers, all chatting to each other. Azelie stuck to Cole like glue as they walked up the hall, trying not to get lost in the sea of strangers. She didn’t know anybody else at the party other than Cole, Alex and Kelly, and she wasn’t about to get split up from them. They walked through into the kitchen, where Kelly quickly began to play the role of mad scientist with her drinks, picking up random bottles of strong spirits and mixing them all together.
“Want a drink Azelie?” Kelly questioned, an evil glint shining brightly in her eyes. Azelie began to shake her head and opened her mouth to answer but she was cut off by Cole.
“I think it will be better if we start her off on the beer, rather than forcing her to drink whatever the hell you just mixed,” Cole interrupted, passing Azelie a clear plastic glass of beer.
“Thanks,” she replied smiled up in reply at Cole before taking a sip of the liquid.
“No problem - but just a word of warning, do not drink anything Kelly gives you unless you don’t want to remember the rest of the night,” he smiled, “I made that mistake last weekend,”
“I’ll try and remember that,” Azelie replied, believing Cole. Judging from what Kelly had mixed together in her drink so far, Azelie knew drinking anything she gave you would be a death wish.
For the rest of the night the group just hung out, just messing around while watching a drunk Kelly make a fool out of herself, something that Azelie found was highly entertaining. In was around 11:30 when Kelly decided that she wanted to dance, dragging Alex to the dance floor as Usher began to pound out of the speakers that were placed around the house, leaving Azelie and Cole alone together.
“Has he always been in love with her?” Azelie questioned, turning to face Cole as she took a sip out of her glass.
“Who?” He questioned in confusion, turning to face her.
“Alex!” She replied, a smile appearing on her lips as Cole began to laugh.
“Every since I could remember he has been following her around like a little lost sheep! I can’t remember one time where he hasn’t looked at her with any other emotion other than love! Maybe sometimes he’d be angry at her, or jealous about something she’s said, but he still loves her like crazy! Even if he won’t admit it!” Cole answered with a smirk, looking over to where Alex and Kelly were dancing, Kelly laughing her head off like some kind of maniac.
“It’s a wonder she doesn’t know!” Azelie replied, wondering how Kelly hadn’t realised that her best friend was totally and utterly in love with her. The only other way he could show it would be actually declaring his undying love for her.
“Yeah, they are both as bad as each other!” Cole stated with a smirk, his words baffling Azelie.
“What do you mean?” she questioned, sitting up straight and looking over at Cole.
“Did you not realise that she’s in love with him too?” He questioned, turning to Azelie with a look of confusion.
“What?” Azelie exclaimed, looking away from Cole and over to Kelly who was standing across the room from them. “She isn’t in love with him!”
“Yes she is! Look really closely, Azelie! Just watch,” Cole smirked, looking up at Azelie as she studied Kelly, watching her facial expressions as she danced away. Alex had gone to to get another drink, leaving Kelly alone. Azelie watched her face light up as Alex walked back over to her, love filling her eyes as he smiled over at her. Azelie was sitting across the room and she could tell that she was totally in love with Alex, just as he was with her.
“Holy shit! How did I not see that!” Azelie cried, looking back over at Cole who now had a smirk playing on his lips.
“Took me a little while to figure it out, but it’s crazy! Both of them are totally and utterly in love with each other, but neither of them have the brains to figure out that they love each other back!” he replied, before taking a final sip out of his glass.
“How could they not see it! It’s so obvious!” Azelie laughed, looking across the room to the pair, rolling her eyes at them.
“I know! It’s crazy!” Cole smiled, shaking his head slightly. Azelie smiled in reply before raising her glass to her mouth and finishing off the liquid inside.
“Want another drink?” Azelie questioned as she pushed herself up from where they were both sitting.
“Yeah sure, thanks! Just beer again,” Cole smiled in reply as Azelie walked back over to the kitchen to get them more drinks. She fought her way through the crowds and into the busy kitchen, which was filled to the brim with guys who looked like they belonged to the football team. She swiftly wove her way over to the counter where the alcohol was before grabbing two bottles of bear. She looked around for the bottle opener, trying to move past everyone who was crowding up the kitchen.
“Hey, you looking for this?” a voice questioned, tapping Azelie on the shoulder. She spun around, looking up at the guy who towered over her. Azelie was tall, but compared to this guy she looked like a midget. She looked at his hand which held up the metal bottle opener, relief washing over her.
“Yeah, thanks!” She smiled taking the bottle opener before placing one bottle on a counter as she opened the other.
“I’m Chris,” the guy replied, smiling down at Azelie.
“Azelie,” she replied, sending a smile back to Chris before swapping the bottles about and opening up the second.
“Are you new? I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen you around before?” He asked, narrowing his eyes slightly at Azelie as she placed the bottle opener on the counter and picked up the two bottles.
“Yeah, I started two weeks ago,” She answered, Chris nodded his head in reply.
‘Oh yeah, I remember I heard that there was a new girl at school last week or something! You're from Florida right?”
“Well I moved from Florida, originally from New York,” she smiled, taking a sip from her bottle.
“Ah, a New Yorker! I’ve been to Florida a couple of times! You must be freezing up here!” Chris laughed slightly, remembering how hot he had found Florida.
“I am! I can’t believe this is hot for you guys!”
“It is! Only get’s colder as winter gets closer!” Chris smirked, reminding himself to check if Azelie was in any of his classes at school.
“I better get going! Beers to give out,” Azelie smiled, “Nice meeting you though,”
“See you around, Azelie!” Chris smiled as she turned away, battling her way back out of the kitchen and over to where her and Cole had been sitting. She made her way back to Cole, finding that in the time it had taken her to get the beers, another girl had replaced her spot and was now flirting furiously with Cole.
“Oh hey Azelie!” Cole smiled, spotting her as she walked closer. “This is Sarah, Sarah meet Azelie!” he said, introducing the two girls.
“Hey,” Azelie said with a smile, passing the bottle of beer over to Cole while facing Sarah.
“Hey! You're new right? From Florida?” she asked. It seemed everyone had heard about Azelie. She had anticipated it but news of the new girl had still circulated quicker than she expected.
“Yeah,” Azelie smiled in reply. The girl looked away from Azelie and back over to Cole. For ten minutes Azelie was forced to sit there and listen to Sarah and Cole flirt shamelessly. Anger continued to develop in Azelie as she listened to them argue over pointless things, observing Sarah as she sent secret smiles over to Cole. Azelie wasn’t jealous, far from it in fact. But she wasn’t one to sit and listen to two people flirting with each other for the entire night. It wasn’t her idea of fun. The girl laughed loudly with her high-pitched shriek at something Cole had said, despite the fact it wasn’t funny in the slightest. Azelie had had enough. She quickly drank the rest of her warm beer before standing up from the chair she had been sitting in.
Azelie briskly walked away from Sarah and Cole, neither of them realizing that she had left. Azelie had a quick search of the house for Alex and Kelly and eventually found the pair in the kitchen. Alex was standing alone waiting for Kelly to finish making herself another drink and swiftly informed him that she was just going to walk home.
She battled her way through the crowds until she reached the hall, making her way to the other end of it and opening the front door, escaping the party. She took in a deep breath in of the cold evening air making her sober up a little however the buzz from the alcohol still did not completely disappear, something that Azelie was thankful for.
“Azelie? Where you going?” a voice shouted, as Azelie reached to the bottom of the drive. She quickly spun around, her eyes squinting in the darkness as she tried to see who was running after her. Azelie rolled her eyes when she realised who it was. Cole.
“The moon, Cole, I’m going to the bloody moon!” She shouted in reply, a little annoyed that he had followed her. Had he gotten bored with the girl he had been talking to?
“Jesus! What crawled up your butt and died?” Cole laughed, not quite understanding the tone of anger that sounded in her voice.
“Nothing! Look, I’m just going home! You go have a nice time with Sarah or whatever her name is!” Azelie replied, turning around and walking off. Cole let out a slight laugh while watching her walk away. He sprinted in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.
“Were you jealous of me speaking to Sarah?” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows slightly. Azelie knew instantly that Cole was just a tad tipsy. She hadn’t known him for long, but this just seemed out of character for him.
“I’m not jealous, Cole,” Azelie replied flatly, her voice not showing one hint of amusement. “I’m just not going to stick around bored out of my mind having to listen to everyone flirt with each other! I’d honestly just rather go home,” Azelie added truthfully.
“Oh...” Cole trailed off, sounding as if he had gone into deep thought about something. “Was I flirting with Sarah?” he questioned. Azelie let out a slight groan, rolling her eyes slightly. Drunk people were never the best company, especially if you were sober.
“Look it doesn’t matter! I’m just going home! See you at school, Cole,” she replied, trying to maneuver her way around him, but he was ahead of her, sliding to the left when she did, blocking her way again.
“You really think I’m gonna let you walk home alone?” he grinned, raising his eye brows slightly.
“Cole! I’ll be alright! I can walk myself home you know! I’m not completely useless!” Azelie huffed, getting sick of the fact that Cole always seemed to feel the need to walk her home.
“I know you're not completely useless, Azelie! But it’s dangerous to walk alone on the country roads! Somebody can just come and pick you up! Especially when you’ve had a few beers!” Cole replied, shaking his head slightly, “Come on, I was going to leave soon anyway! Any longer of having to listen to Sarah’s high pitched squeal and I was going to send a bloody bullet through my brain!” Azelie let out a quiet laugh at the mention of the squeal. It had been physically painful to have to hear Sarah laugh.
“Let go then,” Azelie instructed, giving in slightly as they both began to walk down the road, the loud dance music fading into the silence as they both chatted to one another about random things.
They walked for about ten minutes before reaching the road that led onto the bridge. Cole stopped in his tracks as Azelie walked ahead, his feet not permitting him to walk any further. He couldn’t... it had been a only a short week since he had braved the bridge, meeting Azelie as a result and pulling her back. That had been an emergency. This was not.
“Em, Azelie, I know another way home... it’s quicker,” he lied, unable to move his gaze away from the bridge, his brain screaming at him to get as far away from there as possible. Azelie turned around to Cole to tell him otherwise. She knew for a fact that crossing the bridge was the quickest way home, but then she saw the fear in his eyes. For her it was an emotion long forgotten, but she still remembered how it used to feel. Your heart beat racing so quickly that it felt as if it was in your stomach, your insides all twisted. She couldn’t describe the amount of pain that she saw in his eyes. So she didn’t argue, she just nodded, meekly agreeing with him before following him in the other direction.
They walked in an uncomfortable silence, Cole not saying a words as they both walked along the road. Azelie’s brain began to buzz with all the things she could say to fill the empty silence, still not finding the right words to say.
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