《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 29


In the ship,---

"As promise, I won't participate in the final exam, but of course I get to watch it." I said, skipping happily, while walking.

"Don't jump too much ,you're still injured."

I looked at Hisoka with a 'are-you-for-real' look. Then answered, "Yes, mom~"

"Very good, son." He gave me a smirk and humored.

For the past days, he became nagging all of a sudden. I wonder what happened for him to act like that.

I eyed Gittarakur, 'what did you feed him, why did he became like that?!'

But, he just ignored my penetrating gaze, so I have no other choice but to give up persisting on digging further.

The longer I'm with this two, the more I think that they act like my guardians.

[A/N: of course, Illumi is your guardian during this trip, remember?]

"Okay, I'll be leaving first, I need approval from someone to be able to stay an audience during the final exam." I told the both of them.

"Okay, no strenuous work, okay?" Hisoka patted my head, Arghhh... why am I a head shorter, when I'm way older than them?!

Gittarakur also patted my head and reminded me of the same thing.

I just sighed helplessly at this two, who became my mother and father during the past days.

After waving at them goodbye, I walked towards where I can find Gramps, the chairman of the association, Chairman Netero.









"GRAMPS!!" I called, as I wave my hand and ran towards him.

"Little Yill!" He happily smiled at my approaching figure.

"I heard you didn't pass the fourth phase, what happened?" He asked as he patted my injured shoulder.

"Should I make any arrangement for you to be able to enter the final exam?" He wondered as he talked to himself while still absent-mindedly patting my shoulder.

"Gra-Gramps, that hurts." I told him, which made him petrified and surprised, Gramps then apologized, and worriedly asked me what happened.


"Don't worry I accidentally got injured during the exam, and it's just a small injury, I conceded and gave up in fourth phase because of this." I awkwardly smiled at him.

"Did you already treat your wound?" He still worriedly asked me, then grab my other arm and dragged me walking forward, "Let's go, we need to treat it to avoid it getting infected."

He held my arm as he dragged me along the hallways.

"Gramps no need, Gittarakur and Hisoka already helped me about that." I told him. "Its already fine now Gramps, It's just a small wound, no need to worry." I assured him.

He still looked at me, distressed, but seeing my stubborn and firm decision, he could do nothing anymore. He shook his head helplessly and just sighed.

"Okay, okay, I won't insist anymore, if you ever feel uncomfortable or unwell. You must immediately tell me, okay?" He said, as we pace the hallway. I smiled and nodded as response.

He stopped in one of the rooms , opened the door and motioned me to enter first, while he holds the knob.

Inside, sat the four examiners of the exams, Satotz-- the first phase examiner, Menchi and Buhara-- of the second phase, and the weird-spectacled examiner of the fourth and third phase. The bean like secretary is present too.

Once I steeped foot unto the room, all their attentions was caught towards me.

"Sit down first." Gramps let me sit together with the other people inside the room. I greeted them as I sat down.

A cup of tea was place in front of me by Gramps and he lounge on a sofa beside me.

"Everyone, this is Yilluzu. You might have encountered him on your exams, right?" Gramps said.

"Yes, we might have." Menchi answered as she sipped on her cup, her gaze penetrating me. Haha~ I remembered I warned and threaten her and Buhara on the second phase. I could not help but laugh awkwardly at her, as I remembered that time.


"Yes, I noticed him too. He was one of the participants who just nonchalantly passed my exam." Said Satotz.

"He merely passed the third phase and failed my last exam though." Smiled the spectacled guy.

I laughed, "Yes, yes, the third phase is quite thrilling because of those kids. They have some fun ideas too. The fourth phase-- though interesting when you mentioned the objective but it was boring on my part." I shrugged while smiling helplessly.

"Oh? Then how come you failed?" Asked, bemused, the spectacled guy.

"I made a promise to someone that if anything unforseen happened, I would forfeit. It really is unfortunate that I got injured, so I have no choice but to concede." Regrettably I explained, while shaking my head helplessly.

Gramps caressed his beard and looked at me curiously and asked, "Speaking of that. How come you got injured? With your skills, I could not help but wonder little Yill."

I smiled, "It's a secret, Gramps~." Of course, like heck I'd tell then how shamefully unlucky I am! It's really embarrassing!!

Gramps, knowing that he can no longer get any information from me, chose to just helplessly smile and let it go.

"Is it just me or does chairman really think highly of the kid?" Buhara, lightly asked Menchi whom was beside him.

I heard it, of course Gramps also heard it...

Chairman Netero heartily laughed, "This old man is really getting on his age. I forgot to add his surname when I introduced him, didn't I?"

The others looked at the old man inquiringly.

"Let me introduce my treasured little guy, YILLUZU ZOLDYCK. The first son of Silva ZOLDYCK of the ZOLDYCK family." Still happily laughing, Gramps, introduce me.


Anyways, I looked at the proud old man and the astonished people in the room.

"Yes, yes. They get it Gramps, I'm a Zoldyck." I helplessly told the old man who was still eyeing the people around, of their reactions.

"Tha-that eldest?! You mean, Chairman, THAT ELDEST?!" Menchi unbelievingly asked.

What's up with that huge reaction?

"Is there any more?" I smirked.

"Isn't their reaction hilarious and amusing?" The old man turned to the smiling me.

"Quite so." I laughed, amused. "But I'm wondering, is there anything wrong with me being that 'ELDEST'?" While placing both my hands on my chin, arms on the table. I eyed Menchi interrogatively.

"Don't get her wrong, little Yill. You're just quite famous that's why she reacted like that." Gramps explained on her behalf. Of course, I won't dig on it any further. So I just withdraw myself and leaned listlessly on the sofa.

Then I remembered why I am here in the first place. I jolted, everyone flinched at my sudden movement too and it was funny.

After giggling at their reaction, I then sat up straight and eagerly faced Gramps,

"I totally forgot why I'm here on the first place!"

"Gramps! Can you allow me to stay to watch the final pace?? I can't get to participate in it so-- can I?" I looked at him with pleading eyes, which he returned with a kind one.

"It's not a big problem, little Yill. You can stay." Yes! He approved! I knew he would!

"And speaking of the final phase. I should get it ready." Remembering, Gramps stood, he walked towards the door and motioned me to follow him outside.



But its just one, Q^Q

So this lowly one, begs your pardon, your majesties, for my incompetence. *bows*

Moving onnnnnnn!!!!

It's still the same... This crappy author still don't have a fixed update time...BWAHAHHAHA.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!

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