《Instagram [COMPLETE]》24- Chenle's POV


'Look, Mira. I like someone else. Nothing you can do will change that' I said trying to stop her from crying. People were beginning to look at us.

'Who do you like? Is it YN?' Mira said quietly. I sighed then nodded.

'Sure. I like YN' I said

He likes YN. Taeyong likes her? Why do I feel conflicted. I've only been friends with her for a short time. Maybe if I back of, it will benefit them both. She seems really close to him. I mean they've already slept together. She trusts him, relies on him. She only ever sees me as a friend.

I was broken from my thoughts when Renjun and Lucas appeared.

'What's with the long face, Chenle?' Renjun asked. I shrugged.

'He's having girl issues.' Lucas said. We all laughed as I punched his elbow.

'As if' I responded.

'Did you get the food?' Renjun asked. It was the reason I went to the shops and the cause of me overhearing Taeyongs confession. I sighed as I gave the plastic bag over to Renjun and Lucas. They thanked me as they started to eat. I smiled as they devoured the food and picked up their controllers again to continue their game. It was simple mario kart but they were getting aggressive.

'You asshole! The mushroom almost killed me!'

'Yeah but it didn't and you're still in second place!'

'Yeah behind you!'

It went on until two in the morning. I must have fallen asleep before hand. As I woke to being smacked in the face by a cushion due to a pillow fight that lasted ten minutes. I laughed as Renjun lost the race and Lucas jumped onto the sofa and cheered out.

'I'm getting hot cocoa, you want any?' I said to escape the mayhem as they started another race.


'Yeah thanks'

'Make that two'

I nodded as I headed into the kitchen. I could still hear their cheers and chants. I turned the kettle on and waited. Whilst waiting I went onto Instagram to see if anything happened. I saw Mark and Taeyongs post and laughed. They're idiots, and they know it. I knew they were hanging out to avoid Mira and save Taeyong. And I also knew that Taeyong wouldn't date Mira because he likes YN. Whom I think I may be thinking about way too much.

'Chenle when's those drinks ready?!' I heard Lucas yell snapping me out of my thoughts. I completely forgot about them and turned to see the water had boiled. I quickly poured it into mugs of cocoa powder and added some milk. I took their mugs through then headed back for mine. I sat on the couch and watched Renjun lose again. I laughed so hard as he started to yell at Lucas.

'Why don't you try?!' He yelled pointing at me. I nodded.

'Oh it's on'

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