《Instagram [COMPLETE]》17


Neo Cult

Xuxi_Lucas added @dolphinlelee to the group

Welcome Chenle 👋



Glad they finally added you

Only Lucas can add people so ofc it took ages for him to do so


Hahaa shots fired


Hi Lele

Hi YN 👋

Ohhhh I smell some flirting coming soon

Jaehee I agree, you are always right

Too right 😜

What are you guys talking about??

Everyone knows I'm a loner when it comes to that shit

She honestly is haha

I'm probably asking cause I'm new


What's going on between Taeyong and Mira??

It's one sided

Mira likes Taeyong a LOT

Taeyong dislikes Mira even more

It's hilarious

It's annoying she doesn't take a hint

Can we all agree she is a bitch

She called me a slut hahahaha

Best attack of hers yet

She came to my house last night 😰

Wait?! Seriously?!

Doyoung joined us

Yeah, my mum thought she was a friend and invited her in for dinner

She kept acting like my girlfriend it was gross

She's been doing it for the last few days, yesterday was the first day she got in


Wanna crash at mine, mum is on a business trip and stepdad is probs passed out on the sofa??

Can I???

Ofc 😉

Thanks sis 🙏🙏

Can I join

[not sent]

Have fun kids haha

Not literally

Taeyong and YN is NOT the ship

It's YN and Chenle or should I say Lele

Shut it Lucas 😾

Hahahaha ok 👌

I'll see you at 7 YN

Yeah, see ya

Gotta tidy the house now haha

[seen 18:27]

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