《Instagram [COMPLETE]》6


Neo Cult

Ugh what subject is this again

Maths , like first period every


Lmao 😂

When's the new kid coming

Ehh who knows


He's coming, in the hall with

the teach apparently

Are you not in class yet?

@1_T4e1l can you see

me in the class

Wow you asshats are blind


He's outside the class

Now watch me enter first

You idiot

The teacher is literally killing him


This is brilliant

We shouldn't be laughing

But we are

I just got a fcking detention

That's brilliant

Idiots shut up and study

Ughhh yessss sir

See you guys at lunch

Everyone shhhh

New kid is coming in.......



I had my eyes stuck to the doors. The new kid entered with the head teacher. He looked terrified. He had light blonde hair.

'He's cute. Jaehee was right'

I glanced over at Jaehee and she smirked at me. I laughed and shook my head. Mark, who sat next to me, elbowed me. I shot a death stare at him and he laughed.

Why is everyone attacking me?!

We all turned our attention to the teacher as he cleared his throat.

'Class we have a new student joining us today. Please welcome him nicely, introduce yourself'

He nodded and bowed slightly to the teacher as he turned to the class.

'Hi everyone, my name is Zhong Chenle, I'm from China. Please take care of me'.

He bowed as the teacher then spoke again.

'There's a spare seat behind YN and next to Lucas. Lucas raise your hand". Lucas raised his hand as Chenle headed towards us. The class watched him as he sat down. Mark kept turning to face Lucas and talk during class. It had been ten minutes and Mark and Lucas still didn't get caught. I was studying like a good student until I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Chenle leaning over his desk looking at me.


'Umm can you switch seats with him?' He said pointing to Lucas. I laughed slightly.

'At break I'll talk to him' I said and smiled. He laughed.

'Thanks' he said as he sat back into his seat and I turned around to finish my questions.

The bell soon rang and we all left the class to head to recess. I walked over to Lucas.

'Hey I've had a request to tell you and Mark to shut the bloody hell up in class'. I said. He laughed as Mark walked over. We all started to laugh as the others came over. Haechan and Jisung were talking as they came over.

'What are you idiots talking about?' Taeyong said as they arrived.

'The new kid' Haechan said bluntly.

'All good things. The kids cute' jisung said afterwards.

'Seems like YN has the hots for him' Lucas said smirking.

'She even requested to switch seats with me to be next to him' he continued. I punched his stomach as everyone looked at me confused.

'He requested it as these idiots wouldn't shut up' I said looking between Mark and Lucas as they laughed. The bell rang again as we headed back to class.

The teacher walked to the front of the class as everyone finished their conversations.

'Thanks for switching. He wouldn't stop talking' Chenle said laughing slightly. I smiled and laughed as well.

'You'll get used to it,' I said laughing. He smiled and nodded.

'Right class, for the next week you will be completing a project with the people you are currently next to. I've wrote each pair down so you can't change.' We all groaned and nodded.

'The project is to be on learning about each other and displaying it in a unique way. You will be marked as a pair and the deadline is in three weeks. Good luck. The rest of the class will be planning for your project.' The teacher smiled then left the class.


'Guess we are partners then' I said as I turned to face Chenle. I could see the side profile of his face. He genuinely looks good. He turned to face me and smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. I smiled.

'So what do you want to do?' He asked. I shrugged. 'Why don't we meet up after school to discuss it more?' He asked. I nodded.

'We could meet up at the cafe near by?' I said. He nodded. The bell rang and we grabbed our bags to head for lunch. Mark and Lucas were at the door waiting for me and Jaehee. Jaehee ran over to me and pulled me towards her. We walked towards the door as I turned to face Chenle and wave. He waved back at me as I walked out the class with Mark, Lucas and Jaehee.

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