《R I D I N [zhong chenle] ✓》T W E N T Y - T W O


Unlike Xiu Ying, Chenle took longer than usual to realize his feelings. And once he finally did, he wasted no time to visit someone after school.

He skipped extra classes by the way, Xiu Ying didn't come so what's the point of him staying back?

"RENJUN!", He knocked on the boy's bedroom door loudly, only to be met with silence. He tapped his foot on the floor in annoyance and with impatience.

"Huang Renjun you better not be making out with your girlfriend once I kick down the door!"

"I'm here I'm here!", Renjun opened the door and let Chenle walk in. "I was trying to take off my lip piercing, that's why I took longer than usual"

"Why are you taking it off? Doesn't Jihye love it? Especially during your sessions together, loud and clear for everyone to hea-"

"Just state your fucking problem or get out of my house", Renjun growled and threatened to punch him.

"Okay, chill bro", Chenle laughed, amused. "So the reason why I'm here to see you is because of a little love dilemma"

"Aka you finally found out about your feelings for Xiu Ying?"

"Exactly-", Chenle let out a shriek. "You knew!?"

"Everyone knew except you two, it was obvious how much you like each other!", Renjun rolled his eyes. "But of course I found out first, I'm sorta a expert with this you know?"

Chenle deadpanned. "Yeah, yeah. Okay but anyways, I just realized about how much I really really really really really really-"

"Really really really really really really", Renjun mocked. "Just get to the point and make it easier for us two"

"I like two people!"

That wasn't what Renjun expected. "Who's the other person?"

"A secret"

"I can't help you if you don't tell me who it is"


"It's just someone from somewhere else okay!", Chenle tried to take his attention off who the second person might be. "That's not the point anyway, the thing is I like both and I don't know who to choose"

"You can just go polyamorous"

"Yeahhhh no, the two haven't met each other before so I don't think poly is the way to go"

"That other person must be really different if Xiu Ying doesn't know her, or him"

"It's a her. But yeah anyways how should I settle this?"

"Confess to both persons and take the one that accepts your confession"

"But what if both accept me?"

"That's something up to you", Renjun looked at him. "I can't help you on this, you have to make your own choice. Realize who you like even more, and who you envision you would be with for a long time"

"For a long time...", Chenle thought about the possibilities.

"Have you made your decision?", Renjun asked as he saw the boy getting up.

"Yeah, but I just need to do one more thing", Chenle went to the door and grabbed the handle.

"Thanks for helping me", He smiled at the blonde boy who only replied the same way.

"Don't sweat it, you can repay me by introducing us to this new person if you ever chose her"


"Fucking hell, Puddin!"

"Huh?", Chenle woke up from his trance.

"You started the alarm!", BloodRose groaned in frustration. Taking the confused boy, they ran from the bank with guards after them.

"Hey we can fight them!"

"Not when you're busy daydreaming", She rolled her eyes.

It was the first time BloodRose got mad at Devil Rider, instead of the other way. The first time he was caught slipping too.


Love really does things, doesn't it?

Especially when Chenle was thinking about how to confess his love towards two individuals.

The guards were coming close, the duo was gonna get caught any moment. Seeing that she was holding a bag, Chenle didn't hesitate to take it from her grasp and throw it behind them.

BloodRose gasped. "What are you doing!?"

The question was left unanswered, as he swinged the girl onto his shoulder and picked up to pace running further away from the guards.

"Put me down I can run by myself!", She protested, hands balled up.

"Keep quiet if you want to live or else I'll have to shut you up"

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"Through ways you might or might not like"

"What!?", Chenle smiled under the mask before running even quicker than usual.

A sharp turn towards a corner was all it took, the darkness coming to their advantage. A small area between two buildings as left, and Chenle didn't hesitate to bring them both inside the small space.

Putting her down, he noticed how a bit of her skin peeked out at the crook of her neck. In a completely dark space, it stood out more than usual and thus made it easier for the guards to detect them.

Without a second thought, Chenle went and pushed her against the wall.


"Your skin is showing, it'll blow us off. I'm fully clothed in black, so I'm covering up the skin part", He mumbled loud for only the two to hear.

A blush rose up her cheeks, heart beating fast again. This wasn't the first time, but now certain of her own feelings, it made her more jittery than usual.

Keeping quiet, they let the guards pass by them. Loud footsteps filled the place, but it subtly turned silent. The guards were gone, and they still stayed in the same position.

"Puddin? You can get off now", BloodRose whispered quietly.

But for some reason, he didn't.


"Can I do something?"

[After a long wait I light up the fire]

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