《photoshop ; haechan》t w e n t y s e v e n


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bedhead :))

you literally woke up hours ago

doNt eXpoSe mE- @haechann

hmmmmm ❤️❤️❤️ @haechann @min.hehe

shut up @zhongchenle

shut up. @zhongchenle


"okay jaemin, the first plan clearly didn't work because of stupid hyunwoo, today we're forcing haechan to man up," chenle said with determination.

"uh, you sure about that? haechan is really stubborn," jaemin replied.

"nah, we just need to boost up some confidence and he's got it." chenle said with no worries.

"whatever you say," jaemin shrugged.


"let's go out!! there's nothing to do at home," chenle said while everyone else was focusing on tv screen.

"fine, but where?" minhee asked.

"han river?" jaemin suggests.

"i don't mind," minhee said while haechan nods in agreement.

"then it's settled, get changed!!" chenle said as he ran up the stairs.


by the time they got there, the sun was setting. chenle and jaemin knew it was the right time.

chenle and jaemin both scattered into a nearby bush.

chenle pulled out his phone and texted haechan.

it's your chance to ask

her out!


are you dumb?? ask minhee

out! you like her, she likes

you, ask her!!

i don't know chenle, what

if she rejects?

you're officially the most

dumbest person i've ever met.

just ask her, if she rejects, i'll give

you all the ice cream in the world.

fuck you, seriously.

haechan sighs as he slowly places his phone into his pocket.

"something wrong?" minhee asked.

"yeah, chenle is making me-" haechan quickly covered his mouth.

"i mean no, not at all!" haechan said, he could feel the lasers coming from chenle.

"where did chenle and jaemin go?" minhee asked, looking around the area.

"huh, where did they go?" haechan shrugged, secretly knowing they're nearby.


"actually minhee, i have to say something," haechan started off slowly.

"um, first i want to apologize about the beginning, i was such an asshole and shouldn't have acted that way," haechan said.

"haechan, it's okay. i forgave you so long ago, why are you apologizing again?" minhee said.

"well, remember when i told you, i had feelings for a girl?" haechan asked, minhee felt hurt again as soon haechan mentioned his feelings for someone else.

"that girl is you, minhee, i like you." haechan said, minhee couldn't believe her ears.

"what? you're joking, aren't you?" minhee asked.

"not at all, i'm being serious." haechan said.

minhee connected the clues that haechan gave, he was referring the times about them.

"oh my god, you fucking dork," minhee slowly chuckled.

"huh?" haechan's eyes widened.

"i was too oblivious and thought you were talking about some other girl, but i realized you were talking.. about me.." minhee said.

"and i'm happy i was the girl, because i like you too," minhee smiled softly.

"thank you jesus, oh my god she likes me back!!" haechan suddenly picked minhee up and twirled her around like in the movies.

"okay okay, put me down!! i'm getting dizzy!" minhee gently hits his back.

"chenle, jaemin, come out here you rats," haechan said, chenle and jaemin slowly peeked out of their hiding spot.

"um, congrats??" jaemin said.

"you're welcome i gave you the confidence boost!" chenle said while patting haechan's back.

"now kiss!!" chenle said.

"uh, no thanks, we're saving your precious eyes," haechan said, his cheeks turning red.

"can we go home? i'm tired," minhee asked.

"yeah, sitting in a bush was tiring," jaemin yawned.

as they walked home, they didn't realize someone was nearby.

"hmmm, interesting. they confessed huh? soon enough, they'll be together, well not for long."


a/n: hehe, double update :))

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