《photoshop ; haechan》t w e n t y f o u r


"haechan! are you ready yet? we're about to go!" chenle yelled from downstairs.

"almost! just start the car and i'll be down!" haechan said as he packed up a couple pieces of clothing into his backpack.

chenle decided to have a sleepover last minute so basically that's why haechan was packing a bit later.

meanwhile, chenle and jaemin were in the car.

"you're still not over her, are you?" chenle asked out of the blue.

"yeah.. i'm trying! i'll be fine!" jaemin awkwardly smiled.

"alright, let's go guys!" haechan said as he opened the backdoor to get in the car.


minhee went out to buy a couple snacks for the unexpected sleepover that chenle made up like a hour ago.

"aw, they ran out of chenle's favorite ice cream," minhee mumbled.

"minhee?" a voice called out.

minhee's eyes slowly widened.

no, it can't be..

"nice to see you here.." minhee slowly looked up to see, of course the one that you readers have been dreading to disappear. hyunwoo.

"shocked to see me?" hyunwoo smirked.

"stay away from me." minhee said as she took a step back.

"i'm not gonna hurt you, at least not here." hyunwoo said.

the cashier or whoever was working in the convenience store went into the back to do something.

so minhee had no backup.

"now, let's come with me, it'll be okay. you're safe." hyunwoo winked.

"no.." minhee said.

"what do you mean 'no?'" hyunwoo asked.

"you heard me, i said no. now leave." minhee took another step back while hyunwoo took a step closer.

"you're coming with me, now." hyunwoo said, he looked way scarier then that time where he broke in.

minhee couldn't say anything, no words were coming out of her mouth.


"i take that as a yes, let's go darling." hyunwoo winked and quickly grips onto minhee's wrist, dragging her outside of the convenience store.

"let me go!!" minhee screams.

"shut up, you bitch!" hyunwoo yells, giving a hard slap on her cheek.

minhee whimpered as she slowly placed her hand on her red, stinging cheek.

"minhee.. i'm sorry-" hyunwoo said.

"no you're not! you're fucking using me AGAIN, this is so stupid! playing with girls, is that ALL you do? it hurts, physically and emotionally." minhee said.

hyunwoo couldn't think for a second.

"minhee?" a voice called out, the two turn around to see three boys coming out of a car.

"haechan! you guys, please help.." minhee said.

hyunwoo quickly pulls minhee into a tight hug, well to prevent her from running.

"let her go, hyunwoo." haechan said.

"no! there's no way i'm letting my girlfriend with you idiots!" hyunwoo said as he slowly puts his hands around her neck, into a choke hold.

"stop.. please." minhee whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks, making the slap on her cheek hurt even more.

just watching the scene with his eyes, haechan couldn't handle seeing minhee hurt.

"let me.. fucking go!" minhee screams as she slams her foot onto hyunwoo's foot. then elbowing his stomach.

he groans in pain and lets her go, she quickly runs out of his arms and runs to the others.

"are you okay??" haechan examines her face as minhee falls to her knees, gasping for air. the dirt was staining her black leggings.

"worry about me later, let's just go home, quickly." minhee panted, haechan puts minhee's arm over his shoulder and places her into the car.

"drive! go go!" haechan yells as he noticed minhee passed out.



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