《photoshop ; haechan》t w e n t y o n e


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the trio is back, boiiisssssss @zhongchenle @na.jaemin

um, where was my invite?

y'all hear something? @min.hehe @na.jaemin

nah, probably just the wind @zhongchenle

yeah it was the wind. @zhongchenle



minhee was slurping away her ramen happily that she bought from the convenience store on her way home from school.

she was home alone again, chenle went somewhere with his buds.

minhee became paranoid ever since that day with hyunwoo, so now she keeps her phone on her at all times.

minhee decided to turn on the tv for background noise since it was getting too quiet.

"attention everyone! this is important, breaking news! a female from SM High School named Jung Mina has been kidnapped! the 18 year old student was walking home last week, and suddenly disappeared. the police are still looking around the neighborhood for evidence, such as surveillance videos. if you know anything suspicious about the victim or the people she hangs around with, please contact the police department immediately! everyone, stay safe and have a good rest of your evening."

minhee's eyes widened.

it's rare to have a crime around this neighborhood, especially if it's a girl from your own school!

minhee became even more paranoid then she ever been.

she dialed chenle's phone.

"minhee, what's up?" chenle asked calmly.

"the news.. have you seen it?" minhee asked.

"what about it? did something bad happen?" chenle asked.

minhee explained everything.

"what the hell? that's awful, minhee you better be careful! we seriously need to get a car." chenle said.

"alright, i'll be home. just lock your door okay? get some rest." chenle said before ending the call.

right when chenle ended the call, the door bell rang.

minhee's shoulders tensed up.

she quietly gotten up from the couch and grabbed the nearest object, which was a clothing hanger.


she swiftly opened the door and whacked whoever was at the door.

"ow! what the hell?" minhee peeked one eye opened, it was haechan.

"holy shit, oh my god, sorry!" minhee dropped the clothing hanger onto the ground.

"what was that for?" haechan said as he massages his head.

"well, uh. the news sorta scared me a bit and i got paranoid." minhee said.

"oh, about jung mina?" haechan asked, minhee slowly nodded.

"how do you know her anyway?" minhee asked.

"she's in my grade and she's in my history class, she's hella quiet though," haechan said as he kicked off his shoes and went over to the couch.

"wait, why did you come here?" minhee asked and quickly closed the door and ran over to the couch.

"well, i knew chenle wasn't home and i saw the news and went over because i didn't know if something will happen," haechan explained. minhee's heart went soft.

"aw, you care." minhee smiled.

"uh, i guess? i came for the food and to watch netflix on chenle's account." haechan said.

"rude, get out! no more food for you!" minhee tried to shove haechan off the couch.

"i was joking! of course i care," haechan began to chuckle.

"hmph," minhee pouted and crossed her arms and began to watch whatever was on the tv screen.

"come on~~ don't be like that~" haechan said.

minhee ignored him and glued her eyes to the screen.

"minhee is so mad at haechannie! haechannie is very~~ sowwy, please forgive me?" haechan suddenly did aegyo, the two both cringed. but it managed to crack a slight smile on minhee's face.

"fine, apology accepted. just don't do that again, it ruins the atmosphere." minhee said before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"eh, it still worked." haechan shrugged.


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