《photoshop ; haechan》t e n


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come back to me. he's a waste of your time. @min.hehe

fuck off, i've moved on.

@min.hehe ooh my babygirl is using bad language, but you're gonna move back to me soon enough.

leave her alone, roach.


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get some rest!!! ❤️❤️❤️

young lady, turn off your phone and GO TO SLEEP, ITS LIKE 3AM.

haechan, wtf are you guys like best friends now.


minhee was walking down the halls, in transition to her next class, she could see someone down the hall.

it was hyunwoo.

he was flirting with some girl, he's still the same.

it was too late for minhee to turn around and find a different way to her class because hyunwoo already seen her.

he shoves the girl he was flirting with away, and ran up to minhee.

"hey babe," hyunwoo winked. minhee gagged, she was gonna walk away but hyunwoo quickly grabbed her wrist.

"yah! let go, asshole!" she yanked his hand off her wrist.

"come back to me please, i promise that i won't cheat, i promise!" hyunwoo said, he was trying to look in minhee's eyes but minhee just wouldn't make eye contact with him.

"no, i'm happier without you in my life. if you want me to be happy, then move on already," minhee said.

"i'll make you fall for me, all over again, just watch park minhee." hyunwoo said before walking away.

"minhee?" minhee turned around annoyedly, thinking it was still hyunwoo.

"what, you asshol- oh, hey," she didn't realize she was talking to the haechan that bothered her for a couple weeks.

"this is our first time encountering huh?" haechan said, while minhee nodded.

"well this is awkward!" minhee nervously chuckled and scratched her head which wasn't even itchy.


"who was that guy just now?" haechan asked, minhee sighed.

"oh is he that guy on instagram that keeps calling you his girlfriend or whatever?" haechan asked.

"yeah, he's my ex. i guess he transferred back to try to win me back or something, so that's why i started to 'date' jaemin." minhee explained.

"actually, i think i saw that dude in some of my classes," haechan said.

"yeah," minhee said awkwardly.

"well, i got to go, good luck minhee," haechan said before walking off.

"chenle and jaemin weren't joking.." minhee mumbled before walking to class.


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